God's Justice Is Here!  March 12, 2025

 The Big Kahuna 

The Bible is clear that we who are God's people are traveling through occupied land. The usurper, Satan, now rules over this present evil world since he got the original king of the earth to sin against the Creator, Almighty God. We must occupy whenever we are given gospel victories. We must do this by wearing the full armor of God and we must put it on  through the power of prayer. God says, ""For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spriitual wickedness in high places(Ephesians 6:12)." 

     We have prayed to live peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty. We have prayed for the Lord to take out the Satanic systems of evil ruling over our country.  We have poured out our hearts at God's throne of grace  in hopes hop-es of Him bringing the Beast and Anitchirst systems of evil over our country to justice. These systems have run a shadow government especially since WW II. Now Trump's cabinet team is mostly in place and so these desparate Soros linked teams are making terroristic threats because they fear their ultimate defeat is imminent. 

   Alreaady one Alex Jones reporter, Jamie White,  has been shot to death through the neck. Another Infowars co host, Chase Keiser, has been swatted twice at his home. The former N.S.A. advisor for Obama and President Trump has warned Alex Jones of his intelligence that he heard there have been teams sent to Texas to attempt to kill Jones to silence his voice for the truth. Likewise, Elon Musk has had two assassintion attempts on his life, which have been foiled. Further, we know that they have tried to stop Truimp by spying on his campain, by impeachments, by taking him off the ballot in multiple states, by law fair, by railroading him into being a convicted felony, and finally by two assasination attempts. 

     These Soros, globalist thugs and their bosses are evil indeed. But they are being deceived and led around around by even worse evil leaders. Thus, let us pray for God's protecton and pray for even more open doors foe the gospel to go out and save many. Let us be encouraged to do more good because we see the Lord fighting for us. Pray for proof that will come out in the courts or in military style tribunals to bring these evil doers to U.S. constitutional justice.




The Devil's Timeline Is Being Delayed! 12/13/24


      On November 5, 2024 we were like them that dreamed. After the globalists and their underlings stole the elections in 2020 and continued their control in the elections of 2022, God has heard the cries of His own elect in America who have cried unto Him day and night for a delay in the Devil's timeline of his cashless mark of the beast monetary control system. We have promised the Lord to take advantage of this delay to seek revival and a great awakening in American to proclaim the gospel and plant Bible believing local churches here and world wide!

     Further, some of us here are planning a trip to the inaugeration in Washing D.C. to celebrate this great answer to prayer. Of course our hope is not in the White House, but in God's heavenly throne. But still we see this as an answer to our prayers that "we might lead peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty( I Timothy 2:2)." 


 Still Watching Iran - Elam 12/13/24

     We are to watch for the coming of our Lord Jesus and His coming kingdom over the whole earth. We are to watch for the biblical prophecies leading up to His return. One prophecy that we featured last month and many times over the past years is that of Jeremiah 49:34-39. That is a prophesied air attack followed by a land occupation of Elam. Elam is presently the land in Iran in the center and on the west that contains the nuclear program for the nation of Iran. Notice the artcle below that is taken right out of the current news as of this month of December 2024. Israel states that it is preparing for strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities

Story by Kateryna Shkarlat
 • 17h • 1 min read
Photo: Israel announces preparations for strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities (Getty Images)© RBC-Ukraine

The Israeli Air Force is preparing to strike Iran's nuclear facilities after disabling Syria's air defense systems, The Times of Israel informs.

According to reports, the Israeli Defense Forces believe that after the weakening of Iranian proxy groups in the Middle East and the dramatic collapse of Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria, there is now an opportunity to strike Iran's nuclear facilities.

As a result, the Israeli Air Force continues to ramp up preparations for potential strikes on such targets.

It is noted that over 85% of Syria's air defense systems were destroyed during recent strikes, giving Israeli aircraft and drones complete air superiority.

The Israeli military also believes that with Iran isolated following Assad's regime collapse and the weakening of its main proxy group, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Iran may continue its nuclear program and develop a bomb, attempting to replace its nuclear deterrence.

Israel is preparing a response to Iran's attack

On October 1, Iran launched approximately 200 ballistic missiles at Israel, but the attack was ineffective.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to retaliate for this attack and does not rule out strikes on Iran's oil fields and even nuclear facilities.

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden is trying to persuade Israel to refrain from such actions in order to avoid escalation.

At the same time, according to an Israeli journalist, future US President Donald Trump may have his own interest in encouraging Israel to deliver a devastating blow to Iran.







 Watching Iran or Ancient Elam  10/7/24    Pastor & Kathy

     Donald Trump just made a chilling warning to the radical and Satanially inspired Iranian leadership. He warned that there should be a strike upon their nuclear sites. Their present and vast nuclear developement plants are located in Central and Western Iran. This is the land area occupied by the ancient land of Elam. 

    In Jeremiah 49:34-39 the prophet describes an airstrike on the land of Elam and from the language used it appears to be a strike at the "chief of their might." In current terms that would mean a strike on the ICBM nuclear tipped missles launchers. 

     We have been watching for the fulfillment of this prophecy, along with an even broader Middle East War prophesied in Psalm 83, Isa. 17:1-9, and Jer. 49:  As best selling author and scholar Bill Salus would say, stay tuned for more updates to see these ancient Bible prophesies roll off the parchment of prophecy and onto the pavement of fulfillment. 


     Angelina, Please Listen To Your Dad     11/17/23



 And the Winner Is...                

  A great man, actor and Christian conservative voice, Jon Voight, is worth listening to during these turbulent times. His daughter, Angelina, would do well to understand his insight into the land of promise to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus said that "salvation is of the Jews." What He meant was that God promised the land of Canann to the Jewish people from the river of Egypt to the Euphrates and from Dan to Beersheba. He promised that the Saviour of the world would come from the tribe of Israel called Judah and from the family of king David.  Indeed, Yeshua, the Messiach, ben David is the legal heir to David's throne through Solomon and the seminal heir of David's throne through his other son, Nathan. This is also Emmanuel, God in human flesh, virgin born, the perfect Man, who died on a cross outside of Jerusalem to pay for the sins of the world, Jew, Arab, African, Asian, and Causian and any blend of these people groups! 

     All people would do well to submit to God's gracious plan of salvation. Failure to do so will result in us suffering His just judgment for our own personal sins. Faith in this Messiah from Israel  will result in great blessings for us and our posterity. Angelina, I implore you to please listen to your father on this matter. None of us are perfect and without sin, but the God of the Bible often speaks to us through our parents. When we honor them and the truth that they espouse we may change our destinies and the eternal future of those that we love. Jews would do well do repent and receive their own Messiah as well. Arabs in the land should reject Hamas and those that follow Hamas and receive the Messiah from Israel and submit to His plan for the promised land. Stay away from Damascus and heed the prophet Isaiah in chapter 17:1. Stay away from Rabbah(Ammon) and heed the prophet Jeremiah in 49:2. Stay away from central and western Iran(Elam) and heed the warnings of the Jewish prophet, Jeremiah in chapter 49:34-39. Finally, all should flee to Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world who, according to the  flesh, is descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Judah, and David. 

     This war that began on October 7, 2023 may very well be the fulfiiment of the prophesied war in Zephaniah 2:4-7; Ezekiel 25:12-17, and Psalm 83, which is a prophecy of Asaph, a contempory of King David. God gave us the super sign that the second coming of the Messiah is near! That sign is the return of Israel to their land after Hitler's holocaust and becoming a nation on May 14, 1948! 

     Angelina, father knows best on this one! Please, for the sake of your children and grandchildren, listen to him with open hears and open your heart!

Please click here for Jon Voight's message to his daugter, Angelina. Click right here



Bill Salus In His Own Words On This War With Israel and Hamas  11/14/23


     The foremost writer and Bible teacher on the wars that lead up to and precede Ezekiel 38-39, Gog-Magog War, in my opinion, is Bill Salus.  I have a recent interview done by Jimmy Evans with Bill Salus. This is an interview after the start of the May 7, 2023 war between Israel and Hamas. Since this war, the first declared by Israel in fifty years, may very possibly be the early stages of the fulfillment of the prophesied war of Psalm 83, this is a very important interview for our readers to digest. 

    Please click onto the link below and listen to the Jimmy Evans interview with Bill Salus.

     Please click right here.

Watching The Head Of The Snake  Nov. 2023       

Heavenly Minded

     Israel has been talking about cutting off the head of the snake if this attack by Iran's proxies continues to escalate. Likewise, a leader in Iran is speaking about more retailation and escalation if the present Middle East war escalates and the U.S. sides with Israel. The Iranian leader said, "Zionist regime’s crimes have crossed the red lines, which may force everyone to take action. Washington asks us to not do anything, but they keep giving widespread support to Israel. The US sent messages to the Axis of Resistance but received a clear response on the battlefield."

     The above statements remind the student of prophecy of the prophecy in Jeremiah 49:34-39. 


  The Expansion of The Israel - Hamas War!

         October 27, 2023   Zoo Crew


     As of this writing I just received a news report on an air, land, and sea invasion by Israel on Hamas in Gaza. At the same time I have been hearing the quotes from high ranking Hamas and Hezbollah leaders calling for the complete destruction of Israel. It looks like the expansion of the declared war by Israel against Hamas is about to expand to a greater level. 

     At the same time I just heard a report from Joel Rosenburg, a best selling author and prophecy teacher, in which he believes that the war of Ezekiel 38 and 39 is imminent and is ripening now as a result of this present Middle East crisis. He said that he doesn't hold that Psalm 83 is an actual prophecy of a war between Israel and her Islamic-Arab countries that presently form a ring around her. Rather, he sees Psalm 83 as a prophetic prayer for God's help against a real prophetic description of the desire and attitude of these Arab nations that want to remove Israel. 

     Time now does not permit me to explain all the reasons why I disagree with Joel and side with Bill Salus on Psalm 83. Like Bill, I believe Psalm 83 is a real war. First, because of the writer, Asaph, a prophet and muscian under King David, and his historical decription in Psalm 83 of two wars in Israel's histroy where the enemies of Israel oppressed them for years and then God called for a specific war by Israeli Defence forces to end the oppression permanently. These were actual wars with actual Israeli Defense forces victories. They ended previous wars and oppression from their specifically sited enemies. Thus, it points to the fact that Psalm 83 is a prophecy of an actual similar war with a similar result. The second reason why I believe Mr. Salus and his view are correct and that Mr. Rosenburg is wrong on Psalm 83 is because Irael's enemies fought to cut them off from being a nation in their neighborhood in 1948, 1967, and 1973 which meant that since they became a nation in May 14, 1948 they have not had peace and security from the threats, attacks and terror of their near enemies. But when Israel is attacked, not by its near enemies, but an outer ring of nations in the war of Ezekiel 38 they are living with peace and secuity and no walls. That is not the case today. Thus, as Bill Salus says, Ezeikiel 38 and 39 is a NEXT prophecy, while a Psalm 83 war is a NOW prophecy. 

     Let is watch and look for a good result in the short term and of course in the long term because of the second coming of the Saviourr!! Now is the time to witness for Christ and win the lost. Now is the time for you to receive Christ Jesus as your personal Saviour if you have not yet closed with Him!


  Endtime Slavery Is Happening Now!  7/6/23

Pastor & Ben


     The book of the Revelation prophesies about the end time capital of the world located in Babylon. It speaks of the big bussiness of the end time being made rich through the merchandise bought and sold in and through that commercial center. One aspect of that merchandise is "...and slaves, and souls of men(Rev. 18:4)." Right now sex slavery and the use of the bodies parts and adrenochrome of the children is a multi billion dollar a year commercial enterprise. According to actors like Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel, who are exposing the Hollywood elites and evil agencies such as the C.I.A. that are involved in this dark commerse, people must be informed and stand up to the wickedness. 

     We are in a global spritual warfare and great Satanic evil is being pushed upon our children. We need to fight with the gospel of Christ and the spiritual weapons of our warfare(II Cor. 10 and Eph. 6). Please click onto to the link below and don't be ignorant of Satans devices!

     Learn more about it here. 


  Watch The Chess Board Of The N.W.O.  June 29, 2023  Love in the Park

     In Revelation 13 the eighth and final beast empire, a world wide empire, emerges. It arises out of the sea of  nations that surround the Mediterranean sea(Rev. 13:1). Thus, it will be the revived Roman empire of  Daniel chapter 2. This 8th beast empire is called such because like all the beast empires before it, it persecutes and seeks to destroy "the woman"(See Rev. 12:1-4).That "woman"(read Gen. 3:15) is the nation of Israel who will, according to Revelation 12:4, give birth to the Messiah. 
     This final beast empire will not only be a revived Euro-Med.(Roman) Empire, but it will rule the world under 10 heads or unions of nations(Rev. 13:1). Three nations with lesser nations under their orbit are to be key leaders among the 10 heads. One is the leopard which is known for producing the famous leopard tank. Also, in Daniel 7 that leopard has 4 wings which represents the 4 reichs of its rule. The 3rd reich rose and fell, but the 4th is on the rise. It is the most powerful nation in the European Union. The leopard is Germany, which will lead the European union(Rev. 13:3). This union, like Roman Empire of old, is destined to take over Egypt, Israel, and Syria and to have control over a great Euro-Med. Empire. This nation which will lead the revived Roman empire is mentioned first because it will be key nation in revived Rome to rule the entire world under ten unions. The second beast of Daniel 7 and Rev. 13:2 is that of the bear. The great Russian bear will continue to gain strength and will head a great northern union such as the Soviet Union of the past. It will be part of this one world government that will be ruled by the beast leader of the leopard. The third beast has the mouth of a lion and corresponds with the lion of Daniel 7 which is also associated with the eagle and the wings of the eagle. Apparently the universal language(the mouth of a lion) of the coming U.N. one world government will be English which is the tongue of  the British lion. A great Anglo-American union will one day play a key role in this one world governent. It also says that the dragon gave this world ruling empire under the beast ruler his power, his seat, and authority. Of course, the dragon has been clearly identified as Satan. But Satan has been using Red China as a major player in his globalist agenda. Thus, this red dragon could also be Satan using Red China in a great Asian union working with the Euro-Med beast ruler to rule the world and persecute the woman(Israel) one more time. 
     As you watch for the return of the Lord to destroy this final beast empire, watch for the moves of the devil upon the chess board of the world powers. Remember that one of the previous 7 beast empire dictators will return from the dead, likely by Satanic cloning, and he will rule over the leopard and over the final 8th beast one world empire decribed here in Rev. 13:1-8!

 Birth Pangs Of God's Kingdom Already in Use By The Globalists         Pastor Pitching                                 February 8, 2023 

     The Lord Jesus Christ prophesied of the beginning of sorrows(birth pangs) of the coming kingdom reign fo the Lord Jesus from Jerusalem, Israel(see Matthew 24:4-8). We believe that in the coming 70th week of Daniel( 7 prophetic years before the end of the world and the rule of God's Christ for 1,000 years). But the substance of coming events(famines, pandemics called pestilences and so forth do cast their shadows before them. Thus, we believe that C.O.V.I.D. 19 was a bio weapon engineered by Gates, Fauci, and other globalist master minds to reduce the population in line with their evil plans and philiosophies. 

Putting The US Govt And Their 'Agents Of Terror' On Trial For Their War Upon The World - Evidence Indicates Govt Specifically Targeted 'Red States' With Deadly Batches Of COVID Vaxxes 

-  Revisiting double-bind challenges to the Covid-19 cullers and culling agents 

By Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News Substack for All News Pipeline

A reader recently forwarded this post to his US Senators, with the comment: "Please read the below article and announce which side you are on; that of the Constitutional U.S. gov't OR that of the treasonous, DOD-HHS bioterrorists." I encourage other Americans do follow his lead. 

Send it to your state and federal representatives and ask them: "Which side are you on?" 

If you're outside the US, you can send the same question to your government officials, asking them which side of the US government they consider allies and which they consider to be bioterrorist enemies.

Several months ago, while thinking about Brook Jackson’s case, I started developing some argument frameworks to help plaintiffs, attorneys and judges get past some of the biggest legal obstacles and move closer to justice for the Covid-19 crimes and criminals. 

I published one such exploration in November. 

Nov. 16, 2022 - Some thinking about tampering with evidence and spoliation 

…The main hurdles, as in all the other strategies, are the court-stripping carve-outs in which private cause of action is blocked as soon as US Government officials and military leadership are the named defendants… 

The only way to move forward, it seems to me, is to have a third prong, which is an argument that the men and women doing these things are not acting in their official capacities or under color of legal authority but are rogue actors. 

This is related to the other idea recently kicked around on this email thread: prosecuting Trump, Biden, Azar, Becerra, Fauci, Birx, Walensky, etc for impersonating federal officials (18 USC 912). 

We need plaintiffs, fact patterns and claims that drive a legal wedge to separate the legitimate US Government and the people still operating under the US Constitution and legitimate federal laws, from the infiltrated/co-opted illegitimate US Government and the embedded agents operating as if the US Constitution has been suspended, under federal pseudo-laws through the fraudulent national emergency and public health framework. 

Summarized: we need to get the US Gov in a position where it must either admit or deny that fraud + mass murder is the official, authorized policy of the US Gov., such that the identifiable people who are running the programs have recourse to legal defense services provided by the US Department of Justice, or get cut loose, declared rogue and are then opened to criminal prosecution in their personal capacities…


…For my own contributions to the fight against the Monster, I'm most interested in developing and supporting cases that force government defendants and defense counsel to first, admit that the evidence (the record of their public acts and documents) conclusively shows they've launched a covert war with their people, which is becoming widely seen and understood. 

The government attorneys would then be compelled to choose between two defenses: 

- The war on the world is legal and the use of bioweapons to carry out official, authorized duties and orders to maim and kill billions of people, is justified and endorsed by the US government as an institution. 

- The war is illegal, such that the official government acts undertaken by named defendants, to conduct the war, have been done without proper authority, by rogue actors, who can and will be removed from power and tried for their war crimes.

To the extent the Department of Justice responded to a criminal prosecution of Kadlec, Azar, Gruber and Hinton by using the second argument, the war criminals would be subject to prosecution in their personal capacity, without recourse to sovereign, legislative, administrative or other immunities. 

They would be cut loose from the government, and legally construed as people who committed the war crimes outside their official capacities, while impersonating federal officials, or while serving as agents of foreign invaders or occupiers. 

The advantage offered by cutting the war criminals loose, is that it would leave the core governing institutions (legislatures, courts and executives) and the US Constitution intact… 

In the last few days, I’ve been looking at those argument frameworks again, in terms of the products (mRNA/LNP bioweapons) as distinct from the people deploying them. 

To prosecute defendants for their willed acts and omissions, the theory of the case is that the products in use are military bioweapons, not pharmaceutical drugs, devices, biologics, or vaccines; the program is a covert, state-sponsored, contract terrorism/mass murder program; and there is ample evidence to demonstrate the bioweapons were developed and deployed through military programs (not drug regulation programs) with intent to harm recipients, by named defendants in their official or personal capacities. 

To defend, US Gov must take one of two positions: 

1) Mass murder using bioweapons is the official policy of the US Government, and officials carrying it out are fully authorized to do so, or 

2) Mass murder using bioweapons is prohibited under US law, and US Government officials carrying it out are rogue elements who can and should be removed from power, charged, tried and punished. 

The same double-bind can be applied to the manufactured prototype products, as distinct from the people who developed, pseudo-authorized and deploy them to this day. 

For the products, the theory of the case is that the products in use are bioweapons, not pharmaceutical drugs, devices, biologics or vaccines within the purview of FDA regulation. 

There is ample evidence to demonstrate they were never subject to FDA procedures regulating or monitoring certified Good Clinical Practice (cGCP), certified Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP), certified Good Laboratory Practice (cGLP), certified Good Distribution Practice (cGDP), dispensing, labeling, adverse effects, etc. 

To defend, the US Government must take one of two positions: 

1) The products are pharmaceutical drugs, devices, biologics or vaccines, but none of the FDA regulatory standards for safety and efficacy testing, manufacturing, distribution, dispensing, labeling were followed prior to dispensing and during use; or 

2) The products are military bioweapons for battlefield use, and none of the FDA regulatory standards for safety and efficacy testing, manufacturing and distribution were applicable, legally required or necessary for deployment on military targets. 

Combined, these two challenges — to the acts of people and the use of products — place the US Government criminals in two double-binds. 


A. They lied, knowingly and with intent, when they told the world that the products known as Covid-19 vaccines are FDA-authorized/FDA-approved pharmaceutical products, or 

B. They killed, knowingly and with intent, using military bioweapons that were never and could never be, subject to FDA pharmaceutical regulation. 

The correct answer is: 

C. Both of the above. 

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, I-II, Q. 93, Art. 3, ad. 2, cited in Rerum Novarum/On the Condition of the Working Classes, Pope Leo XIII, 1891, footnote 37. 

Human law is law only in virtue of its accordance with right reason: and thus it is manifest that it flows from the eternal law. 

And in so far as it deviates from right reason, it is called an unjust law; in such case it is not law at all, but rather a species of violence.

Pastor Bloem is teaching through Revelation in Sunday School. Please click the link below to view Lesson 1.

  Election In Israel  Nov. 26, 2022

Image result for recent photo of ben netanyahu


      The leadership of Israel just shifted to the right with the election gains of Benjamin Netanyahu. When Donald Trump was President he and Netanyahu had common cause in the decimation ot the enemie of Israel and the U.S. in the Middle East. Further, they attained to energy dominance as the U.S.A. drilled and opened its pipelines so that they were not dependent on Arab oil. 

     The Bible speaks of a multi naiional invasion of Iran that could destroy their nuclear program(see Jer. 49:34-39). If this prophecy is to be fulfilled in the near future it bodes well for a return of Donald Trump over the U.S.A. and Benjamin Netanyahu over Israel. They are likely allies along with some others to launch such an attack to fulfill Jer. 49. 

     We should rejoice in the Netanyahu victory and pray that Donald Trump will prevail to overcome Satanic election fraud in the U.S.A. We should be watching and praying for the fulfillment of Jer. 49:34-39.

      Election Deception  November 11, 2022

Pastor & Ben



               The Lord Jesus warned us that the last days just before the return of Christ would be a time of great deception. He warned His disciples to therefore not be deceived. He told 12 of His closest followers, "Take heed that no man deceive you(Matt. 24:4). Yet, the World Economic Forum is deceiving nations world wide. The fake news main stream media majors in deception. Money is being used to buy the news, to buy off political parties, and to buy judges who will not give "standing" to those that seek justice against election fraud in the courts of America. The 2020 Presidential election was stolen like in no way or in such a degree to be beyond historical comparison. Likewise, these 2022 elections were stolen beyond any previous comparable midterm elections. The fact that any American would buy it simply shows the ignorance, the simplicity, and the lack of discernment in that person. 

     Let the following words of the insightful and wise Mr. Wayne Allen Root help to open your eyes to the truth. Then get in your Bible and see the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord and soon coming King. 

"If the outcome makes no sense, if the outcome is literally impossible, then it is what it is. Forget “proof.” You know it. You saw it. You felt it. You experienced it. It happened. It’s real.

The 2022 midterm was just stolen. Just like 2020. 


If you disagree, you’re either delusional, or terribly naïve, or brain dead. Or you’re in on the fix. 

It’s time to admit we’re all part of a massive experiment in fraud, theft, brainwashing, and gaslighting to a degree never seen in world history.

Think of all the times in just the past few years you’ve been gaslighted. They lied to you about open borders…they lied about Hillary’s 30,000 deleted emails…they lied about spying on Trump…they lied about Russian Collusion…they lied about a perfectly fine Ukrainian phone call…they lied about massive Biden corruption in Ukraine and China… they lied about the Hunter Biden laptop…they lied about the origins of Covid…they lied about the need for lockdowns and masks…they lied about the need for Covid vaccines…they lied about the vaccines being “safe and effective”…they lied and covered up all the deaths and injuries from the vaccine…they lied about the success of miracle drugs Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin…they lied about the stolen 2020 election…

You’ve been the victims of nonstop severe gaslighting for a decade now. You’re all part of a human psychology experiment in the limits that government and media can go in propaganda and brainwashing…while you can see they’re lying right in front of your eyes.

And these are the exact same people now telling you Democrats just over-performed, and stopped a GOP red landslide, against all odds, without cheating and stealing the midterm election. 

Historically, every president in history facing his first midterm experiences a tough day with automatically 20 to 30 House seats lost…and 4 or more Senate seats lost…but this terribly unpopular President Biden is brain dead with severe dementia, and can’t put 3 coherent sentences together…Yet Biden defied history?


While also facing the worst economy in modern history…and the worst inflation in America’s history…and out of control crime…and open borders…and failing schools…and polls showing 75% of Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction…Yet Biden beat all of that?

If you believe Democrats made a miracle happen, without cheating, rigging and stealing…I have a bridge to sell you, over the Atlantic Ocean, in the Vegas desert.

First, every poll in the country showed a gigantic GOP landslide victory- ranging from red wave, to red tsunami. Polls even showed women moved 32 points from September to October in favor of the GOP. 

But in the end they all moved back to Biden and Democrats? Does that make sense to you? 

Second, every poll in the country showed the top two issues, by a mile, were inflation and the economy. And crime was in second place, along with open borders. 

And they all voted for Biden and the Democrats? Does that make sense to you? 

CNN’s own exit polls showed the GOP made massive gains among almost every voting group- men, women, white men, white women, blacks, Hispanics, young people. Everyone.

And they all voted for Biden and the Democrats? Does that make sense to you? 

In this environment where Americans can’t afford gas…or groceries…or rent…with the economy failing…inflation raging…scared to death of losing their jobs…living in cities plagued by violent crime, mass shoplifting, homeless everywhere, streets lined with poop, pee, drug needles…and failing schools intent on teaching your children to become masked transgenders…

In this environment, they all voted for Biden and the Democrats? Does that make sense to you? 

That they looked around at the disaster one man has created in only two years, and they defied a century of historic midterm defeats for the party in power…and voted for Democrats?Folks, you’ve been gaslighted.

But the real proof the midterm was rigged and stolen is…FLORIDA.

In Florida the GOP won a landslide. DeSantis and Rubio and everyone else in the Florida GOP won in a red tsunami. The same one the polls showed was happening in the entire country.

Guess what Florida has? Florida has strict Voter ID, strict laws against voter fraud, severe prison terms for anyone caught trying to commit voter fraud, no mail-in ballots sent to every voter, no ballot drop boxes, no ballot harvesting, no ballots accepted for days after Election Day, no counting for days until the desired result is achieved by the Democrat Party.

Isn’t it a funny and strange coincidence that in that state, with all of those strict rules against cheating, the GOP red tsunami happened as predicted? But everywhere else, where there are no strict laws against voter fraud, and they allow all that cheating, the red tsunami fizzled. 

And that under-performance is being blamed on Trump? And on conservative MAGA candidates? 

Yet in Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis is the most Trump-like, MAGA, America First, anti-woke, anti-trannie, in-your-face, ultra conservative politician in all of America. And with that ultra MAGA message, plus strict voting fraud laws…the GOP swept to a landslide victory.

And in most other places, they didn’t. Coincidence?

Folks, we’ve been robbed. Again. This was a repeat of 2020. They’ve fixed, rigged and stolen the election. First, they robbed us of the Presidency. Now they’ve robbed us of a red Republican landslide. And now they’re trying to blame it on Trump. 

This is gaslighting. And we’ve had our election stolen- again."





  Perilous Times Prophesied 8/17/22

 Pastor proclaims the victor

August 15, 2022 

Medical Doctor Calls Out The COVID Vaccine Deaths And Propaganda - High Cancer Rates Also Associated With The Shot - The Mainstream Media Will Never Report On This 

By Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn of the Blue State Conservative for All News Pipeline

The main propaganda line is that vaccines and boosters are ‘safe and effective’ and prevent severe illness and death. These are lies, as shown by the data. 

COVID propaganda lies set a record in the history of the human race. It has killed millions of people. 

The recent sharp increase in COVID deaths has caught my attention. I have been watching daily COVID statistics in The Washington Post. A few months ago, the 7-day average for deaths was about 300. In last Sunday’s paper, it was 500. 

That is about a 70% increase! 

This is despite all the vaccine and booster shots that a majority of Americans have taken. Yet there is no attention to this anywhere. Why are more people dying from COVID?

Because what hospitals are doing is ineffective. It’s not working. 

Have the vaccines and boosters wrecked the immune systems of many people? So as the transmission of the virus continues, people are getting sick enough to die.

If more people took a high dose of vitamin D, this high death rate could be prevented. See my previous essay on Vitamin D. 

When will the truth about the vaccines and boosters be widely seen? 

Another explanation may be the vast numbers of illegal aliens coming across the Southern Border. Many likely have poor immune systems and have not been vaccinated. But hospitals are not reporting whether such people are dying from COVID. 

What is the cancer connection to COVID? 

A researcher who queried the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) discovered a 10,661.4% increase in cancer reports as a result of experimental COVID-19 gene-based vaccines as compared with all FDA-approved vaccines over the last 30 years. 

It’s important to always remember that VAERS likely only reports as little as 1 percent of actual impacts because it is voluntary and burdensome reporting that most doctors and others do not take the time to use. 

Brian Shilhavy, who is the editor of Health Impact News, traced his steps in the search providing links to documentation of his various findings. 

Having first queried the cases of “the most common cancers [that] had been reported following COVID-19 vaccines,” he found “837 cases of cancer, including 88 deaths, 66 permanent disabilities, and 104 life-threatening events.” 

He emphasized that even these numbers were not exhaustive, and the VAERS database could not handle the larger search of “ALL cancers listed in VAERS” under this category of COVID inoculations. 

“Using the exact same search terms for cancer,” he wrote, “I then searched ALL FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years and found only 140 cases of cancer reported.” 

“That result is for 360 months (30 years), whereas the 837 cases following the experimental COVID-19 vaccines were reported in just 20 months, since the roll-out of the COVID-19 shots beginning in December of 2020,” Shilhavy wrote. 

“That is an increase of 10,661.4%!” he concluded. 

Shilhavy also made note of the significant number of the cancer cases in the database that were of young people, from age 12 up through many young adults in their 20s. 


      Urgent! Delay The Devil's Timeline!  7/29/22

The Fam


 The New World Order elites are fast tracking their globalist plan to tighten the noose on their worldwide control. They have already stolen the 2020 Presidential election and installed their puppet fake "President" over the U.S.A. They, under their shadow government leader Obama, have been using him to make numerous executive orders to implement their plans for a one world government under their control. Of course, as we see from Genesis to the Revelation that is Satan' plan as well. But their next big obstacle is the 2022 midterms. They must steal them in a big enough manner so as to prevent a pro Trump, anti-globalist Congress from exposing their many lawless deeds. Thus, they have plans to use the monkey pox virus and the Marburg virus which is an Ebola like strain. They want to cause panic, masking up again and lockdowns with mail in ballots and ballot boxes to put in their fraudulent ballots and to protect their Congressional power. Further, as one can easily see with the January 6 committee and the threats to indict their political enemy, Donald Trump, they plan to indict Trump, possibly as an October surprise for the midterms. They have already been using their bribed judges and courts to persecute pro Trump man, Steve Bannon. They are now using the courts to persecute and to attempt to shut down the broadcasts of Alex Jones of InforWars fame. But this Pastor believes that God Almighty has been, through our prayers, protecting key people and His anointed President for stopping their plans and pushing back their timeline. Therefore, we must keep watching, praying, and working to get the gospel out. We must stand boldly for the truth of the gospel of Christ and against the Satanic globalist plan to bring in the mark of the beast!


   Still Watching For The Prophecy On Iran(Elam)

July 20, 2022 Pastor & Kathy

     We have been reporting for a long time about a coming attack that is prophesied in Jeremiah 49:34-39. There will be a coalition that will attack the nuclear sites in ancient Elam, which is in central and western Iran today. The "bow of Elam" speaks to the ICBM's that they want to use to shoot nuclear warheads at Israel. The God of Israel says that He is against it and will lead this aerial attack from the four winds.
     We have just heard that Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the globalist U.S.A. are planning together to attack the nuclear program in Iran. We are watching for this prophesy to soon be fulfilled. Further, that attack will end the rule of the present evil regime in Iran. On top of that, the attack will lead to a refuge crisis and many dispersed Iranians will seek refuge world wide because of this great military option. 
     Keep working, watching, and waiting for God's word will be fulfilled at long last. 

  G.O.P. In Texas- A Voice For Moral Sanity  6-21-22

The Bloems


     We live in days when there is so much vocal reprobate insanity in America that the souls of righteous people are vexed by it from day to day. But today we have a good report from the platform of the Texas G.O.P. leading up to the midterm electiions. Firstly, the G.O.P. went on record to state that the 2020 Presidential elections were unconstitutional and in violation of election laws for the states throughout the country. Thus, they rejected the legitimacy of  a Biden Presidency. Secondly, in light of the unconstituional overeaches of the federal government they have opted to move to sucede and so they have come out in favor of  the state of Texas suceding from the union. Finally, they took a stand against the homosexual lifestyle as being unnatural and stood against the transexual(transgender) movement as well. 

     Liberals and Rhinos will no doubt call this platform "extreme."  In light of the extreme lawlessness and fraud released upon the union, this Texas G.O.P. platform is a measure in kind for what the leftest, globalists have foisted upon us. But actually it is mainstream Americana when one looks at the history of America. May this be the beginning of many more Americans realizing and proclaiming,  as God has said.  that "righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people(Proverbs)."  

     God had a salt covennant with Sodom and He no doubt has one with America. The left has a vocal minority. May we have a vocal core of soul winning, bible believing Amercans that give the gospel boldly and stand up for God's truth with great boldness of life and lip as well. May our God spare America and push back the timeline of the globalist agenda!


     Watch For Banning Free Speech Protests Against The "Jab."  6-7-22  Los Tres Amigos

     The flollowing is a quote about the "covid vaccine" or the globalist bio weapon. It is alleged that the most imminent Dr. protesting the "jab" has been banned from the forum called Truth Social." If that is so it is very disturbing news. Let us watch and pray concerning attacks on the First Amendment whether from the right or left!

This “vaccine” (or as I call it, The Poison Death Shot) is a bioweapon, which is injecting spike proteins laced with synthesized snake venom and nanoparticles that are placing Artificial Intelligence inside the bodies of victims, with its basis in Quantum Computing, which many believe is rooted in demonic forces. This is transhumanism playing out before our eyes, and Dr Tenpenny has been at the forefront at calling this out.

  Watching The World Economic Forum

May 25, 2022  

Pastor & Jesse


The World Economic Forum has been meeting in Davos, Switzerland to speak about their globalist control agenda which is geared to vote in their "globalist treaty" which is being used to cause various governments worldwide to adopt it. This includes the adoption of it by the fraudulent Biden regime which has come into power by a voter fraud coup de stat which has been proven to be true by the movie, "2,000 Mules."  This "treaty" is a naked power grab which hands over our national sovereignty to the W.H.O. They are using their bioweapons such as "C.O.V.I.D. 19" and now Monkey Pox to bring about more mask mandates, more "vaccines," more forced mandates of these, more lockdowns, more food shortages, and economic crashes so that they can roll out their one world monetary cashless system. The rolling out of these pandemics (which they prepare in labs such as in Wuhan) from the lesser to the greater are geared to bring about mandatory "vaccines." The globalists' vaccines were already in place before they launched each bioweapon. The "vaccines" are the second half of the globalist punch (first the bioweapon and then their fake “cure," their jabs. Now the monkey pox has magically appeared in 83 countries, but it is meant to lock you down, to kill more of you, and to control your movements, and to weaken your further undermine your natural immune systems. In Matthew 24 Jesus prophesied how "pestilence" or pandemics would be used to bring about the one world mark of the beast system. We must pray, spread the truth, and practice civil disobedience to their illegal and unconstitutional system. We must resist their globalist control agenda and pray for God to bring them to justice to push back the enemy’s timeline. We must focus on the great commission of Christ and refuse to close our church doors as well as refuse to close our mouths on His good news! We need to pray for a worldwide awakening to Satan's agenda. We are close to a tipping point to foil their now open attempts to keep us as slaves. We must stand up against them. 




The German Man Who Now Rules The World!  March 24, 2022



 The following article is written by Dave Hodges, a man  that is known for just telling the truth and "letting the chips fall where they may." It is about a man that Satan in currentlly using in a giantic way and it is about the people who are following his lead. We need to know the truth and pray for God's divine intervention in Satan's obvious final push for his N.W.O. beast control system. When that is implemented it will bring in the Great Tribulation about which our Lord Jesus has repeatedly warned us.

To read Dave article and to find out who this man is and who is helping him just click here.


Turning Over The Rock To Shed Light On  Cynthia is HonoredThe Bugs!     March 21, 2022

      It is one thing to read the many Bible prophecies about the coming mark of the beast, and another thing to see the mystery of iniquity at work in concrete terms to bring it about right now!  Even unsaved people are saying that we are living in the end times. We can see the handwriting on the wall. We desparately need a mighty move of the Spirit of the Lord to bring about a revival and to turn the tide in America and world wide.  We are still praying for our God to judge the systems of evil controlling America. The evidence against these evil doers continues to mount up. 

     When looking at the evil doers such as Soros, Gates, Fauci, Schwaub, Obama, the Clintons, the Bidens, Pelosi, Romney, McConnell, Lindsey Graham and many other Deep Stated actors, one cannot help but think of the prophecy in the book of James about the evil globalist fruaudsters of the end time. It says, "Go to ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moutheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat up your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure togeher for the last days. Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth. Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter(these elites bankers and deep state government officials who profit from all these wars that kill our young people and many civilians are the ones in view here). Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you(James 5:1-6)." 

     This passage calls for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to judge these wicked elites who are perpetrating these end time evils that will soon bring in the mark of the beast. But we should pray first for a mini day of the Lord wrath to judge these wicked Satanists! We should pray for a delay in Satan's timeline and cry out for a last big missionary outreach before the final end time one world govenment comes to pass.

To read about the specifics of what these evil doers are now doing, please click here. 


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         Information For Prayer Warriors at S.R.B.C. and Beyond                                Pastor Randy Bloem

March 15, 2022

     The following is information for Interdession written by Kathleen D. Mitchell that was forwarded to me by brother Harold Cameron of S.R.B.C.

1:  War is raging between Ukraine and Russia … so have the propaganda campaigns surrounding this conflict. What is it all about? What is the truth? All I can say is that there is more to this conflict than what meets the eye! Things are not what they appear to be, nor what the media, and the US State Dept. project as certain truth. Here are some things for consideration and prayer:


Evidence has now been produced that America (the Defense Dept. and the CIA particularly) funded and established numerous bio-weapons centers in the Ukraine, while Mr. Obama was in the White House. The current administration in Washington, and the main stream media, are screaming that this is just a disinformation campaign by Russia. However, the evidence being collected suggests that it is true. Even an American official (during questioning at the capital before a Senate committee, about whether the American had any bioweapons labs in Ukraine) stated the fact that there was concern that bioweapons facilities and materials located within Ukraine could fall into Russian hands. So, they ARE THERE! Putin made some strategic pinpoint hits on a number of these bioweapons’ installations, located within striking distance of Putin’s nation’s borders. Obviously, the Russian president was aware of their presence, because of such careful and precise targeting. At the same time, there are massive reports that the Russians have been mercilessly, mindlessly, murdering the Ukrainian peopleIs that true? There are Ukrainian citizens, and unbiased reporters in the Bundas region (the two districts of Donetsk and Luhansk), who have video footage of the carnage, which is being committed by fascist Ukrainian militias in the employ of the West and the WEF. Now that makes sense. Why?  When this territory was divided up after WW2 … the eastern part of the country (that had been part of Russia), and the western part that was more European (and hated Russia) … the country was divided in more ways than just in land mass. The east was ethnically Russian and Russian Orthodox in faith. The western part was more German/ European, and was under the Roman Catholic faith. Without going into lengthy details, there has been a civil war of sorts going on in Ukraine for many years.  This violence is not a new thing.  Most recently, after 8 years of active attacks from the western Ukrainian militias, (leaving 14,000 people of eastern Ukraine dead at the hands of troops representing the western region), the people of this Bundas region asked Russia to help them become independent from the western portion. They had been impoverished and hated because of their Russian ethnicity and connections … and because of their faith. (NOTE: Honestly, those two separate portions should never have been made into one country.) That territory division was the work of greedy oligarchs, who were eyeing the wheat, oil, and mineral wealth of Ukraine for themselves. They could influence the western portions into globalistic, western ideals, while keeping an anti-Russian sentiment alive against the eastern portions of Ukraine. Surely, Russia has also been interested in regaining what was originally part of Russia, and also regaining those natural resources. Russia supplies gas to Europe by way of passage through Ukrainian territory.  At any time, the Russia supply could be cut off, or intercepted by hostile powers. I find it interesting that the World Economic Forum and the US State Dept. are vociferously condemning Putin and thoroughly demonizing him, while seeking to decimate the Russian economy. Huummm … anything that the Luciferian elites hate and condemn is likely something that the Lord is using for His purposes against those Luciferian elites. Putin is no angel, but he certainly is not the total villain that the cold war propagandized about the USSR. He has done more for Christians and Jews, than other western leaders until Trump became president. He is the only major leader, who did not allow the elite’s Central Banking system in his country … because it is a crooked, and thieving system of the globalists, that keeps nations in perpetual debt to them. Putin’s mother is Russian Orthodox by faith, but has a Jewish maiden name. That could be playing a role in what is going on. Remember, the Luciferians HATE the Christians and the Jews.


Zelensky, the current President of Ukraine, is a recent acquisition for that country. He was “elected” in 2019 … an actor and comedian, up to that point, without any political or governmental training/experience. Klaus Schwab and George Soros tutored and promoted him. Hummm … might that suggest he is a puppet to maintain the territory and the evil business being conducted in that nation by the global elite? The geopolitical history must be explored, as well as the background of the players in this game. It’s interesting to note that Ukraine is known globally for being a major center for money laundering, international crime, and sex trafficking by the Khazerian Mafia. Hunter Biden (Joe’s son), along with John Kerry’s son, and Nancy Pelosi’s offspring (and others) have been connected with a major elite player in Ukraine, and have been getting payments from his Burisma Energy company … as well as from other businesses in the elite portfolio. At the very least there are major conflicts of interest for the Biden family to be having governmental power, and personal interests in the government of Ukraine … as well as in this war with Russia.  Nothing about this Ukraine/Russia conflict is clean and honest. For certain, Putin has been outspoken about the leadership of western Ukraine being Nazi in its politics, as well as being anti-Semitic. That truth is clear, and has been evidenced strongly; particularly in the insignia and posters seen in Ukraine’s color revolutions. Putin also hates pedophilia and human trafficking. He does not allow LGBTQ indoctrination to be taught in Russia’s schools. There is much to consider in all this. Not the least is the way the doctrines of the western church have set up Russia to be the major aggressor against Israel in the end time battles. Sometimes national political leanings, and popular thought (often propaganda) will influence perceptions, interpretations of scripture, theologies and doctrines. Looking only at military intelligence reports, and laying them on top of scriptures, can also be problematic. The prophetic has a role to play in all this. If it is left out of the equation, in favor of doctrinal assumptions and military appraisals, there can be errors in understanding and in conclusions about what is seen taking place … or projected to occur. We must be very careful to not allow our souls to take us into error. We must continually seek the Lord for how He assesses conflicts, and players involved in the conflicts. Only HE truly knows what is going on, and who needs correction and exposure.  Time will tell if Putin really has expansionist plans.  But, for the moment, the Lord is using Putin for His purposes. We must watch and pray. We must not leap to conclusions as the result of hearing news reports and seeing video footage. Our insight must come from the Lord, as we allow Him to tell us how to pray, and what to do in the midst of these kinds of challenges. We all hate to see any innocent person die. However, wickedness in leadership positions, will cause death and loss to the many of the people, who must live under that leader’s influence … whether he/she is elected, or even wrongly established through clandestine, deceitful, and sinful dealings. We must pray.

--Pray that the truth about this conflict will come forth by the hand of YHVH.

--Pray for the Lord to expose the evidence of all the wicked dealings by the elite in Ukraine.

--Pray for all the bioweapons installations to be exposed, and the pathogens safely destroyed or contained.

--Pray for the evidence to emerge about who is actually shelling and shooting the Ukrainian people.

--Pray for the exposure of all the Nazi connections, doctrines, actions and intentions in these regions and nations.

--Pray for the illegalities, involving all crimes and criminal connections, between the Washington Democrats (or Republicans) and the Ukrainian government, will be publicly and clearly exposed and condemned. 

--Pray for all the human trafficking activities, money laundering, drug trafficking etc. will be publicly exposed and taken down in Ukraine. Pray for the perpetrators to be arrest, tried, and convicted (with their wealth being unable to save them)

--Pray for all the WEF’s evil activities in this region to be exposed … with names named, and with evidence presented that is undeniable.

--Pray for the WEF’s Global Reset to backfire; facilitating YHVH’s GLOBAL KINGDOM RESET upon the earth. NOTE: Revival is being reported among the refugees fleeing into Russia, and coming into Russian churches.

--Pray for the Body of Messiah, worldwide to seek the Lord for truth concerning this conflict. Pray that all witchcraft prayers would stop.

--Pray for the Body of Messiah to undergird the innocent, but not to undermine the work of the Lord as His hand moves to accomplish His purposes. No assumptions. No offenses taken. No unsanctified mercy extended.

--Praise YHVH for what He is doing in Ukraine and elsewhere. Thank Him for dealing with the hidden things, and for bringing freedom to the captives wherever they are being contained.

--Pray that this conflict, which is the latest issue satan has used to divide the Body of Messiah, would stop being divisive.

--Pray for all the prayer warriors throughout the globe to be filled with holiness, humility, submission, obedience and love. Pray for a release of the true prophetic revelations in their midst.

--Pray for the Body of Messiah in both Ukraine and Russia to come into full revival.


2: Meanwhile, it appears that a new Iranian nuclear deal is about to materialize in Vienna, as the diplomats and the corrupt politicians meet to complete the final terms of the agreement. Today, the chief negotiator from Iran announced that the new deal will be secured within the next 24-48 hours. Any deal signed must then be agreed upon by the US Congress to enable participation by America. The previous deal (The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action … the JCPOA) was signed by Obama without Congressional approval; releasing many billions of America dollars into the coffers of the Iranian terror regime. Then, Iran immediately began to demonstrate that it would not comply to any of their terms in the signed agreement. The sanctions had been lifted, the reward money hand been handed over, but the requirements for Iran, and promises agreed upon by Iran, were allowed to be ignored/unfulfilled. The global elite and the O’Biden regime are likely hoping that the same thing will happen with this new deal. We must thwart this initiative in prayer. 


NOTE: You may remember that President Trump cancelled the deal in 2018, when there was definitive, overwhelming, proof that Iran was violating the terms of the agreement, and continuing to move toward building a nuclear weapon. Even this week, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), declared that Iran has potentially stockpiled enough refined nuclear material to create an atomic bomb … but they cannot know the level of advancement in the stockpiles, because they are not allowed to have access to the nuclear storehouses and facilities. Interestingly, Iran just launched a high-tech satellite above the earth that could serve to enable a directed nuclear strike against Israel, the USA, or Europe.  Overlay that development with the fact that the nuclear watchdog agency of the UN, is denied access to Iran’s nuclear facilities/records … so is not able to discover exactly how much of this deadly material exists in its storehouses. We should be very concerned. Why would anyone want to make a second agreement with a party, who totally violated the first agreement … basically taking the money and continuing to do as they please. The number of weapons exported by Iran, and the sweeping terrorist activity sponsored by Iran, has increased geometrically since the first JPOA was signed. The release of massive amounts of unaccounted funding into the Iranian nuclear program, alone, should have been enough for the world to isolate Iran; rather than to offer that nation more lucrative rewards for its agreement violations. Either the actors, who are arranging this new deal are totally defeat, dumb, blind and stupid, or they are complicit with the plan to destroy Israel and the West. I doubt if they are stupid.

--Pray for the Lord to put His hand down heavily and firmly on the Iranian regime and on the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.

--Pray for the Lord to bring forth supernatural interruptions in the Vienna negotiation meetings surrounding this new deal.

--Pray for the Lord to ties up the parties involved, so that they cannot come to any agreement.

--Pray for the members of the US Congress to feel the dread fear of the Lord, when it comes to certifying any deal about Iran’s nuclear development. STOP THEM! Pray for any proposed agreement to fail passage by the Congress.

--Pray for whistleblowers and sophisticated hackers to bring forth the truth about what is actually in the hands of Iran.

--Pray for exposure of the elite operatives, who are promoting this new agreement. Bring shame and disfavor down upon their heads.

--Pray for the Israelis to be constantly ready for any Iranian attack. 

--Pray that any attack upon Israel will fail to be completed, but that it will fail miserably, completely, and obviously.

--Pray for YHVH to bring shame and public exposure down upon the O’Biden regime and all its members.

--Pray for the actors and body doubles to be exposed, as well as the puppeteers, who are holding the power behind the scenes (especially Obama).  Blow off their cover and strip them of all capability.



3:  Where do we stand in the Covid narrative?  Oddly enough, when Bill Gates was recently asked about how he evaluated the success of the Covid vaccine program, he expressed that he was DISAPPOINTED that the Omicron variant served as a vaccine … building up natural herd immunity, so that the vaccine was not necessary. SERIOUSLY??!! The elite wanted far more deaths, and far more compliance to taking the jab. Those, who were not disabled or killed by it would remain interiorly tagged for tracing and monitoring, so that their controlling social credits system could punish the non-compliant (i.e. the patriots, the Christians, and those, who love national identity and independence from global control). He went on to say, that they would do better at rolling out the mRNA vaccine formulas more quickly against the future viruses that are about to emerge (HOW does a Microsoft computer guy KNOW more VIRUSES are coming?) … of course, so that the vax mandates could be fulfilled within 6 months of the first case of illness. It has been suggested that ALL future vaccines will contain this type of technology, which includes injected microscopic nano computer interfaces, and digital semiconductors to connect everyone to the 5G network. This Covid crisis has NEVER been about illness, or about health for the public. The so-called vaccines were never about protecting or restoring health of the human populations. It has been about C_O_V_I_D-19 … Certificate OVaccination I.D. – 19 (that number being the code for monitoring by artificial intelligence (computers). It’s always been about the Luciferian agenda to create a depopulated One World Order under Lucifer’s lordship. It’s always been about splicing out portions of human DNA, so that YHVH’s human creation would be changed into transhumans that could be control and disposed of at the will of the elite. Now that the Covid mandates are being eased, don’t roll over and go back to sleep. The WHO, the CDC, and other agencies of the elite are warning that more deadly pathogens are coming in the near future. They should know! They created them … they patented them … and they have a schedule for releasing them into the populations. They even have some vaccines ready to go. Isn’t it a pity that the big Pharmaceutical companies now are stuck with massive numbers of unused Covid vaccine vials!!  We need the Lord to judge this activity, and these Luciferian monsters, before another pathogen hits the world scene from their hands. The blessed thing, in all this, is that believers throughout the globe have united against this global attack. They are seeking the Lord as never before. They are calling upon the Lord for the revival to come and for His help in this spiritual war.  The Lord will respond. In fact, He already is.

--Declare the Lord ship of YHVH over all the earth!

--Praise and thank Him for the Omicron’s ability to inspire strong natural immunity, through a less severe illness.

--Renounce and reject the Luciferians’ plan for global domination. 

--Pray for their agenda to be scuttled by the hand of YHVH. 

--Pray for exposure and the destruction of any and all pathogens that the Luciferian cabal has waiting in the wings for release.

--Pray that ALL the batches of vax formula will be shattered, destroyed by supernatural means, or made useless in some other way.

--Praise YHVH for the gathering of the believers together for prayer and spiritual warfare. Pray for their success.

--Pray for the Lord to unite ALL His people throughout the earth in releasing the holy sound of their refusal to submit to Lucifer’s agenda of tyranny and lies.

--Pray that YHVH would dispatch His angels to gather up and bundle the Luciferians operatives across the face of the earth. Pray also that satan will be pushed back into a hole of containment by the hand of YHVH … unless the set time for the anti-Christ to arise comes to pass.

--Pray for the people … especially the believers to WAKE UP and to connect the dots in this agenda of death and control.

--Pray for Divine strategy and opportunity to take down this World Economic Forum and its Reset plans.


4:  The SMART health cards are here!!!  Watch out! The plandemic is now over, due to herd immunity given by Omicron. Therefore, any requirement for vaccination proof should no longer be an acceptable demand.  Still, the agenda that brought the vaxes on the scene, and the end game of the elite, which they had set up within the original plot, is still rolling on without delay. The continuing agenda is for the populations of the world to be jab-injected with permanently implanted nano technology that will change their DNA. In addition, the injected digital monitoring system will make everyone subject to being tracked and traced wherever they go; putting the world’s populations fully under the control of the global Luciferian elite’s 5G’s-enabled social credit system. If you go anywhere, say anything, do anything, or buy anything that is disapproved the elite powers, you can be cut off digitally from all the normal activities of life and provision … and even cut off of life itself, as well, if they choose. What I am referring to is this: the SMART Health Card that is being rolled out across the USA and across the world in a coordinated effort, while everyone is distracted with Russia and Ukraine. The SMART Health card is a verifiable digital proof of vaccination, which was developed through the Vaccination Credential Initiative(VCI). The VCI is a global cooperative coalition of public and private investors, which include such powerhouses as Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle, and the Mayo Clinic, along with various other big-name health and tech business heavyweights within the globalist camp. While it’s not officially being identified as such, the SMART health cards, quite simply put, are national vaccine passports that will soon become required international vaccine passports. Like a deadly water snake, stealthily moving under water, against its prey, while being unseen, this vaccine hoax is set to strike; paralyzing the human creation, and marking them for takedown and death. It’s wicked beyond imagination. How is it possible that the leaders of nations, and of states, are so blind that they cannot see that human rights, freedom and privacy will be stripped away by this vaccination passport system? And for what?? Why would anyone agree to participate in this unnecessary, and unwise, tracking/monitoring program? Do they do it to prove to others that they are safe … protected from viruses? NONSENSE! Our immune systems are designed by the Lord to deal with viruses. Of course, the manmade killers that the elite have cooked up in their bioweapons laboratories are bugs of a different character. Once the vax contents destroy the natural immunity in each person, those individuals will be subject to every little virus threat that the elite want to introduce. The pharmaceutical companies will continue to make billions of dollars, while the citizens grow weak, become dependent upon the latest vaccine … and eventually die from having lived out this genuine script of evil. At this moment, 27 states have rolled out these SMART Health cards. Other states are setting up to roll them out. These vax passports promise to allow the people to travel without hassle, to attend concerts, and sporting events freely, as well as to be easily welcomed into public spaces. After all, isn’t it just a portable record of your responsible health care choicesNO IT IS NOT! It is certification that the bearer of the passport is unaware that they are the victim of an experiment. It is a sign that they are now the slave of a digital system through which their body can now be controlled, manipulated, or destroyed.  But it’s just a passport that will enable everyone to freely cross state lines and to travel to other nations. Well, we have been doing that for years without proving that we’ve been VACCINATED against anything. Why now? Why are people so willing to step into this globalist control web? Are they clueless about what this will mean to their health and freedom? Ahhh … the seduction is that it will be easier to move about, and to have what you want. They just don’t tell you the sacrifices in privacy, security, health, and freedom that will have to be made in exchange for that level of ease. Interestingly, the excuse the global elite are using for getting everyone injected against their will is to protect against disease. Did you get that? DIS-EASE … the opposite of, apart from, or the removal of ease. That’s what the prefix DIS means. So, their injections actually remove the ease of freedom, while they are claiming it promotes ease. I will write more about this agenda in future publications. For now, we need to pray.

--Pray that the populations of the world will wake up and REFUSE to play this wicked game of getting these totally unnecessary, and coercive, vaxes for the rest of their lives. 

--Pray that they will stop buying into the agenda of proving that they are good people and team players, by having complied with the global Luciferians demands.

--Pray for people to look beyond, what is being cleverly marketed to them, to the end result of where this agenda will eventually take them. Most are blinded to the truth and to common sense, because of ignorance, fear, or indoctrination.

--Pray for the vaxed people to reject getting the SMART health card passports; realizing that it opens the door to digital control and monitoring … i.e. a loss of freedom and privacy.

--Pray that the people take seriously what Klaus Schwab openly declares about the life that their Global Reset will bring to us: “By 2030 you will own nothing and be happy about it.” Even your body will not be your own.

--Pray that the eyes of the citizens will be opened to the truth that this is not good, and it is not normal, that these pathogens suddenly appear, and then conveniently require the solutions offered by the people, who created the pathogens.

--Pray that the corrupt and implanted Luciferian leadership in each state office, or position of authority, will be removed by legal means, for breach of trust or treason … and that they be voted out of office this year.

--Pray for laws to be passed in each state; forbidding these SMART Health passports.

--Pray for the total exposure of the elite’s deadly agenda contained in the WEF’s Global Reset, so that the people can clearly see the globalists’ plan (which is to kill, to maim, and to control them). Pray for the evidence to explode upon the scene, so that no one can miss it.

--Pray for the true death and disability statistics to be made fully public.

--Pray that the public will wake up, rise up, and stand up to declare their non-compliance.

--Pray protection over the truth-tellers and the whistle blowers


It is now again after 2:00 AM, so I need to close this writing. I haven’t been to bed before 2 AM for three days, and as a result have had very little sleep. I have checked this publication for typos, but I sense that my bleary eyes have missed a few. If you find them, please forgive and correct them before passing on this writing to other like-minded believers. Be watching for a rhema word that I will released tomorrow for the Shabbat. Until then, be blessed, be faithful, and be ever hopeful. The Lord has all these concerns, and everything else, held in His capable and loving hands.









 Where Are We Going? 2/26/22

      Los Tres Amigos                 God says that you can keep your head in times like these. After all that we have been through we have now seen on the news the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. What is going on and where are we going? When it comes to my desires for our country and for our prayers and desires to have our freedoms restored so that we can carry forward the great commission, I continue to pray for and hope for Divine intervention to deliver us from evil. I believe that we will see here such a Divine intervention that will delay the prophecies of scripture that tell you just where you are going from now until the final end of the world and the coming of the new world.

      But in asking the question, “Where Are We Going?” We might first look at Where we have been recently and where are we now as a country? On Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2021, George Soros, Claus Schwab, Bill Gates and all the globalists along with the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bushes, and all of their mainstream media and other Deep State allies were surprised when Donald Trump was blessed by God to overcome their election fraud tactics and win the executive branch back with an America first, freedom first, U.S. Constitution first agenda. But then I heard a speech by George Soros given in Davos Switzerland in 2018 where he said the following and I quote: “I consider he Trump administration a danger to the world, but I regard it as a temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020, or even sooner.” Soros, like the other Satanic globalists get so proud of “Playing God” that they can’t resist sharing their “godlike,” but evil plans before they put them in motion. Thanks to the Durham investigation into the beginning of the theory that Trump colluded with Russia to defeat Hillary, we now know that it was just the opposite. It was Hillary and her campaign paying wicked tech geniuses to spy on the Presidential candidate Donald Trump and then on the President Donald J. Trump to remove him from office by treasonous activities. She started all this while working with and under, at that time, the Barak Obama administration. The first attempt was by members of the Demon rat party who launched articles of impeachment on Dec. 2017. They alleged that he colluded illegally with Russia to come to his office,  but that failed by a vote of 364-58. Then after they, in my opinion, captured the House majority by illegal election fraud activity, this leftist, globalist party launched multiple investigations into the President’s actions and finances. On Sept. 24, 2019, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, announced that six committees would undertake formal impeachment inquiries. Then on Dec. 18, 2019, the House impeached the President. It did not get a conviction in the Senate, but it was the second time that the Demon rat party led an attempted Soros predicted coup. The third attempt accomplished his impeachment in the House for the second time,  but once again it did not succeed in the Senate.  On January 13, 2021, one week before his term expired was when this third attempted impeachment was launched. Due to their seizing power over the House in the midterms of 2018,  they got their way in the House. But once again it failed to convict him in the Senate. The Senate voted to not convict on Feb. 13, 2021.

     Once again, we see how the Devil relentlessly fights for his globalist agenda.  But don’t forget that the Lord kept delivering him so that we could get a taste of the blessings for America and for churches in America by his America first polices. After two attempts to overthrow him by fake charges and spying on him by using our powerful intelligence agencies like the F.B.I., C.I.A. and N.S.A., and after three impeachment attempts in only four years as President, you might think that Satan would give it a rest. But no, his next attempt was to use the globalist-controlled government of Obama and Hillary to fund a program to launch an infectious clone of the Sars Covey 2 virus. They had hoped to kill around 65 billion by the infectious cloned bioweapon.  The gain of function researchers with this clone had been developing it in a lab in North Carolina under Obama and Fauci. But then it was cancelled as an official administration project and secretly moved to one in Wuhan, China. There it was secretly, using third parties funded by Fauci. No doubt he continued to let the Satanic globalist Obama know about the project of this mass murdering plan. From there it was launched on an unsuspecting world. The Red Chinese government helpers shut down all fights from Wuhan to the rest of China. But to help the globalists spread it to the world, they opened flights from the hot zone of Wuhan to the whole world. It was meant to keep the promise of George Soros that Donald Trump would not win in 2020. They then used the fear of the bioweapon to lock down many communities and to promote mail in bailing in the 2020 Presidential election where they could use drop boxes to increase voter fraud. They also used the Dominion voting machines to further, while people slept, fraudulent votes so that they could give old Joe Biden more votes than any other candidate in U.S. Presidential history. They then claimed tht the old infirm and shut in Biden received 81,283, 098 total votes. They claimed that he beat Obama’s record of over 69 million votes. He needed that many because Donald Trump received a whopping record of over 74 million votes in 2020! Trump won by a landslide in most every state!! But they had the bought and paid for mainstream media outlets and big tech companies to do their bidding and they simply cancelled those that screamed election fraud. The got the true President kicked off Twitter.

     Since Donald Trump left office these globalists and their Demon rat minions have accused peaceful protesters against this alleged election fraud as being insurrectionists. They have illegally jailed many of the Jan. 6, 2021, protestors. They have used their own bioweapon as an excuse to mandate masks and to mandate an experimental gene altering spiked protein as a legitimate vaccine when it is not. They had already developed their poison jab before they released the bioweapon. They had a patent number by Gates for Micro Soft already in place to use the bioweapon jab to help bring in a cashless money system under the patent name WO/2020/060606.   Since stealing the power of the U.S. government, they have used their stolen powers to snatch away by force of unconstitutional law our rights under the bill of rights in our Constitution.


     As we speak, they are still in power and are moving to pass legislation to make sure that they will stay in power. Unless God intervenes, we will never again have a free and fair election outcome in the federal government. 


 This Bio Weapon Is Another Sign of The Times!

Feb. 9, 2022  Los Tres Amigos


     Since Israel became a nation again on May 14, 1948,  we have been living in the last days because the super sign of the end of this present age has been brougnt forth, the restoration of the nation of Israel in unbelief as was prophesied in Ezekiel 37. The prophecy in Matthew 24:4-8 of events that deals with the events of the first 3 and 1/2 years of the final seven years  gives the events of the end of this present evil world system and of the the chastisement of Israel. The first half of this seven year period is called "the beginning of sorrows(birthpangs for the birthing of the kingdom of God over the whole earth)." It is a time when the global,  Marxist government of the Beast and his Antichrist will consolidate power by using various man made crises. One of those is called "pestillence" by our Lord. That is, Satan will lead these evil globalists to use the release of various bio weapons which will lead to more spreading of infectious, deadly diseases. Then, as is already occuring with this clone of the Saars CoV 2 virus, there will be pandemics causing fear and these globalists will use these fears to strip people of their God given freedoms and to bring them into bondage. Their "cures" ("vaccines") will continue to cause more deaths than the diseases themselves. In the middle of this final 7 year period the world will see the strict mandating of "the mark of the beast." This mark very likely will purport to have health benefits as well as be each ones access to a universal debit card, the possession of which wlll be mandatory in order to buy and sell in the global economy in any way whatsoever. Refusal to submit to this mark will not only exclude the rebel from buying and selling, but will result in imprisonment and death as well(Rev. 13)!

     This will be the time of the greatest persecution in all of history called the great tribulation. But fear not,  because the Lord will cut short those days to spare His own elect. They will not last the full 3 and 1/2 years. The cosmic darkening will begin to put the beast and his helpers back on their heels. Then the glory of His presence as He returns will literally kill many of them with heart attacks and strokes. 

     As you can see from the article below that we are fast approach that time called "the beginning of sorrows."



 Below is the Important statement by Doctors for Covid Ethics (D4CE).

This statement must be endorsed Worldwide. 

First published on 21 July 2021, latest update, 28 January 2022


Urgent Open Letter For The Information Of:

All Citizens Of The European Union (EU), The European Economic Area (EEA) And Switzerland

All Citizens Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland (UK)

All Citizens Of The United States Of America (USA)


The European Medicines Agency (EMA)

The Medicines And Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

The United States Food And Drug Administration (FDA)

The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC)


Doctors For Covid Ethics (D4CE)

21 July 2021

Dear Sirs/Mesdames,

1. Official sources, namely EudraVigilance (EU, EEA, Switzerland), MHRA (UK) and VAERS (USA), have now recorded many more deaths and injuries from the COVID-!9 “vaccine” roll-out than from all previous vaccines combined since records began.

1. Official sources, namely EudraVigilance (EU, EEA, Switzerland), MHRA (UK) and VAERS (USA), have now recorded many more deaths and injuries from the COVID-!9 “vaccine” roll-out than from all previous vaccines combined since records began.

Below are the latest data as at 28 January 2022 – fifth update (the earlier data appear in the Appendix below):

EU/EEA/Switzerland to 15 January 2022 – 37,927 Covid-19 injection related deaths and 3,354,705 injuries, per EudraVigilance Database.

UK to 5 January 2022 – 1,982 Covid-19 injection related deaths and 1,414,293 injuries, per MHRA Yellow Card Scheme.

USA to 7 J\anuary 2022 – 21,745 Covid-19 injection related deaths and 4,986,087 injuries, per VAERS database.

TOTAL for EU/UK/USA – 61,654 Covid-19 injection related deaths and 9,755,085 injuries reported as at 28 January 2022.

Nota Bene:

It is important to be aware that the official figures above (reported to the health authorities) are but a small percentage (1 to 10%) of the actual figures.

Furthermore, people continue to die (and suffer injury) from the injections with every day that passes.

Please bear in mind, therefore, that the official figures are higher at the time of writing (28 January 2022) than on the cut-off dates shown above i.e. 15 January 2022 (EU/EEA/Switzerland), 5 January 2022 (UK), 7 January 2022 (USA).

This catastrophic number of injection related deaths has NOT been reported by the mainstream media, despite the official figures above being publicly available.

2. The signal of harm is now indisputably overwhelming, and, in line with universally accepted ethical standards for clinical trials, Doctors for Covid Ethics demands that the COVID-19 “vaccination” programme be halted immediately worldwide.

3. Continuation of the programme, in the full knowledge of ongoing serious harm and death to both adults and children, constitutes Crimes Against Humanity/Genocide, for which those found to be responsible or complicit will ultimately be held personally liable.


1. Governments worldwide are lying to you the people, to the populations they purportedly serve.

2. The figures above demonstrate that the gene-based vaccines are deadly.


Yours faithfully,


Doctors for Covid Ethics


Brave pastor to global predators and their minions: ‘Resign now, while you still can’There’s a brilliant column posted over at TheLibertyDaily.com by J.D. Rucker Rucker.The Big KahunaFeb.4, 2022

Rucker writes about a man who lived under a communist dictatorship in the 1980s and watched the regime collapse under the pressure of raw people power. That man is Pastor Artur Pawlowski and the country was Poland.


The pastor has since emigrated to Canada where he is again confronted by a burgeoning totalitarian system, one that asks to see your papers before you enter a restaurant, sporting arena or pub, one that tracks your spending and your movements about the country and attempts to limit that movement based on its arbitrary determination as to whether such travel is “safe.” It decides what is in the best interests of the “greater good” and anyone who disagrees is treated like a social outcast, a pariah who must be separated from the obedient herd.

The only difference is that this time it’s a system that is being forced upon the entire world, not just one country or one region. So if we don’t defeat this beast system there will be nowhere to flee, no beacon of freedom, no shining city on a hill to welcome us into its waiting, merciful arms.

Rucker astutely observes that there is a “protective bubble” around the vast majority of politicians throughout the world today. As long as they’re echoing the sentiments of The Great Reset by pushing vaccine mandates and engaging in medical tyranny, they are guarded by big corporate media, Big Tech, academia, most doctors and most judges.

But the people are waking up.

While politicians, both Republican and Democrat, have done absolutely nothing to halt the slide into tyranny over the last two years, there have been courageous citizen leaders who have been stepping up around the world to organize protests, speak to independent news outlets like this one, and engage in righteous civil disobedience.

Rucker reminds us that these brave citizens have served to alert the sane majority of the world that we are not aloneWe are not crazy.

We are stronger than the politicians and the lying bureaucrats like Tony Fauci who operate under authority granted to them by we the people, authority that we can and will take away if they continue down the current path toward tyranny and the Great Reset.

One such leader, Rucker writes, is the Polish pastor, Artur Pawlowski.

During a recent protest march, Pawlowski recalled his experiences growing up in Poland as an example of what can happen when politicians engage in power-grabbing oppression against a people who have had enough.

What the pastor says in this video is remarkably similar to what I said last week in an article: Message to Ruling Elites: Your time is up, you no longer have the consent of the governed, you must resign from all positions of authority, now.

Take a look at the pastor’s stinging comments, given in the first 2 minutes of the video below.

“I have been telling you I grew up in Poland, and in 1980 Polish people got angry,” Pawlowski says. “And I saw the police officers running for their lives. The very people that were enslaving the population, the very people that were doing this great evil to Poles were on the run.

“They were so terrified I will never forget that,” Pawlowski continued. “Because there is more of us than of them, and they crossed the line. If I was a politician I would resign, while you still can, because we’re coming after you. And I’m not talking about with guns and the swords. I’m talking about justice. Real judges. Real courts. The court of the people. Just like it was done under the Solidarity movement in Poland.”








 February 1, 2022

The Entire Planet Became A Global Jonestown When Most Of The World 'Drank The Kool-Aid': The Lies The American People Have Been Told By Our Media And Public Servants Are Endless

By Trevor Grant Thomas of the Blue State Conservative for All News Pipeline

(ANP: Just check out all of the lies that the American people have been told throughout the entire 'scamdemic,' especially as they've tried to 'sell' the masses the 'experimental mRNA injection', as pointed out in the 1st video at the bottom of this story and this column. With lies like these long coming at the American people from our politicians, the msm and 'big medicine', does anyone still believe them?) 

The vaccines are 95% effective at preventing infection? Breakthrough infections everywhere!

The vaccinated can’t spread COVID (“Get vaccinated to protect grandma”)? The vaxxed are as infectious as the 'naive unvaccinated' and significantly more infectious than recovered unvaccinated. The vaxxed can become superspreaders like Typhoid Mary, because they are equally or more infectious, but with sometimes suppressed symptoms. 

After getting fully vaccinated, you’ll be done for good? Boosters are required, because the vaccine only provides some protection, for only a few months, and only against a specific variant. Anyone who doesn’t get the booster will be considered unvaccinated after 6 months. 

One booster is adequate? Fourth shot required. Anyone who doesn’t get the booster will be considered unvaccinated after 6 months. (Time to be reduced to 4 and then 3 months soon.) 

The vaccines are safe? Vaccines cause serious adverse events and deaths. 

Vaccine adverse events and fatalities are rare? Publicized vaccine adverse events and fatalities are highly suppressed and the tip of the iceberg. The are at least 20 times more ACTUAL adverse events than REPORTED adverse events in the public databases (VAERS, EudraVigilance, etc). 

There will be no COVID internment camps? In Australia and Canada people are now forced into concentration/interment camps (euphemism: quarantine facilities) at their own expense. 

We are all in this together? The leftists fully believe they must punish, exclude and banish the unvaccinated. Two class society with the clean/superior (vaxxed) on the one hand and the unclean/inferior (unvaxxed) on the other. People who refuse the experimental genetic Kool-Aid injection are fired, not allowed to get schooling, can’t get health care and insurance, face huge fines, etc. People who initially (reluctantly) accepted the injections but won’t accept the booster, degrade to the unclean/inferior class. 


The vaccinated won’t have to wear facemasks? Vaccinated have to wear facemasks again. 

Vaccination will prevent severe COVID? The vaxxed have at best a slightly lower risk of getting hospitalized and dying of COVID, and also have “inexplicable” health issues. 

There will be no vaccine passports? In some places, vaccine passports required for everyday activities. 

Omicron is highly dangerous because it is highly transmissible? Omicron is Mother Nature’s perfect vaccine/booster, because it is highly transmissible while being low risk (low virulence, about equal to the common cold). It is both significantly lower risk and higher efficacy and durability than the jabs. 

The injection stays in the shoulder? The injection spreads everywhere in the body, including the ovaries.

(ANP FUNDRAISER: Due to renewed censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're now running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)




There is a deadly pandemic? There is a severe flu epidemic with the infection fatality and morbidity rate about 2 to 3 times that of an average flu season. Young healthy people are at no significant risk. 

COVID is a severe risk to children? The vaccines are a severe risk to children. 

No safety steps were skipped in the research phase of the vaccines? Countless safety steps were skipped, such as research on biodistribution (how the product spreads in your body), auto-immune disease, cancer, genotoxicity (whether the product harms your genes), reproductive toxicity (fertility), shedding, et cetera. 

We must eradicate this virus? Mutating viruses can never be eradicated, just like you can’t eradicate the flu and you can’t stop the earth from spinning or the wind from blowing. 

We must stop the spread? We must let the low risk group get infected so that they develop natural immunity, while at the same time providing voluntary focused protection to the high risk group. 

There are no safe and effective treatments available? There are countless safe and effective early, medium and late treatments available, such as hydroxychloroquine/quercetin/EGCG with zinc, ivermectin, fluvoxamine, cyproheptadine, famotidine (Pepcid), colchicine, inhaled budesonide, adequate dose vitamins A through E, NAC, aspirin and other blood thinners, upper airway hygiene (nasal rinse, mouth wash, gargling with safe antiseptic fluid), et cetera, et cetera. 

Vitamin D (and other vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids) are for quacks? Adequate vitamin D blood levels (> 50 ng/ml) are absolutely crucial for immune function. 

Lockdowns, facemasks, mass testing and tracing are effective and essential? Lockdowns, face masks, mass testing and tracing are useless and extremely harmful. 

Face masks are meant to keep you safe? Face masks are used for compliance training, to continually remind you of ‘risk’ and to make you afraid of your fellow humans. 

Lockdowns stop the spread? Lockdowns inhibit social contact (which is essential for human wellbeing), keep you in fear, lessen exercise, inhibit vitamin D generation because you spend more time inside instead of in the sun (all of which suppresses immune function). Lockdowns also increase the share of your attention spent on main stream and social media, which allows better fear mongering and propaganda and less exposure to ‘Thought Crimes’. Lockdowns are also used to make vaccination seem more attractive: “If you all get vaxxed (carrot), we can end this lockdown (stick) which nobody wants”. 

The unvaxxed are variant factories who breed escape mutants that place the vaccinated in danger? Mass vaccination with a leaky narrow vaccine and a mutating pathogen under high immune pressure causes vaccine resistance, just like overuse of antibiotics causes antibiotic resistance. 

The vaxxed become ill due to the unvaxxed? The vaxxed become ill because they are immune suppressed and the vaccines are ineffective. 

Natural immunity doesn’t exist? Natural immunity is the most effective type of immunity that provides robust lifelong protection as long as your immune system is in a good state (immune competent). 

The unvaxxed are the highest risk to themselves and others? The immune suppressed (such as the obese, people with auto-immune disease, cancer, transplant) are the highest risk to themselves and others. 



The unvaxxed are the problem? Leaders, politicians and media are the problem.

This is about a virus? This is about money, power and ideologies.

The health authorities’ only goal is optimal public health? The ‘health’ authorities are captured by pharma and other interests. Their goal is maximal vaccine uptake and use of highly profitable drugs, which means fear mongering and suppression of unprofitable drugs and non-pharmaceutical interventions. 

The virus is the biggest threat? Tyranny is the biggest threat. 

If we comply, the draconian measures will go away? As long as we comply, the measures will only get worse. Civil disobedience is the key against tyranny. 

Politicians and companies are working for our benefit? Politicians and companies are working for their own benefit. 

Fauci and other experts represent ‘the science’? Fauci and others are a bunch of lying and manipulating bureaucrats (to put it mildly). 

We should listen to and obey doctors, because they have the best available knowledge? Most doctors don’t think independently, are mere protocol followers, are controlled by biases, have unassailable unjustified trust in CDC, FDA and other authorities. 

Doctors behave according to the Hippocratic Oath: First do no harm? First follow the protocol, first go with the flow, first keep your head down. 

All conspiracy thinkers/anti-vaxxers are a bunch of crazy people? Conspiracy thinkers/anti-vaxxers were right all along. 

We must trust ‘the science’? The essence of science is to question the science (antithesis). 

We must suppress dissenting opinions? We must encourage dissenting opinions. 

The media are there to inform the population honestly and completely, and keep politicians ‘honest’? The media are there to spread fear, to please their advertisers and sponsors, and are a crucial propaganda tool. 

We must suppress misinformation? ‘Misinformation’ is the term used for anything that goes against dogma and is undesirable to the vested interests. Censorship of dissenting opinions kills. The worst misinformation is coming from the authorities (official misinformation). 

Science is about the search for the Truth? The SCIENTIFIC METHOD is about the search for the Truth without biases and rigidity. ACTUAL Science is like a cult, full of dogmas and egos, and intolerant of any dissenting opinions. 

Science is about public welfare? ‘Science’ is a marketing tool. 

We must wait for perfect evidence (which means huge randomized controlled trials)? We must do the best with all the kinds of evidence and tools at our disposal right now. 

Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the Gold Standard of science? RCTs are better called Results Controlled Trials. They start with a desired outcome (e.g. highly profitable drug is safe and effective), and through design, manipulation, fraud, etc., this outcome tends to magically appear as a result. 

Vaccine passports keep us safe? Vaccine passports are a gateway drug to a social credit system. 

Our leaders are trying to get us out of this crisis as fast as possible? This crisis has been manufactured (e.g. by suppressing early treatment and the sharing of essential information) and is being prolonged, so politicians can push through their desired agendas while the public is distracted and compliant due to fear, which makes them meek and inhibits critical independent thinking. 

This story was originally published here. Please visit Trevor Grant Thomas 'At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason'. Trevor is the author of the The Miracle and Magnificence of America and can be contacted at tthomas@trevorgrantthomas.com.




 Gates and Fauci's Monkey Business Must Be Investigated!  1/27/22  

Love in the Park

     We live just north of Danville, Pa.  Recently on Jan. 21st a pickup truck carrying a load of 100 caged lab monkeys is reported to have collided with a dump truck near here according to Mark Levenon of the N.Y. Times. It is reported that a total of four monkeys escaped after the truck tore off the front panel and sent about a dozen crates tumbling out. 

     This incident needs to be investigated. These animals were travelling on R.T. 81 to a lab.  They had intitially landed at Kenndy Airport from the island nation Mauritius. Remember that the C.D.C. director Anthony Fauci had funded gain of function research on animals in a lab in North Carolina during the Obama administration. Then when that was dropped, he later was implicated by Senator Rand Paul and others of helping to fund it again in the Wuhan lab in China. Many leading virologists believe that that lab was the source of the world wide pandemic that killed millions of people. Further, many, this writer included, firmly believe that COVID 19 is not the name of the virus released but rather a Gates-Fauci plandemic to lead to the Jab and to mandate it. COVID 19 is an acrostic that stands for the words, Certification Of Vaccination I. D. and the 19 stands for the letter A and the letter I or articficial intelligence. 

     Is Dr. Fauci at it again? Should this possible monkey business related in some way to  Fauci and Gates be thoroughly investigated? Why hasn't this man been forced to retire? Why hasn't he been charged with any charges for his past alleged activities?




 VBS - the "Old Codger"

 The election of Donald Trump was done inspite of and in the face of the Globalist-Marxist Elites that have been infiltrating our courts, our media, our canditdates from both parties, and on and on it goes. Since his surprize defeat of their candidate, Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential election, Donald Trump has been in the cross hairs of their assasination of our duly elected officials. 

     Many patriots showed up in Washington D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021 to protest many cases of observable election fraud, especially in the case of the 2020 Presidential election. Many of these have been in jail with no due process of law. In effect, these people are being held as political prisoners. The present regime are puppets for the globalist Marxist tyrants. The mainstream media has been refusing to report on these things and are propagandists of the highest order for these globalist chess players. 

     We need sources of free speech that will help us get the real story. I want to recommend that you go to frankspeech.com and also to defendtherepulic.org for Sidney Powell's site. 

     Click here for an interview from this month done with Sydney Powell. Later, you can also hear one with Mike Flynn as well.  Click right here.


Satan's Agenda Plots Mass Murder!  Jan. 10, 2022


VBS - Watch out Pastor!!

      If one literally believes that the Bible is the inspired word of God, then one must believe in a personal devil, who is otherwise known as Satan. If one accepts that then he must admit that he has an agenda. That agenda is to steal, kill, and destroy. That Satanic conspiratorial evil agenda has been playing out over the past 6,000 years. It began in the Garden of Eden and continues up to this present moment! Satan is also a liar. He lied to Eve about the forbidden fruit. He lied about the consequeces of eating it. As with King Herod and others, Satan instigates the mass murder of people that stand in the way of his agenda for a total control of everything. 

     Read where we are in January 10, 2022 as to his plan to bring about a mass extermination of those that oppose his unbiblical agenda. Dave Hodges has written a very helpful article on this important subject. 

The goodnews is that God never lies. His book says that Satan loses and Jesus Christ wins and rules over the whole world! Thus, you would be wise to repent of running away from God and receive God's offer to allow you to be in His coming kingdom if you receive the Lord Jesus Christ right now through simple faith!

     Read about Satan's mass murder plot right here. 


Scribes, Pharisees, and Hypocrites In The Temple!

Jan. 6, 2022  9


     The Temple of the state of Israel during the days of the public ministry of our Saviour was under the leadership of the scribes, Pharisees, and Saducees of that day. They used it, but not to care for the common people. Instead of encouraging the worhip of the common people with affordable offerings, they had them turn in their Roman money for their own Temple money. But they charged a "windfall profit" for buying their funny money. They would only accept their own money from the people to use to purchase offerings to sacrifice to the Lord in His Temple.  How did the Lord Jesus respond to their hypocrisy and their abuse of power? He made whips and entered their Temple and overthrew their tables. He accused them of being scribes, Pharisees, and hypocrites. Of course,  they did not tolerate such a lawful, Messianic protest to their abuse of power. They engineered His illegal arrest, and Kangaroo court. They made an example of Him. But the Bible says that they hated Him without a cause. 

     On January 6, 2021 the leaders in the capital Temple of our republic gathered to give their voice to an election that was clearly filled with violations of state eleciton laws in many states. They helped to cover up the crime of the century, the stealing of an election of a duly elected President in favor of the Biden crime family bought and paid for by the Red Chinese communists and the globalist elites. The result of the election of Nov. 3, 2020 was that Joe Biden suppossedly got 80 million votes, the most of any candidate in U.S. history. Yet,  he rarely came out of his basement to appeal for votes. When he did come out he had to struggle to draw a crowd of above 20 people.  At the world economic forum George Soros promised in 2016 that they would end the Trump Presidency.  Then, prior to the stolen election of November 2020, these globalists with the help of Barak Obama, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, the Red Chinese communists and Charles Schwab's globalists all backed a "gain of function" research which led to the release of a bio weapon that was used launch a world wide pandemic. This was game plan of the Soros type globalists to get a record number of mail in ballots along with all kinds of voter law violations. All this is still not to mention the online Dominion voting machine fraud. So far the courts have refused to hear the evidence on that. It was meant to get rid of Donald Trump and to also reduce global population numbers down to levels that these elite mass murderers have always wanted.  Their stated goal is to take the planet down from above 7.5 billion to about 500 million survivors. Further, these things have led to "vaccines" that inject experimental spiked proteins and MRNA particles into people, which is against the Nuremburg Codes, experts world wide have been stating that these dangerous spiked proteins and other components will kill far more people over the next ten years than the pandemic. Since these jabs have been rolled out in Great Britain, the over-all death rates there are already up by 40%!

     If Jesus overturned the tables of the hypocrites of His day, why are the leaders in the Temple of our republic surprised by a mailnly peaceful redress of grievances by common U.S. patriots in the Temple of our republic on Jan. 6, 2021!? They are not surprised, but rather feign hypocritcal shock to cover their outraged evil crimes. May God Almighty over turn their wickedness as He did to Hitler, Himmler, and their kind in 1945! Why scapegoat those that protested the alleged greatest evils in world history(with the exception of the murder of the true Messiah, the Lord Jesus for our sins), let alone U.S. history? Why not look into the evils of these hypocritical "Pharisees and Sadducees" of our times rather than scape goat patriots that are morally outraged by such wickedness. Corrupt Republicans are joining hands with the "Demon rat party," the globalists, Red Chinese communists and others to destroy the temple of our Constitutional republic. But history is clear that religious enemies, the Scribes, Sadducees and the Pharisees, joined hands to blame Christ for His cleansing of the Temple protest of their hypocritical evil. 

     These wicked hypocrites compare this protest at the Temple of our republic to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the killing of thousands of Americans. But in all actuality, it is closer to Christ's protest of the hypocrites that were running the Jewish temple early in the first century A.D.  to feather their own nests. It is closer to the protest of the Boston Tea party against that bloated fat cat, King George of England and his outrageous tyranny against the early American colonists.  His tyrannical abuse of power led to the American revolution, the Bill of rights and our Constitutional republic. But these "devils, " like King George of old are hypocritcal, emperious, destroyers of our blood bought liberties.

     Scapgoating these patriots and their just grivances will not heal the fatal wounds to our Constitutional republic These wounds have been brought on by the release of a bio weapon upon our people, by the stealing of our elections, and by helping to mandate Jabs that are planned to murder millions of our people!


 Hillary's Five Step Plan for "Re-Educating" of America

fema camp

I have been consulting with federal officials, both military and law enforcement or recently retired people from these two groups for years. I have read and published government documents associated with a huge purge of conservatives, whose strategies, are already well underway. Of all the topics I write about, the topic of voter fraud and the genocidal takeover of America are the two topics that fall strongly within my personal and professional wheelhouse. This article briefly reviews facts already in evidence and the unfolding mechanisms of tyranny and genocide that are well underway.

We all agree that the Deep State is in trouble due to the stalled Biden legislation. The process must be accelerated because time is not on the side of the Deep State. A simultaneous power grab and deadly purge must commence in the near future because of the rising red tide.

Review of What Was Previously Discussed

In past articles, I have made it abundantly clear that the following is in the process of taking place:

  1. Hillary has been selected to make a comeback and will assume the Presidency. It is her Deep State destiny that she will initiate  a horrendous purge that rivals any past despotic dictator in the history of the planet.
  2. I have detailed the order of succession that must take place and it is a two-step process.
  3. The demise and forced resignation over her role in the Smollett attempt at starting a race war.  Kamala was the mastermind and Kim Fox was here legal cover by refusing to prosecute Smollett for his obvious fraud. Fox is being rolled up on as are the Nigerian participants. After assuming the soon-to-be Biden departure, Kamala will be leveraged and she will be forced to resign, for personal reasons, the Presidency and Hillary, who will have been appointed for the Vice Presidency will have already been put in place.  
  4. I hope Biden leaves office, peacefully, through the 25th Amendment. However, there is much political fall out for a peaceful transition of power. The Democrats will be blamed by the public for selecting such an infirm subject to run for the President. His status as a puppet President would dominate water cooler discussion. Most Americans would wake up to the fact, that we do not live in any kind of a Democratic Republic. It is more beneficial to the Deep State that Biden would leave office in a violent manner. A Deep State assassin(s) (false flag of course) would be framed as a Christian and a Second Amendment Trump Supporter. This would open the door to gun confiscation and a political purge and mass arrest in FEMA camps under the NDAA. As far as the potential Deep State removal of Biden, a mass casualty event, perpetrated by the same right wing group, is a secondary possibility and this event would be blamed on the same right wing forces with the same result and Biden would be portrayed as an innocent victim. Before judging the assassination scenario that any sane person opposes, ask yourself, is there anything that the Left will not do to gain and solidify their power? This violent extreme Left approach accomplishes regime change, gun confiscation and persecution of key dissidents. In the second phase of this plot, it is obvious to assume that millions of right wingers would be on their way to the camps.

The Deep State Is Losing Control and They Are Moving to Accelerate Their Genocidal Plan

With every passing day, I am more convinced that a dramatic turn of events is needed by the Left because the masses are not on board with anymore mandates and restrictions on liberties. The public is beginning to become red-pilled and are starting to see through the mainstream media and the Democratic Party, Independents, the young voters and Hispanic voters are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. In fact, each one of the aforementioned groups has experienced an approximate 50% shift in party allegiance. This spells disaster for the Bolsheviks who are taking over this country and they are largely unopposed but they will not be unopposed for long given these dramatic political shifts in allegiance. This underlies the need for a violent regime change perpetrated by the Left which will invoke both public sympathy and outrage, for Biden, and this needed to head off the tide of populism that is sweeping the country. Biden is merely a pawn in the scheme and is expendable. He has played his role.

Following the removal of Biden, it is likely that a state of existing Civil War would be declared and the United Nations (eg Chinese wearing blue helmets) will be brought out into the open and actively begin to squelch any conservative political action and this would be legitimized by invoking the Kigali Principles. Led by UN Peacekeepers and the Democratic Party, the order of attack would quickly and clearly be established as the alt media, fired medical personnel, expunged military for vaccine refusal (the heart of any armed resistance) key conservative politicians (at all levels of government), conservative military officers and their families will be removed from society in a modern day “Night of the Broken Glass” event as a nation wide round up will take place at 4AM Eastern.  The total number involved would be approximately 100,000 and this will be the Deep State’s version of the Rapture.

Hillary Is the “Fun Camp” President

Hillary, in the 2016 Presidential campaign was touted as the Fun Camp Presidential candidate because of  her comments that any unhappy American should be incarcerated for their own good.

So, how will Hillary accomplish the takedown and the Bolshevik takeover of America? First, America needs to understand that Marxist-Communist takeover has gone as far as it can go without perpetrating violence against, first, the resistance leadership, and second, the rank and file of loyal Americans. In a Communist takeover, both groups are targeted for death. Steve Quayle used to call this the Red List…Blue List…etc., and Steve was 100% correct. How many will be liquidated? The baseline for liquidation would be at least the 80-90 million, and that is the estimated number who voted for Trump. Of course, this list would be greatly expanded as 150 million would not be an overestimate. By looking at this purge on this level, the similarity between the number of targeted Americans and the death toll as reported in the Deagel Report cannot be overstated. These numbers exceeds both Stalin and Hitler’s domestic purge leaving only Mao’s cultural revolution of the 1960’s in the same ballpark with regard to the number murdered citizens.

I have written extensively with regard to this purge beginning in late 2012. I am not alone, Doug Hagmann and Steve Quayle have been at the forefront of warning that the building blocks of American genocide were being put into place. Unfortunately, because this strategy was patient and progressive as was the Russian plan, called the Scissors Plan, which is now in full swing by the Chinese, the UN, the Democratic Party and the puppet masters of the Deep State, the public did not have the patience to observe this unfolding plan. Because we are closer to the ultimate takeover, and it is becoming increasingly obvious, I think it possible than millions of Americans will join the ranks of the awakened.

When I have spoken to a variety of civic groups, they frequently ask me what will this purge look like? Certainly Covid and related mandates will play a role in the incarcerations and extermination of the perceived enemies of the new emerging Bolshevik state. I have a substantial following in New Zealand some of the citizens are telling me that euthanasia for covid, in the camps, has been authorized. The information is not yet available. However, the reports are too numerous to not have some substance behind them. I have reported on state governments such as New York and Oregon which have declared the right to engage in unwarranted snatches of people off the street, call it covid, and indefinitely detain said citizens. This is the beginning of an enemies list.

Where is the Going?

America can expect to see the following take place:

  1. The continued conversation of shopping malls, stadiums, arenas, strip malls and schools will greatly expand the number of FEMA camps through existing structure conversion. These camps will serve as slave labor camps and extermination camps, or both.
  2. Obama’s Executive Order 13603 was created for Hillary’s anticipated 2017 Presidency. It contained the following general provisions:
  1. Slave Labor camps
  2. Extermination camps which also links to HHS documents called ESF# 8-14 used for medical incarceration
  3. Control of all food and food production
  4. Control of all water
  5. Control of all private assets    

The backdrop of a violent change in power and subsequent martial law under the Kigali Principles would provide the impetus for such actions.

  1. “The Gathering” so to speak  has been rehearsed. It is possible to roundup the leadership opposition. However, the rank and file is another matter. It is necessary to bring the people to the camps willingly. This was first rehearsed a decade ago, in Colorado. in Operation Mountain Guardian.
  2. The UN part of the final takeover was practiced in Jade Helm 15-16.
  3. The backbone of the resistance will be purged military for not complying with vaccine mandates. How to deal with this was extensively practiced during Jade Helm 16, which took place in Obama’s last year in office.

These progressions of control needs to be fully exposed, from Executive Order 13603 to Operation Mountain Guardian, and exposed it will be in upcoming articles. Further, FM 39.4, the NDAA, and more will be exposed in future articles as well.


Hillary and her fellow globaists would not refer to this genocide. They will use a softer term that we know as "Re-Education Camps." 

I am not the only source capable of providing this analysis and I am certain that many of my colleagues will join me in the exposure of what has already been practiced for what is coming. I have been writing about this for 10 years, in detail, and I feel I have the Deep State’s playbook. I understand their battle plan and the order of implementation. This will all be shared in upcoming articles.

Finally, my fellow Americans need to understand tens of millions of you have been marked for extermination. Further, and because this move is decidedly Satanic in its origins, we need to understand that your very soul is at risk as well. There are things that we can do as well and this will be discussed in future articles. However, before looking at long-term solutions, all people need to make their individual survival a priority. Whether you realize it or not, you are a frontline participant in a war and the mission of this series is get the average American to appreciate the gravity of everyone’s intended fate.  Finally, pray for salvation and deliverance.


 Progress Of Satan's Globalist System Since Hitler Failed   December 23, 2021

 Not You Too Pastor!

   Henry Kissenger led in the formation of the Bilderberg group back in the early 1950's. President Eisenhower and President Kennedy warned of a shadow government outside of our lawfully laid out Constitutional system. Later,  men like Claus Schwab, the son of a former Nazi industrialist,  helped to found the World Econmic Forum. Bill Gates, the leader of Micro Soft and the founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation,  was influenzed by the globalist, corporatist plan of men like Kissenger and Schwab aid in forming this one world corporatist entity. These groups gained more and more power as men like Jeff Bezos of Amazon fame signed unto their agenda. Powerful and wealthy men like George Soros, a former Nazi sympathizer,  helped to put these shadow government, globalists into postions of power. These leaders helped to vote Taiwan out of power in the U.N. and to welcome Red China into prominence instead. All the while their plan was one of a one world corporatist control of the whole world. They signed onto a depopulation agenda for the planet and then guided by "science, falsely so called(I Timothy 6:20 K.J.B.)" to propagate their plan through such things as global warming(climate change) and the vaccines and birth control plans of Bill Gates. 

     God began to raise up men like Alex Jones, Ron Paul(who exposed the role of the Federal Reserve Bank in it), and others to expose their agenda. Way back in II Thessalonians 2 the apostle Paul warned of their one world mark of the Beast plan to control the whole planet under Satan. He said, "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who letteth will let(hinder), until he(the archangel, Michael) is taken out of the way(II Thes. 2:7)."

    Satan is now licking his chops and salivating as he sees the open total take over of the U.S.,  using election fraud and the Bill Gates -Fauci plandemics,  is now in place. Informed,  Bible believing Pastors and churches must sound the alarm loudly and perserveringly! We must repent of our compromises with these systems of evil and cry out for God's judgment of them. We must get back to the inspired, preserved Bible for the English speaking people, the old King James authorized translation(not the new King James which is a mixture of the modern apostate translations and the old majority text). We must proclaim the eternal gospel of Christ and the full counsel of God from the Bible and build Bible believing churches and not 501c3 entities!

     Click on this link for more insight right here. 


More Progress Toward The Mark Of The Beast  12/21/21


Pastor & Kathy

      Never has the mark of the beast been so ready to be rolled out world wide. The plandemic of 2019 that came to light in 2020 has led to what is now an implantable device to tell whether or not one has been vaccinated. In some countries if you don't have proof of your vaccination, you may not do your food shopping. No proof, no food for you. Thus, people in these places are running to have these vaccination proving implants put into their bodies. In their case, the warnings of the book of the Revelation are to be hanged. But we here who are watching for the rise of the Beast in our anticipation of  the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, are seeing the coming of our Lord drawing closer and closer. Even so come Lord Jesus. But warn others today to get ready by having the mark of Christ in your spirit by receiving Him as your personal Lord and Saviour by simple faith. 

     Look at what Paul Watson says about it right here!


   An Updated Declaration Of Indepence  Dec. 17, 2021

Pastor & Ben

 I remember that George Soros confidently stated to the WEF that for the global agenda of the great reset to go forward that Donald J. Trump had to become just a temporary movement in the U.S.A. He spoke confidently that Trump and hi MAGA movement would be gone in 2020. He knew that a globalist coup had been well orchestrated and that the Deep State and Shadow government set up inside the the U.S.A. would carry out such an unconstitutional action. Thus, with election fraud, the plandemic, and the unconstitutional mandates of the globalists the total globalist Marxist coup would become complete. He was confident that the masses of people would be soothed in submission by fake news. 

     But now it is time for Patriotic, constitutional,  liberty loving Americans to stand up for our God given liberties. Below is a declaration by a Baptist Pastor who is speaking up for Patriots to remove ourselves within like minded states from such a tyrannical and unconstituonal usurpation of power such as has been carried out by an illegitament federal tyrannical "government.  

     To read this declaration, please click right here. 


   Phase Two Of Marxist Take Over For 2022    12/15/21

Pastor & Kathy


      Ever since America and the allies won W.W.II. against Hitler and the axis powers, there has been a globalist-Marxist move to seize power in America and thus, to rule the entire world. With the election fraud that stole the election from Donald Trump in the most eggregious case of election fraud in U.S. history, the next phase of putting radical Marixists in power and putting patriots in internment(concentration camps), no doubt with the aid of "vaccine mandates," is now in motion. We are praying for some unplanned for Divine intervention or surely this next and more violent phase of the total takeover of America will be unveiled in 2022. 

     Please click here to see the plan. Then pray for our God to come through in 2022!



   Prophetic Significance Of Smollet Guilt!  Dec. 13, 2021The Big Kahuna



  Jurors have found former "Empire" actor, Jussie Smollett guilty on five of six counts of staging a racist and anti-gay attack on himself in downtown Chicago by people wearing MAGA hats.  The case is prophetically significant, because our Lord prophesied in Matthew 24 6-7 that the globalists will use race wars and other false flags in order to create crises that will give them the reason to seize power from the people and their lawful representatives in order to bring about a one world, mark of the Beast system(Matthew 24:15-26 and Rev. 13:16).

     The Smollett false flag staging has all the earmarks of a Barak Obama-Eric Holder falso flag event. We have been saying that Obama and Susan Rice had been working for the globalists to continue to run an Obama third term shadow government in Washington D.C. after Donald Trump was elected. 

     The apostle Paul warned in his day in II Thessalonians 2 that "the mystery of iniquity" was already at work  to bring about the mark of the beast. How much more has it been progressing since the Clintons and the Obama's have been working under the Marxist-globalist cabal. 

Get more important information of it by clicking here.thecommonsenseshow.com/activism-agenda-21-conspiracy/conviction-smollett-only-beginning-plot-which-will-determine-who-will-replace-biden


 Wake Up And Resist Satan By Faith!!  Dec. 2, 2021

VBS - Watch out Pastor!!


The Bible says that in fighting Satan, we must be sober. That is, we must be free from any intoxicants that might keep us from assessing exactly what moves Satan is making to oppose the work of God. We are seeing Satan making big moves, using the globalist-Marxist, Wuhan bio weapons to remove our constitutional liberities and to hinder the spread of the gospel of Christ. Even worse and more blantant attack reports are coming from Canada, Australia, and Eurpope. Please be sober and vigilant as I Peter 5:8 says. Resist the Devil as I Peter 5:9 tells us to do.

     Watch how this sober Polish Pastor in Canada who  is both spiritually aware and is steadfastly resisting the devil in Canada!

Watch it here.


 Pray For Trump To Defeat Of Wiles Of The Devil!

Nov. 29, 2021   The Bloems

Article below written by Wayne Allyn Root

"Almost everything I’ve predicted has come true, including a stolen election based on mail-in voting without voter ID; a communist takeover of the USA based on lockdowns, COVID-19 “public safety” mandates and open borders; and President Joe Biden being a brain-dead puppet with dementia.

I was already warning on my Newsmax TV show about Biden’s clearly diminished mental capacity back in 2019 and early 2020. It’s all on tape.

I warned during the 2020 election that Biden and the Biden crime family are owned lock, stock and barrel by China and the Chinese Communist Party.

I also predicted that this communist takeover and purposeful destruction of America, American exceptionalism, capitalism, the American middle class and Judeo-Christian values was all designed, coordinated and carried out by a combination of former President Barack Obama, communist billionaire George Soros and the Chinese Communist Party.

This is all clearly happening right in front of our eyes.

So, I’m going to make another shocking prediction. Democrats (i.e., the party of radical, insane and hateful socialists, Marxists and communists) are getting ready to install Hillary Clinton as president of the United States.

You might ask, “How will they do it?” The answer is simple.

Biden is finished. He served his useful purpose. He provided a white, experienced, grandfatherly, supposedly “moderate” face to serve at the top of the presidential ticket. The mail-in ballot fraud got the Democrats 90% of the way home in rigging and stealing the 2020 election. And Biden’s “white moderate grandfather” routine did the rest: He fooled just enough clueless and naive voters in a handful of battleground states to finish the job.

But the jig is up. Biden’s approval is now in the unimaginable 30% range. That means he has no one left on his side but friends, family, campaign aides, Democratic Kool-Aid drinkers, welfare addicts and migrants.

Everyone with a brain, who isn’t blind, deaf or really dumb, now understands Biden is brain-dead. It’s hard to miss the daily decline in Biden’s ability to think and communicate. Democratic puppet masters have no choice anymore but to throw grandpa from the train.

Biden’s days are numbered before he will be forced to step down after admitting he can’t do the job anymore due to rapidly advancing dementia.

Biden is as good as gone. At this point, it’s only a matter of when.

That would make Vice President Kamala Harris president. We all know that’s not going to happen. I believe she is the most deeply flawed, despised and unpopular vice president in the history of America, and maybe in the history of the world too. Her 28% approval rating makes Biden seem popular.

Harris’ problem is no one likes her. Not men, not women, not white nor black people. She is a talentless empty suit, with an evil, insane laugh, who allegedly screwed her way to the top (e.g., her involvement with married Willie Brown Jr.). Normally women support Democrats by a wide margin. Not this time. Women hate talentless women who screw their way to the top. So, Democrats have a big problem. Everyone hates Harris.

Harris has to go too.

Here’s my crystal ball. Democrats will demand Harris’ resignation. She’ll cite “personal reasons” or “family issues.” Then corrupt Democrat billionaire donors will give her a $25 million mansion to retire in. You’ll never hear from Harris again.

Next, they’ll name Hillary Clinton vice president.

Very quickly after that, they’ll start planting nonstop stories in the media claiming Biden’s aides see him in dramatic mental decline. After 3 to 6 months of those stories in the media, Biden will make his touching goodbye announcement and ride off to a nursing home specializing in dementia patients. And like Harris, Jill Biden will get a $25 million mansion as incentive to shut her mouth and never be heard from again.

Just like that, Hillary Clinton is president of the United States.

I’m guessing Democrats will need a black woman as vice president to diversify the ticket and lock down every last black vote in 2024. Michelle Obama, anyone?

Don’t laugh. Get ready. It’s coming. Clinton/Obama in 2024."

 The Bible says that Satan has his wiley schemes, but the weapons of our warfare are mightier through God than Satan. Please pray without ceasing for the second defeat of this witch and for the reinstatement of our duly elected President, Donald J. Trump. 


Trust God To Come Through In His Set Time!  11/15/21


VBS - Watch out Pastor!!

     God had promised Abram when he was a young man that He,  through his heir, a son born to him,  would inherit the promise land, and bless the whole world with God's gift of a Saviour. In Genesis 12, 14, 15, the LORD had stated and restated those promises. But his wife, Sarah, was barren. So, in Genesis 16,  she had a plan to help God out. It had been decades since God had promised Abram and Sarai a son and nothing had happened. Since she was then 76 years old and barren and he was 86 years old,  she felt like they needed to do something that would make the fulfillment of God's promise humanly possible. Abram went along with her scheme. Her plan required the arm of the flesh to help fulfill the promises of God to her husband. She proposed that Abram take her young and fertile handmaid, Hagar, as a secondary wife to become a surrogate mother for the son that God had promised Abram in order to bring His promises to pass. He did so and Abram had a son, Ishmael,  with Hagar. Fourteen years went by and Abram and Sarai thought that their plan to help God out was successful. But when Abraham was 99 years old and Sarah was 89,  God said in Geneis 17:21 that the promised child would be born from Sarah at the set time one year later. God must perform His own promises of salvation and blessing for the world by His own power without the help of the sinful flesh of mankind!
     This Pastor has claimed some promises from God's Word to deliver the U.S.A. from our three fold enemy since the end of World War Two. The George Soros-Bill Gates Globalists, the Clinton- Obama Shadow Government, and the corrupt Media-Anthony Fauci Deep State must be exposed and judged by Almighty God. These three systems of evil over our country must be judged. Abraham and Sarah had to wait years for the fulfillment of God's promise of a son, but in Genesis 17 God assured Abraham that He would come through by the set time in one year. I have claimed II Chronicles 20:22 where the prophecy of Judah's three fold enemy: the Ammonites, the Moabites, and the Edomites was fulfilled. It was done by God alone according to His prophetic words and by His own power. I believe that God will soon come through according to the II Chronicles 20:22 timeline in 2022. He will do it in answer to prayer, by His own power, and according to His own prophetic words. I am not a prophet or the son of a prophet but I spend time with the prophets such as Jahaziel, the son of Zechariah, the son of Mattaniah, a Levite of the sons of Asaph...(II Chron. 20:14).  I am trusting God Himself to perform His prophecies in His set time! But no matter what comes we have "a more sure word of prophecy" in the final book of the Bible, the Revelation. God will come through in the Day of the Lord and defeat the final mark of the beast and his empire. He will put Satan in the bottomless pit and the Seed of Abram, the Lord Jesus Christ,  will rule with us over the whold earth for 1,000 years of peace and prosperity!

       All Roads Lead To Hillary...For Now     11/8/21

VBS - the "Old Codger"


                     The Durham investigation has arrested Egor Danchenko, the sub source of the Steele Dossier,  that was used to get the F.B.I. to go to a F.I.S.A. court to get permission to spy on the Trump campaign leading up to the 2016 Presidential election. Then it was used to create a witch hunt during the first years of the Trump administration. Now  former D.N.I  Radcliff is saying that he has turned many classified docuements over to John Durham in his special counsel investigation concerning alleged illegal activity against Donald Trump and his campaign. Radcliff is saying that this investigation may lead to crimminal charges at the highest levels of the Clinton campaign. 

     We are expecting this investigation to unravel the entirre Deep State cabal that has pulled off a coup against the Trump administraton and the citizens of this country. We believe that when all is said and done and all the dirt comes out,  that it will make the Nurmeburg trials look like a "Sunday school picnic."

See more about it right here. 

       Vaccine Holocausts       10/12/21

The Captain of Muscle Gets His Award


     In II Timothy it prophesies of perilous times that will come as we approach and go into the 70th week of Daniel and then into the great tribulation in the middle of that week of years. In Matthew 24 and beginning with verse four it also warns of pestlience(pandemics) that will aid in creating and facilitating a one world government during the first 3 and 1/2  years of the seven. 

     Therefore, we should be aware of the plans of the devil and his globalitst elites that are right now planning to reduce the population of the earth by about 90 to 95 %. They think that they are saving the rest of humnanity by using pandemics as bio weapons and then falsely scientific "vaccines" (I Timothy 6:20)as the means to spread the diseases as well as murder people with their supposed and mandated cures. 

     Please listen to and pay attention to their wiles(Ephesians 6) in the video below done by Mike Adams. He is a wise and trust worthy source. 


     Click onto the Mike Adams video right here.


 Recognize Our Real War and Resist Satan  10/8/21

Pastor & Eddie


          In Ephesians 6 the great apostle wrote about the "wiles of the devil" that is, the methodical schemes of the devil. We are to wrestle against him and them  by being clothed in the armor of God. Satan at this moment believes he has the U.S.A. just about where he wants it. He wants to finalize his globalist-Marxist takedown of the U.S.A. by purging the military using the COVID A.I.(19) "jab."  He plans very soon  to  further neutralize any first amendment oppostion to his  COVID mark and depopulation plan. But our greatest weapons are spiritual and they are mighty through God to  the pulling down of Satanic strongholds. 

     I see a Divine timeline in opposing and resisting Satan until he flees(James 4 and I Peter 5). But these ridiculous fake "hopium" messages about Hillary being in Guantanamo and Biden being under arrest are playing into the Devil's hands. Truth and not falsehoods are the Lord's way. But in II Chronicles 20 the King of Judah was fighting a coalition of three enemies to God's people. He faced the Ammonites, the Moabites, and the Edomites.  We face the globalist, Marxist, central bank money masters, the Barak Obama-Clinton shadow government, and the entrenched unelected deep state that carry out their bidding in the justice department, the media, the democrat party, and  through out our government. But in II Chronilces 20:21 the King of Judah told the people of God to praise the LORD. We at the point where only our God can defeat our entrenched and powerful enemies. They have successfully covered up the election fraud even with the audit in Arizona. But in II Chronicles 20:22 we see that the LORD set up ambushments against the three enemies of His people. The Ammonites and Moahites then turned on and destroyed the Edomites. In 20:23, they had all destroyed each other. I see a timeline in our present spiritual warfare against those that would enslave us on American soil.                                                                                                                                                                                                          Thus, reject the "hopium" of the deluded ones. Be spirtually and aware and alert as it says in I Peter 5:8. Be sober and vigilant, that is not intoxicated by sports, video games, porno, drugs, money or anything else. Be vigilant,  which is be very prayerful. Fight Satan with "all prayer and supplication with thanksgiving..." Wait upon the Lord to come through. The theme of our church is "God will come through in 2022." Read II Chronicles 20 and especially 20:20-24 and see a timeline for us to ask God to us in our time and in this nation. Endure to the end of this war. It is a WWIII for the U.S., but it may be won as we resist Satan until he flees from us!

Medical Marxist Purge Over The U.S.A.  9/29/21

 Pastor & Kyle

  I have been following developements in the military and now believe that a Marxist globalist purge of the military is already in progress. These people have seized power through an election that was set up for fraud by Corona restrictions, by a failure t0 allow election observers, by voting machines connected to the internet and hacked by outside sources, etc. Now these Marxist-globalists are using fear of the virus to force a jab on people that violates the Nuremburg Code as well as our First Amendment. I have heard that,  while local military commanders want their people to remanin who cannot take the job in good conscience, yet in Washington the powers that be are refusing in droves these requests for a religious exemption. Once that is done, then the miiiary can be easliy ordered to enforce these Marxist military medical lockdowns of our society. This is tyranny. This is unconstitutional  and should not be done in America.

     Read about it right here. 


Arizona Audit Red Purge Alert!  Sept. 24, 2021

 Preacher & his buddy


We have followed Dave Hodges on matters involving our nation. We are watching for the marxist-globalist take over of our once free nation. We believe that election fraud through the machines connected to the internet is the key to massive fraud. That is why the machine routers were not turned in in a recent audit when court ordered. The Marxist-globalists are thieves, liars, and propagandists that are masters at covering their tracks. Now barring immediate Divine intervention, according to Dave Hodges, their final and typical Marxist purge is near. Please read the following from his report. We do not automatically endorse all that he may say or say must be done, but we respect his sources of information on the schemes of the Marxist-globalist cabal.


Americans Have 3 Remaining Options Before the New Ruling Party Turns Out the Lights and Commences the Purge



When writing about what is going on in America, it is easy to get lost in the multitude of details and the seemingly endless venues for the conflict between good and evil that is taking place within our country. There is one final destination that all people, not just in America, but on the planet, must come to realize. The emerging Satanically-inspired Bolshevik international leadership, wants to destroy what is God’s temple, the entire human being across the psychological, physical and spiritual fronts. At the end of the day, there is only one choice to be made.


The feeble-minded George W. Bush was partially right when he said “either you are with us or the terrorists.” Bush was right about the rigidity of the options available and there was no middle ground. However, the fundamental decision that people must make is not whether you are a member of the Bush crime family, or you are a terrorist. As usual, Bush got the details wrong. However, there is a rigidity of choice that is being thrust upon every American and every person across the planet.  The fundamental decision everyone is called to make is terrorism vs compliance with Bush and his cronies, it is not about Republicans vs. Democrats, and it is not about the Left vs. the Right.  There is only one decision that every human being must make:




It has been my pattern of investigative reporting to present hard facts across a number of fronts in which the American people are being subjugated through the degradation of the military, the CHICOM takeover of much of the key elements of the judiciary, the CHICOM/Soros takeover of key state and local positions that control the extremely corrupt election processes across the country, the destruction of key resources such as energy independence which would be needed to win a world war against the Godless Chinese! Following the establishment of the fact, then in subsequent articles, I connect the dots to demonstrate who is behind the treason against the people, how they performed their treason from venue to venue (ie same plan, different traitors serving the same entities). Yesterday’s article connected motive and opportunity for key elected Arizona officials. Tomorrow, the Arizona election “Fraudit” members, will rule that with a few exceptional discoveries, Biden won the Presidential election in Arizona and Mark Kelly won his Senate seat against Martha McSally. I announced that the fix was in. I described how these co-conspirators accomplished this coverup. I exposed the motivations behind being an election thief and a traitor to this country after the fact. The same game plan to steal the election was carried out in every state in the country, especially in the so-called swing states. Election reform and and any chance of voter integrity died with these multiple coverups of the election fraud.




Please note, America, these articles have not been about just Arizona. Arizona is at the frontlines for resisting the Satanically-inspire, Bolshevik, with Nazi overtones, takeover of the United States on the way to a brutal and deadly dictatorship where individual liberties, economic freedom, the right to life and liberty, the right to worship Jesus publicly, the right personal property rights, even the control over what goes into your body, etc., are in extreme peril. Amerika is in the process of making you the property of the State. These Satanists are in the process of establishing the fact that they own our minds, our bodies and ultimately, the key prize is your soul. Yes, the Democrats took God out of their party platform years ago, these Satanically-inspired Bolsheviks ultimately want to control the soul and we evidence of this during the lockdowns where in places like California, the strip clubs and casinos remained open while pastors were persecuted and prosecuted for practicing their faith even while following so-called pandemic protocols.


 Oh, these fraudit officials will let you decide some elections and election issues about anything that the Deep State could care less about. However, every meaningful election will continue to be stolen by online voting machines, illegals voting, ballot fraud, etc. Stalin’s admonition that he did not care who voted, he only cared who COUNTED the votes. As Dorothy realized, “we are not in Kansas anymore, we are no longer in America anymore, either!


The dot connecting portion of this article is over. There is new information that has surfaced. Paul Preston called me late last night to tell me that his best military source says the purge in this country will commence on October 2nd and will end on October 15th. The people deemed to be the biggest threat to this Bolshevik coup are disaffected military (ie vaccine refusers). They are considered by the Left to be the ones most likely to bring armed resistance against this takeover. There are those insider sources I speak with who believe that disaffected military will be the ones to be dealt with first. On the heels of this purge against patriotic soldiers, will be the final solution enacted against alt media sources. All opposition much be crushed and these are the two groups that one starts with. Let me remind you that almost two weeks ago, I was shown a partial list of alt media figures to be dealt with before and economic collapse. The way that these events don’t happen is if key military people resist these planned persecutions. If every Christian got on bended knee and repented, this would have even a greater effect. However, I am not holding my breath. What I am saying here is that Americans still have a choice. You can secure your future position in the Kingdom of God, or you can continue to go along to get along.


I promised the readers that I would present what options I feel the American people have left. Here are the two options that I see that we have left on the table.

  1. Lech WaÅ‚Ä™sa is a Polish statesman, dissident, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, who served as the catalyst for a national strike against the governmental authorities controlled by the Soviet Union. The strike paralyzed the nation and it marked the beginning of the end of Soviet control over Poland.
  2. If #1 does not work, the American people can adopt the non-violent options employed by the Viet Cong used against French and later American occupiers. These activities included supply chain disruptions, administrative interference with the ruling authorities, the adoption of an attitude of total disregard for any government mandates. Currently the French opposition to the vaccine passports is illustrative of this approach. Selected and roving boycotts, for example, could paralyze certain aspects of the new Bolshevik economy. In other words, without going into more detail, the cost of occupation must outweigh the benefits. Follow the money of your enemies and intervene at that juncture. Trump should have invoked the Insurrection Act on the eve of the stolen election. The military would have been justified to seize the ballots and assumed the counting. This would have legal under our laws. Key segments of the military remain loyal to the Republic. However, they are not going to rise up and use legal means to thwart the coup that enslaved our country, unless they have popular support. I think there is still a small chance that enough of the military will act on behalf of the captured citizenry, if they feel the people are with them.


Otherwise, America, it is time to laydown and just take your beating. Or, we should just let them do it for us. The mechanisms of control being laid out are medical martial law camps (FEMA) and this has been well-documented. This whole process of standing up for America and your rights starts and ends with a repentance and revival. Short of divine intervention that invokes the participation of key elements such as the military, is doomed to failure without the direct and divine intervention from the Lord. The latter is third and final option. Submit to Jesus!

 Commy Globalists Extend Their Fraudulent control In Our Country!    9/15/21

 Pastor & Bobby




By now, anyone who is not afraid to look at the truth, and has eyes to see, has seen the truth about who and what is ruling this nation. Every man, save the genuine servants of Jesus has a price that will compromise their service to America. Our leaders have given over to the Godless Chinese. Subsequently, our ruling class serves Satan and Satan has the most dastardly plans for you.


Later in this article, I will Biblically identify the reasons and motivations which underlies the treason of so-called servants of the people such as President Biden and General Millie.


In the mind of America's traitors, they serve a higher power and that power is the Godless Communist Chinese. As I have documented, last week on the CSS, the Biden Crime Family owns 10% stock in the main lithium mining company in China. We now know that Biden allowed the Chinese and the Taliban, for sometime, to mine an estimated $300 million in lithium during the American occupation in Afghanistan and this treason does not even cover the Afghan heroin fields that were protected with US tax money.


The importance of lithium is known to both our industrial society and our military weapons systems. This is treason and Biden should suffer the same prescribed legal sentence that is prescribed for any traitor. There are many other instances of the Biden Crime Family’s treason, but for the purpose of brevity, we will allow this tarnished example to stand on its own as evidence as to the betrayal of the American people that has taken place in this administration.


It is now documented that General Millie committed two acts of treason against the nation that he swore to defend against enemies both foreign and domestic. First, Millie broke the chain of command and contacted his military counterpart in China and gave him classified information. Further, he violated his duty by not telling the President about his unauthorized contact. Further, it is not only Millie that is treasonous so is the FBI, NSA, CIA et al., who would have clear knowledge about Millie’s treasonous acts and they said nothing. Failure to acknowledge treason, in the face of treason, is indeed, de facto treason by out intelligence agencies as well.


Millie also overtly signaled his treason by telling the Chinese military leader that he would be notified if an unhinged Trump were planning military action against China. This is treason of the highest order. Millie endangered American service lives. He is not fit to lead. He should be tried for treason for this violation of his oath of position. The second crime committed by Millie has to do with his intention to overthrow the Constitutional authority that the elected President has over the military. Instead of resigning because of his overt act of treason, Millie instructed his military subordinates that they answered to him. By definition, this is a coup d'é·tat against the government and people of the United States.


Will Millie and the members of the Biden Crime Family be brought to justice? Are you really naïve enough to believe that the rule of law still exists in the United States?


The takeover of this country is complete. Years of Chinese infiltration, complete with bribery and blackmail has produced a nation that has transformed from America to Amerika!


Did you ever walk into a room and people were laughing wildly? And when you appeared, they suddenly stopped laughing. That is what has happened to the American citizens. The elected officials are laughing at you along with their Chinese benefactors. Do you think that Biden and Millie are alone in this treason?


Amerika is an occupied nation. What about Congress you may ask?  There is a scripture in the Bible that describes the current status of not only Congress, but the Supreme Court, obviously the military leadership, most state legislatures, most County governments, Attorney Generals, local and state prosecutors, mayors, governors, all know who they really work for. As a case in point, the subject of the Arizona audit demonstrates it is difficult to find key government officials who are not on the payroll of the CHICOMS or their agent, George Soros. Most of Arizona’s elected officials have gone from intending to reverse the criminality and benefit of a stolen election to adopting the sheepish position of minimizing the all-time number one political crime in American history. Why was the Arizona audit important? Because this could have been the first domino to fall with regard to reversing a stolen election. Reversing the election could result in reversing the treason against our people. But most of the Arizona elected officials have taken the audit from a criminal offense to a civil offense with no intent to reverse this travesty.  This fix is in and everyone knows it but you. These people are laughing at you and most of us are too stupid to realize that the joke is on us!


If you ever thought that there would ever be justice for the Clintons or the criminals in today’s government, please look at the following scripture as it describes what our elected officials hope to gain…


Judges 1:24-25


The spies saw a man coming out of the city and they said to him, “Please show us the entrance to the city and we will treat you kindly.” So he showed them the entrance to the city, and they struck the city with the edge of the sword, but they let the man and all his family go free.


Amerika, as I have stated, is an occupied nation. The only thing left to do for the ruling class is get all of us out of the way so they can divide up our assets. At the end of the day, we should realize that our enemy has been and always will be, Satan. Satan has infected the soul of much of our ruling class through the Godless Chinese influence that has infiltrated our country's leadership.


Although, I have chosen to die on this hill called America, I realize that my fate is likely sealed until my spirit is risen from the dead and I sit on the true right, the right hand of the Lord. All Americans have a choice that is becoming very clear. Obey and serve the Godless leaders of this country, or serve Jesus. There is no third option


General Milley Is Guilty of Treason!   9/15/21

Love in the Park


     Who elected Milley the President of the U.S.A.? The globalists were caught by surprize when Donald Trump overwhelmed their usual election fraud success and became the 45 th President of the U.S. They had to then rely on their Deep State and Shadow Government plants within the country to committ acts of treason to subvert the will of the American voter. Now Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, has confirmed that the globalists used Milley to commit acts of treason to take away the authority of the President when it came to his roll of commander-in-chief. 

     We need military style tribunals and firing squads to mete out military justice against these treasonous people. Let these tribinals prove the allegations that we are making based on the testimony of Pelosi herself!

See the truth of this allegation right here!


 The Take Over Of America Is Stage Four  9-14-21


     Those that have stage four cancer are considered terminal. America has stage four Marxist globalist coup control right now. Many republicans as well as Demon rats have gone along with the coup that was enginereed and carried out during the four years of the Presidnecy of Donald Trump and now into the 5th year with the Shadow governement candidate presently squatting in the oval office and playing "president." But this is no game. It is rhe final stage of a globlaist-Marxist take over of America. 


     In the following Dave Hodges expresses the situation well when he says, "Let's connect some dots, America. This article is not for the faint of heart. 


Former Fed leader and present Secretary of Treasury, Janet Yellen, in a now public September 8th document warned Nancy Pelosi that the present acquisition of debt in the United States was unsustainable and America would not be able to meet its obligations by October 15th if a course change did not happen immediately.


If the Maricopa County, AZ. election audit has taught me anything it is that the United States is, for all intents and purposes a de facto colony of China. It is harder to find an honest, loyal American politician than it is to find one under the control of George Soros and/or China. Both Republicans and Democrats were behind the voter fraud because that is what China wanted.


We are very close to war in Asia.


Close to 2 million Chinese troops are poised on both borders to attack America at an opportune time. 


As many as 200,000 terrorists have been brought into the country to wreak havoc at a predetermined time. 


Biden is speaking civil war talk by threatening to remove Governors who will not follow his vaccine dictates. 


Mandatory vaccines are not a product of Congress, but rather, Biden only. We are now being ruled by executive order rather than constitutional mandates which demonstrate that Biden is bypassing Congress and is functioning as a dictator. Remember, he told us that he is running out of patience with us! 


Foreign troops are pouring into the country to support Biden should the US military make a stand against tyranny. Look to the Naval shipyard in Norfolk, VA which has been turned over to NATO. This is where many of the foreign troops are entering the country.



In combination with all these events, an old friend surfacted to warn me of personal, impending danger. I was allowed to look at a partial list of American journalists that are targeted to be "dealt with" prior to the economic collapse spoken of by Yellen. If they will do this to our alt media journalists, they will not hesitate to come for you in the second wave."

     Let these words by Dave Hodges move you to pray and fast against this globalist take over and take down of our blesed land!


Outrageous Tyranical Take Over In America!  9-11-21

 On the anniversary of 9-11, when globalists used Middle Eastern radicals to do their bidding to rule over America, we are seeing more of the progress of the globalists in swallowing up our republic. The  plans of the Globalist-Marxist,  U.N. Red Chinese world government are well underway. The elites are planning to use medical tyranny and lies about the Saars Two virus to replace our constitutional rights with Marxist tyranny. Now hate speech is being used to force those that won't take their experimental jab. Biden claimed that the FDA gave the jabs their approval. No they did not. They simply extended the emergency authorization. These "Hitlers" are trying to force us into their diabolical jabs. They are in clear violation of the Nuerberberg Codes. 

     Wake up American believer. Watch and pray independent funddatmental Baptists. They are using medical tyranny to rob us as Americans of our Bill of Rights. They are implementing the Claus Swaub plan and the stolen executtive branch of our government to take unto themselves our constitutional rights. Their puppet "president"  is also threatening governors and states, who are under the tenth amendment to the Constitution and not this "tin horn dictator."  He is threatening these governors who refuse to bow to the medical tyranny of the Marxist-Globalist handlers of Sleepy Creepy Joe. 

    Look at the vaccinated in Israel and see how many of them are getting the virus and even going into the hospiitals.

Click to hear what is happening right here.


 Get High By Listening To Cliff High   Sept. 8, 2021

Picnic Preachin'


     My sense from all that I am seeing and hearing is that we are locked in a war, World War Three if you will, with the Globalists, Red Chinese Communists,  and the Deep State. They have used their Wuhan China bio weapon, election fraud, and the jabs to steal, kill, and destroy America and Americans as well as people in many nations world wide. These wicked people are for depopulation of the world. We can look for milllions of Americans to die from their jabs("vaccines") this year and more so in 2022. 

     Please listen to Greg Hunter interview Cliff High below so you can be better informed and prepared to prevail in this greatest threat yet to America. 

Watch it by clicking right here.



The Entire Biden Administration Must Be Immediately Dissolved While There Is Still An America to Save

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Wednesday, September 8, 2021 - 15:20.


​When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. 

In this case, we do not seek to remove and change the existing governmental structure. Rather, we seek to remove those individuals who have violated the Constitution of the United States. 


The history of the present Despotic King of the Biden administration is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

Biden has refused his Assent to our Constitutional Laws and has created pandemic exceptions to the Constitution and labeled with the communist term "It is for the  public good."

Biden has left American citizens and governmental employees behind in Afghanistan to face a certain death. He has forbidden the military and private contractors the ability to rescue thousands of stranded Americans. He permitted the Taliban to assume airport security in Kabul, resulting in the criminally negligent deaths of 13 servicemen. He has dishonored the memory of the fallen by repeatedly checking his watch in public as the remains of the servicemen were offloaded.  

Biden permitted the Chinese access to Afghanistan to mine for lithium even prior to the pull out of Afghanistan (see below).

Biden has allowed gain of function research to flourish under Dr. Mengele Fauci. Millions have died worldwide because of this self-serving treachery and treason.  

Biden has repeatedly called upon state legislative bodies, city and county governments and private businesses to illegally enforce the forced vaccination of an experimental vaccine or average, law-abiding Americans will effective be cancelled from society. This unparalleled level of fascism is unprecedented and unwarranted. American, by untold numbers are dying at the hands of this tyranny.    

Biden has refused to enforce legally binding border laws. He is permitting terrorists to enter the nation by the thousands. He is permitting sex-traffickers and drug runners toenter the country and operate with impunity. Meanwhile he is forcing the American people to fund this de facto overthrow of the United States.  

Biden has permitted foreign troops, with hostile intent on American soil, in support of his unconstitutional treason.

Biden is forcefully vaccinating the American military with life-threatening vaccines in yet, another, act of treason.

Biden has enabled our enemies with $90 billion worth of America's finest military hardware and it will surely be used to kill American servicemen and citizens.

Biden became the first American President to fully abandon known American citizens to face almost certain death.

Biden continues to enable Anthony Fauci and has failed to hold him accountable for his gain of function research in which a bioweapon was deployed against the American people with the absolute knowledge and cooperation of the Biden administration. 

Biden has admitted he intends to sign a United Nations planetary gun registration treaty which technically gives ownership to all guns to the United Nations. It is unconstitutional and illegal for a President to enter into his own treaty. 

Biden has endeavored to prevent a free and fair election from ever happening again with his support of the Unconstitutional HR 1 and SB 1, which will give control of all American elections to the ruling party (ie the Democrats).  The Constitution calls for state control of all elections, not the federal government. This is an unmitigated unconstitutional dictatorial power grab in violation of the Constitution. 

Biden has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing to allow his federal law enforcement agents to enforce the rule of law when it comes to REAL domestic terrorists i the form of Antifa and BLM. Under Biden's DOJ, murderers and rapists have not been held accountable for their acts.  

Biden has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries, either known from campaign finance, or unknown through a system of corrupt payoffs. 

Biden has erected a multitude of unconstitutional Covid camps that are awaiting their first residents. This is the worst of Nazi Germany playing out before our very eyes.  

Biden has allowed massive perversion and mental abuse of America's children in the public schools.

Biden has affected to render the giveaway of America's largest Naval Base at Norfolk, VA., to NATO. Why does Biden want or need foreign troops on American soil. 

Biden has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation largely dealing with Unconstitutional vaccine mandates. 

Biden has allowed the CDC to seize control over private property as he encouraged the CDC to forbid, in violation of the law, the eviction of deadbeat renters. 

Biden is imposing unproven and Unconstitutional Climate Change Taxes on us without our Consent or the justification of science.

Biden is in the process, along with Congress, of granting absolute amnesty and citizenship to millions of illegal aliens at the expense of the American people. 

Biden has a  significant conflict of interest information regarding Biden, himself. It seems that the Bidens own a 10% stock in a Chinese Lithium Ion battery company. The stock has soared nearly 300% since Biden stole the election. Afghanistan's most valuable and prevalent mineral is lithium. Deep cover sources say that China was already in talks with the Taliban prior to the withdrawal debacle. China moves in and takes over the lithium market and the Bidens get filthy rich off of their treason and the control of the CHICOMs of Biden continues. Meanwhile, scores of Americans have died or have returned to America with shattered bodies, while this dementia-inflicted President checks his watch 5 times during the ceremony. For anyone interested in researching the company that is adding to the wealth of the Biden crime family can research a company called Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (CATL). CATYL is the world's largest makers of electric vehicle batteries. 

Do the readers recall the proclamation of this administration when they unconstitutionally assumed power they declared that by 2030 gasoline powered cars would not be permitted, only electric cars would be. This action by the treasonous Biden makes America an economic colony of the CHICOMS!!! Does it all make sense now?



Supporting Evidence





Listen To Phd. From Oxford Expose The Global Agenda For Their Bio Weapons Spread By The Jab

August 24, 2021

Pastor proclaims the victor


     P.T. Barnam said, "There is one born every minute. The Marxist Globlalists who have used fear(II Timothy 1:7) to get people to act without reason to take the jab that thousands of scientists are saying is helping to spread new strains of the original virus. They are giving no ingredients on the box at the Pharmacies where the "vaccines" are being shipped. Yet, people are rushing to put a jab  in their body that is not only going to lead to their ultimate demise, but will help spread new strains of the bio weapon. Why would globalists like Soros and Gates do such a monstrous thing. They have put the depopulation philosophy on the Georgia Guidestones. A globalist named Carl Schawab has just written a book on the Global Reset that these evil plotters envision. Their dream is the night mare of Pariots and Bible believing Christians! This bio weapon was originally developed under Fauci and Obama at a lab in North Carolina and funded with gain of function research money. Then it was shipped to a lab in Wuhan, China. The Obama administration withdrew formal funding of this bio weapon research to have plausibe denyability. However, Fauci continued to get funding for it until it was released upon the unsuspecting world just before the 2020 Presidential elections. Now these same people are pushing the spread of the bio weapon through their jabs and the propaganda pressure campaign to take it now!

     It is time to stop being controlled by fear, but rather by the Spirit of the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Many are taking a jab that  causes blood clottting and many other problems in those that have taken it. Please listen to the Doctor below as he addresses a school board meeting in Ohio recently. 

    Listen to it by clicking right HERE.


Joe Biden: Wanted for Dereliction of Duty, Treason and Election Fraud! Who Will Carry Out the Rule of Law?



I recently texted a present Federal LEO who has been in country as a contractor and a service man. I told him, I was receiving information from known sources that AMERICAN contractors trapped behind enemy lines, were using their Sat phones to beg for help and rescue and that these pleas were being ignored by the Biden administration. I asked this well-informed person and he said he was aware of the situation. He responded with a one-word answer "Yes"!


Presently, we have an estimated 15,000 American contractors in Afghanistan who are in country at the behest and contractual agreement with the United States Government with Joe Biden acting as the chief executive administrator. At present, Biden is doing NOTHING to rescue these de facto governmental employees. The Marxist-laden State Department  recently ssued a statement that all American should attempt to reach the airport in Kabul, but their safety could not be guaranteed. In other words, this coward and traitor-in-chief of a so-called President, who is sitting in the White House because of multiple instances of election fraud, is doing nothing to rescue trapped American citizens.


The solution is simple and all “sippy-cup Joe” has to do is to follow this course of action:

  1. Tell the Taliban that America is coming in to rescue Americans. No challenge to their occupation of will be offered.
  2. The mission is a rescue mission for American citizens and key Afghan personnel and other foreign allies.
  3. If the Taliban attack any of the targets of rescue, overwhelming and sustained force will be brought to bear wherever the US can find Taliban forces.


Unfortunately, for the Traitor-In-Chief, his clear mission, as evidenced by his consistent behavior since stealing the Presidency, has to been to destroy the United States, while preserving the elite Marxist corporations that support his Bolshevik takeover of our government. Afghanistan is no exception! He is handing the country off to the Russians and the Chinese. This brings these forces in proximity to Iran and Middle East oil supplies, that the US desperately needs to fight a war, since Biden erased America’s energy independence.


We see the newsclips of abuse carried out by the Taliban in Kabul. We see the erasure of the sacrifice of 3500 American military personnel who bravely gave their lives in this country. We see the abandonment of Americans behind enemy lines. It is clear that Biden’s secondary Afghan goal is to demoralize the American military and destroy the trust that any country, including Taiwan, would ever have in America. With friends like the Biden administration, who needs enemies?


 This is treason! I am calling for the Joint Chiefs of Staff to remove and arrest General Milley for aiding and abetting this treason. Then, I am calling for military to arrest the co-conspirators for violating the Insurrection Act, which should have already happened one day after the election. Military Tribunal trials need to be held for Biden, Harris, Schumer, Pelosi and the entire Biden cabinet. Biden’s national security team is also complicit in this dereliction of duty and treason. And we have not even talked about the dereliction of duty on display at the southern border. Again, this is also treason.


Investigations of local officials needs to be conducted through FOIA’s of campaign donors and financial disclosures of elected officials who are connected to the CCP and their military-controlled shell corporations which often work in coordination with Governors, County Board of Supervisors, Mayors and city council members. Anyone American politician caught doing business with the CCP’s military interests, needs to be arrested and tried for treason. Please allow me to remind the readers that members of the Chinese military and the CCP have threatened to nuke the United States on numerous conditions. These complicit politicians are threatening our allies in Japan, the Philippines and most of all Taiwan. Of course, there is overt treason and covert treason. However, at the end of the day, it does not matter the degree of treason, treason is treason accommodations should be made at GITMO for those who have betrayed their Constitutional oaths of office with their betrayal of the American people, the Republic and the American military.


The Walk of Shame for Biden’s Treasonous Co-Conspirators


America, many of your leaders have betrayed your trust and their fiduciary responsibility to the country. There are many politicians who deserve exposure on this walk of shame. However, and in the interest of brevity, the following despot will have to suffice for now. Nancy Pelosi needs to take the perp walk for aiding and abetting treason and dereliction of duty!!!


Nancy Pelosi issued this statement on the situation in Afghanistan:


“The President is to be commended for the clarity of purpose of his statement on Afghanistan and the actions he has taken.   


“The Taliban must know that the world is watching its actions.  We are deeply concerned about reports regarding the Taliban’s brutal treatment of all Afghans, especially women and girls.  The U.S., the international community and the Afghan government must do everything we can to protect women and girls from inhumane treatment by the Taliban.


When Americans begin to die in Afghanistan, because these traitors did nothing, their blood will be on their hands.


America, it may, or not be too late to save the country from this betrayal. However, we have a duty to all American's, past, present and future, to make certain that these criminals do not profit from their betrayal of the country!


In the next installment in this story, the CSS will examine how our allies should be quaking in their proverbial boots with these traitors. China will soon be on the move around the planet.

 Conservative T.V. Like Fox and Newsmax Are Leading You Astray!!   8/18/21


      If you turn on the T.V. news, even conservative sources such as FOX and Newsmax you will soon see that the fix is in and it is in favor of brainwashing you into taking the "vaccine." Although it contains Bill Gates, Soros plan to I.D. everyone on earth using a component called LUCIFERASE, aborted baby body parts, Toxic spiked protein, and MRNA, and Nano particles. No "vaccine" in history has had as many bad side effects such as blood clots, miscarriages, neuro skeletal disorders, heart attacks, deaths(45, 000), and so forth! 

     Yet, the pressure is unprecedented for all people to take it. Children in Australia are being forced to take the jab. We are pleading with people to not react to this Bill Gates-Anthony Faucci plan to both launch the various strains of the virus and then to use fear to rush people to their own prepared "cure!"

     Don't let their slick T.V. brain washing do its work on you and your family!

     Please get expert help to resist the world wide propaganda push. Click for it right here.


Civil Disobedience Now Call For In Occupied America!

August 17, 2021


Pastor & Bobby

     Martin Luther King Juniour led a non violent campaign when he saw the Constitutional rights of African Americans were being abridged in America in the 1960's. He led his followers to practice civil disobedience. For these activities they faced fire hoses, arrests, dogs, and other acts of violence from the governing authorities fo that time. 

     The  Department of Homeland Security recently issued a statement to the effect that those that speak out against the jab,  that speak out against the election anomolies that lead us to believe that there was massive electiom fraud in the November 3, 2020 election, that such people are to be treated as domestic terrorists. 

     These guidelines have been coming from an administration that just left masses of Americans to die, be hunted, and raped in Afganistan, makiing void the sacrifices of life and limb of many American heroes. The highest law of our land is the Constitution. Such continual and egregious violations of our lawful republic call for peaceful civil disobedience by law abinding Americans. 

     The following is an article by Dave Hodges where he lays down some steps where we can start. Please read this article by clicking right here. 


 Devolution Is Now in Full Swing!    Aug. 12, 2021




      We have been in a war called devolution. Orginally that term was coined in 1947 to deal with a perceived alien invasion. But now it is being used to deal with a globalist-Deep State, Red Chinese infiltration of the United States.

We are in a war called WWIII. Donald Trump has said that we are in a war from an attack upon us that is greater than Pearl Harbor and September 11, 2001. This war will shortly come out into the open. The mainstream media will be shot down. The enemy infiltrators will be brought to justice in military style tribunals. 

       Please click onto the interview with Clif High and Greg Hunter. Mr. High has vital information which you should hear now in this video. Click right here.



Patriot, Mike Lindell Livestreaming on Election Fraud in 2020!  8/10/21

     Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposiam on Election Fraud in the 2020 election is now occuring. Below is a site on the Info Wars program where I found it being live streamed for 72 hours. "The U.S.A. is at stake," cried out Mike Lindell. He called the hit and run Main Stream Media, "Cowards." 

Click to get it live right here.


Covid Cult Of Antichrist!  Matthew 24:4-5   Aug. 10, 2021  VBS - Silly Sally and Sarah

     Jesus warned of an Antichirst  cult like deception that would grip the world just before the Great Global Reset where everyone will be required to have an I.D. in their bodies to buy or sell(Revelation 13:11-12, and 16-17). Jesus said that in preparation for this mark of the second beast of Revelation 13,  there would be great deception needed. He said that it would be a type of cult of the AnitChrist, who is the second beast of Revelation 13 and who requires the jab in the hand or forehead without which  none may buy or sell. Jesus said that "many shall come in my name and deceive many(Matt. 24:5)." 

     C.O.V.I.D. 19 is not the name of the virus that has been used by Bill Gates and his initiates to overwhelm soccer mom's and many on the earth with fear( II Timothy 1:7). The real purpose of the virus miscalled COVID 19 is that COVID is an acrostic meaning Certificate Of Vacination I.D. I have been able to look at the Wizard behind the curtain and they already had the treatment in place befiore the Faucci funded gain of function was completed and released from the lab in Wuhan,  China. Not only that,  but iif you Google or Duck Duck Go the following: WO 2020 060606 patent, you will find the application by Microsoft(Bill Gates company) for a patent on a body movement cruptocurrency that will put an I.D. in your body to be used to buy and sell! 

      This is beginning to look like it is  right out of the book of Revelation and the second beast who is the Antichrsit and prophet of the Devil. Could it be the Bill Gates and Tony Faucii are key players in the Devil's AntiChrist cult? A spiritual advisor of Bill Gates is Marina Abramovic. She has been involved in consulting spirit guides of which occult practices are said by scripture( Leviticus 19:31, etc.)to be Satan's tools and are forbidden for true believers in Chtist. She has been linked to spirit cooking as have one of the Podesta brothers.  Further, what makes Bill Gates vaccine work as an I.D.  is an ingredient called LUCIFERASE! Lucifer was the name of Satan before he led a rebellion against God. LUCIFERASE is What Makes Bill Gates Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccine Delivery System work. This ingredient is what makes the "vaccination" readable long after the victim has been jabbed with it. 

     This Bill Gates I.D. has been touted as neccessary to defend against this Saars 2 Corona virus that has been released from the lab in Wuhan after it was developed and financed under Anthony Faucii, the helper of Bill Gates. The way this procedure is being mandated thourgh force in many sectors appears to be the preparation and the grooming of the cult of the AntiChrist. Fear is being used to groom people into wearing masks which are not really effective against the virsus. People with the vaccine are still getting the virus. Scientifically proven treatements are being denied to people that have proven effective in treating the virus. Thus, more and more vital services are being denied to those who see through the false scientic claims of this cult like requirement to be marked with this I.D. What they can't get by persuasion they want to get by pressuring one into this method. 

Look at the claims of Cult like activity concerning the Gates plan right here.





The Globalists Are Licking Their Chops!  July 27, 2021

Pastor & Bobby


 The Wuhan Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci bio weopon has done its nefarious work to help the New World Order steal the election. Then the media and "the Congressional whores" of the elites scapegoat the patriots that protested in Washington on Janurary 6th and called for an investigation into the fraud.  They have treated many patriots to their horrible two tiered system of injustice!  But they looked the other way when people that hate the U.S.A. and our founding principles burned and destroyed property. This New World Order is rolling out bio weapons, plandemics, and then vaccinating people with toxic jabs. But they scapegoat unvaccinated patriots and blame them for the weapons against humanity that they themselves have launched. 

     We must recognize that we have a "fake President" and a "fake N.W.O. Congress in our country. We need the intervention of Almighty God to delay the Devil's timeline for his N.W.O. one world Marxist, Beast system of total control. We must pray for the ongoing forensic audits being done in some swing states and for others to go forward. We must pray for these "devils" to rat out one another and pray that they be brought to true justice in military style tribunals!

Please watch this video on it by clicking here.


   It Is Time To Expose Their Lies!  July 26, 2021

VBS - the "Old Codger"


     Donald Trump just had a great rally in Arizona. He boldly announced that the 2020 Presidential election was the biggest fraud in U.S. election history. I believe that it is part of Satan's plan to swallow up the U.S.A. by the Globalists-Marxists to put forth their agenda to bring the U.S.A. and all of its resources under the one world plan of Satan. The Media-Deep State lies and liars spout their deception daily, hourly, continually. 

     Our Lord Jesus Christ warned of such deception in the last days before His return. I am glad that each day that we live brings us closer to the coming of  our Saviour. But I am mission oriented. I am looking for an opportunity to delay Satan's timeline and to free up the U.S.A. for another push forward of our Lord's Great Commission to get more saved, baptized, and into soul winning independent, fundamental, Baptist churches. For this to happen we not only need a real revival, but also we need the Lord to bring to light the fraud in the 2020 election and to bring the Deep State treason leaders to justice. We need the Fauci VAX liars to be exposed and for the Devil's plan to be pushed back!

     Keep watching, working, praying, proclaiming the gospel, and fighting the devil with the truth of God!

Click onto to the link below and scroll down to watch a video clip of Trump's ralley speech in Arizona. Click here. 

 Satanic Plants That Played Their Part To Sell Out Our Constitutional Republic To The Globalists!    July 13, 2021

 Picnic Preachin'

   Ever since the November 2020 election we have been saying that unless an amazing providential reversal of the fraud coupled with an amazing display of Divine justice levied upon the perpetrators of it takes place, then we will quickly move into the events prophesied by the Lord and recorded by the apostle John in the Revelation. I am one of those that has prayed for and is still hopeful and expectant to see a Divine intervention and turn around just to delay the devil's timeline. 
     But nevertheless, we are still watching to see if the Revelation breaks upon us with the riding out of the four horsemen of the apocylapse. As we wait upon the Lord for a Divine revearsal and as we work to fulfill the Great Commission, yet we still watch with a knowlege and understanding of end time Bible prophecy. 
     Please see those wicked actors that have helped the devil perpetrate his stealing of the election on behalf of the globalists, the Chicoms, and the Deep Stated in America. Click for it right here. 

          Delay The Devil's Timeline Now!!  7/2/21


 VBS - the "Old Codger"

     The globalist cabal under Satan is working through their shadow government(Obama and the Clintons, etc.), and their extensive deep state like main stream media, elected "whores" in the Democrat as well as some in the Repulican Party, corrupt judges, Main Stream corporate media, big tech. media, and others to tighten their grip of control over America and their world governance. As Paul said, "the mystery of iniquity doth already work..." Satan is licking his chops to put his beast one and beast two men of Revelation 13 over a cashless system of absolute control and worship. The commentary by Dave Hodges in the link below helps give a more detailed description of Satan's agenda and progress in these matters. 

       But God is still on His eternal throne. He still does avenge His own elect which cry unto Him day and night. Let us storm heaven's gates for a delay in the Devil's timeline. Let's us pray for a delay in the Great tribulation(persecution) of the saints of God. Let us seek another outpouring of the Holy Spirit and an open door to win many before that final hooray for the Devil on the Temple Mount takes place!

Read more about the Devil's progress with Dave Hodges article right here. 

And please don't miss these "Deep State U.S. evil News Flashes here!


    Satan Is Moving Fast To Mark The Planet!  6/25/21

Pastor proclaims the victor


     In Matthew 24:4-8 the Lord taught that in the first 3 and 1/2 half years of the final 7 years before His millennial reign over the earth, that there would be a time called "the beginning of sorrows," that is a time of early birth pangs that will lead up to the birth of God's reign over the earth. Part of those early birth pains are "pestilience," which means "pandemics." The whole purpose of these beginning of sorrows is to further the work of the globalists so that it culminates in a one world government where one cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast(Matt. 24:9-26). 

     This Wuhan Lab "plandemic" has been introduced to give more power and control to the globalist governance over our lives. Now J.P. Morgan is planning on implementing their agenda so that neither its employees or its customers will  be able to buy or sell without the "jab." But to take the experimental "jab" is to introduce Lucifase, spiked protein,  and other potentially very dangerous elements into one's body. 

     We at S.R.B.C. prophecy watch are warning our readers to not take "the jab" at all costs. This is Satan's foyer leading to the mark of the Beast. Please click onto the link below for more information. 

Please click onto the link right here. 



 Fake Science Prophsied In The Bible   6/22/21



The King James Bible is the one translation that is the inspired preserved word of God. The modern English translations change I Timothy 6:20, "...avoiding profane and vain babblings, and opposition of science falsey so called..."  The World Health organization has been working with with people like Anthony Fauci, who when they are questioned about the Wuhan lab virus "vaccine," hide behind "science falsely so called. In the mean time these globalists are propagandizing the world to take this fake vaccine to defeat a "plan demic." 

    Do not take this covid vaccine. It is part of science falsely so called. In I Timothy 6:20 what is happenig in our day with this "vaccine" is prophesied. Listen to the interview below to be warned about "scienve falsey so called. "

Click to hear the recoording right here.


 Watching The U.F.O. Part In The End Times!  6/17/21



     The Pentegon is about to release some block buster revelations on their U.F.O. evidence that has been kept silent for years. The fact of the matter is that we have been saying for many years that we believe that Satan is very likely to use these U.F.O. phenomena to bring about his end time deception. I believe that one day actual aliens will show up and get out of their flying saucers in full view of the public. They will say that they plan to help earth achieve incredible wealth, health, and world wide peace. Actually they will be fallen angels that have been helping Satan ever since he led the angelic rebellion in heaven over six thousand years ago! They will use their incredibly advanced technology to say that they are a much more highly evolved race and they have traveled from a distant galaxy to help us achieve these things. They will then help the world get rid of any belief in a transcend God and of true Christianity! That may be why Jesus spoke of amazing deception in the end times. 

     According to II Thes. 2:3 and 9-10, I believe this will happen during the still future 70th week of Daniel 9:24-27. Further, it will occur just prior to the Great Tribulation which takes place right in the middle of that future prophesied 7 years. 

     But let us watch these revelations and realize that they help to move the ball forward as we march down the field toward the four horsemen of the apocalypse, the Great Tribulation, and the rapture of the church! Keep watching!

Click now to learn more about it right here.


With China Exposed for Election Theft and Perpetrating a Fauci-Led Biological Attack On the USA, China Has Indeed Moved Up Their Timetable to Attack the Mainland

china aerica




Mike Adams has conclusively stated that the Chinese are pushing forward their timetable to attack the United States. Adams' article made a great deal of sense, but the previous military intel that I was operating from clearly stated that the Chinese forces were overwhelmingly occupation, not invasion forces. New developments, coupled with new revelations make it appear that the Chinese are preparing to cross both our northern and southern borders, occupation forces or not. New revelations shed light on why a Chinese invasion, properly prepared, or not, is likely coming because China has been exposed and they must attack, before they are attacked. 



Revelation #1



I have published irrefutable proof that the Maricopa County Audit, held at Veterans Memorial Coliseum, is under surveillance by high tech spy planes, owned and operated by the Phoenix Police Department. Further, after publishing this fact, I have been sent proof, twice, that the area over and around my home, in rural Maricopa County, is under the exact same surveillance as the election audit. I live 50 miles from the city of Phoenix. These “spy planes” are operating outside their jurisdiction. Who could be ordering such a thing? Who runs the Phoenix government?  The answer is Mayor Kate Gallego. She is cut out of the same totalitarian mode as Michigan governor, Gretchen Whitmer. If Gallego had her way, she would still be using Bolshevik tactics to keep Phoenix completely locked down. I believe the mayor is an after-the-fact co-conspirator in the election coup levied against President Trump and she has illegally lent the assets of the city of Phoenix to preserve the election theft. The other side clearly wants to know what we know so they can counter us in advance.



Now, we have arrived at actually answering the question, why the surveillance? In past articles, with several guests on my radio and television show, I have irrefutably demonstrated that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors never gave the machine codes for to the election to the officials running the election centers, as prescribed by State and Federal law. As stated before, with video evidence, Arizona State Senator, Sonny Borrelli, who stated, on video, the audit team learned that the codes were never surrendered by Dominion voting machine officials. Further, in video taped evidence, previously airing on the CSS, Borrelli stated that Dominion was unsupervised in Maricopa County election centers and obviously had access to the internet.



Borrelli’s claims are bolstered, when in January of 2021, I had Chris Kitze on my TV show and he showed a graphic that demonstrated how many votes in the General Election were tabulated in China, by state, and then transmitted back and altered the final tally of these votes in most states. Arizona was one of the most egregious and flagrant examples in the Kitze assertions. In other words, I know how the majority of elections were stolen and now, so do you! Oh, there are four other ways that the Maricopa County vote totals were altered, but I believe this method counts for the greatest amount of votes that were altered and this has apparently happened in all six swing states.



Ducey’s Double Dealings



Please allow me to remind you that last week the CSS published irrefutable proof that Arizona Governor, Doug Ducey, while speaking to a Chinese delegation at the 2017 National Governor’s Association, pledged to provide the Chinese PLA with some or Arizona’s rare earth minerals for use by the Chinese military. This was in the same time frame as the CHICOMS were threatening to nuke America if we interfered with their foreign policy goals.



These pro-CCP comments were reported in the World Tribune and the CCP mouthpiece the South China. This was all previously posted on the CSS website. By the way, Ducey’s private claim to fame was his popular ice cream company, which enjoyed substantial financial success inside of China. This is not normal Chinese practice, unless they have a future use for someone and Ducey complied when he refused to allow the Arizona Legislature to convene in a special session to challenge the fraudulent election results is a good case in point to support the position that like Biden, Ducey is in the hip pocket of the CCP and he is more than likely to use the corrupt voting infrastructure of criminal election fraud to get him elected when he runs for the Senate. Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, who in her campaign of 2018, pledged to use her position to get and keep Democratic politicians in office. The video of this pledge was published 3 weeks ago on the CSS. Further, when the audit commenced, Hobbs was caught on the audit floor with 2 Soros representatives.



Soros has also been accused by many, and Sheriff Richard Mack repeated those allegations on the CSS radio show, that Maricopa County Sheriff, Paul Penzone received $2 million in campaign donations, from Soros organizations in his bid to oust Joe Arpaio who never would have sold out his country.



The last piece of this criminal conspiracy to defeat Donald Trump falls on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors in which they all should be in jail for contempt of court because they have lied to the Arizona State Senate (and the public), and they have withheld subpoenaed evidence of election fraud despite a court order which should have forced them to surrender any and all evidence. As Sheriff Mack said, if they are not guilty of criminal corruption, they need to stop acting like they are. The Supervisors are clearly either going to use the existing corrupt election system in Maricopa County to further their own political careers, or as I suspect, they, or their family members are receiving third party “donations” from the CCP as we are witnessing in Georgia.



By the way, Arizona State Senate President, Karen Fann, was reportedly sent mysterious white powder. No media follow up has been issued. However, whether this was a legitimate assassination attempt, using anthrax, the message was clearly sent to Fann to discontinue the audit. The fact that the media has refused to follow up on this major egregious action, speaks to their complicity on covering up this issue so as not to awaken to many Arizona citizens. No wonder why Kari Lake, Maricopa County’s most popular news anchor, suddenly quit earlier in the year because of false and corrupt media handling of sensitive issues. Lake has announced her candidacy to run for Governor.



One more question needs to be asked: Why does Dave Hodges believe that he is under surveillance? That answer is simple. We have the proof from the aviation maps. Plus, as was reported earlier, when I began to publish these allegations related to a stolen election, my friends and colleagues in the alt media were contacted by anti-audit people and told not to listen to me and in one case a not-so-subtle death threat was issued.



At the heart of it all are the Chinese. They have been outed for blackmailing the Biden crime family and most of all, stealing an American election. This is an act of war. America is justified in attacking China, today!



There are more reasons why China could and should be attacked by the American military. ‘



Revelation #2



I have read the released Dr. Mengele Fauci emails. By the way, before going there, it is interesting to note that someone, probably a cabal of loyal Americans, operating within the NSA and CIA, seized and released the Fauci emails. I take this as a sign that the Biden administration may soon be a thing of the past. More on this at the end of the article.



Fauci’s emails are clear and concise. He should have followed Hillary’s lead and deleted all the emails.



Here is what we know:

  1. Fauci illegally and in a treasonous manner both taught and funded, with American taxpayer funds, gain of function research for our enemies, the Chinese.
  2. The gain of function research is still going on today and I do not think that Covid is the last biological attack being perpetrated by the Chinese against America. This was merely the opening act. By the way, through my Ukrainian investigation, I reported on the Biden crime family’s involvement in this. This is, in part, why Sleepy Joe, is being blackmailed by both Ukraine and China.
  3. Fauci’s treason in this matter has led to the death of millions. He may be the worst mass murderer of all time. Fifteen months ago, I published the allegations of Fauci and Birx conflicts of interest because they had been on the payroll of Bill Gates.



There is more to report on these emails. However, the case is made. America is justified in attacking China for two very distinct reasons.



What Must Happen Before the American Military Retaliates Against China?



Because Joe Biden is in bed with communists, nothing is going to happen as long as he is President. There are two legal avenues that can be used to legally remove Biden from office which do not violate the American law with regard to treason. These means will be covered in an upcoming interview with Paul Preston who has dotted the I’s and crossed the T’s in this matter.






I believe that Mike Adams is correct. The CCP does appear to be moving forward with their invasion plans. In my consultations with people I consider to be military experts, it may not matter to the CCP if they don’t yet have a legitimate American invasion force in play. There numbers are strong enough and they have enough 5th column support from previously admitted terrorists (eg MS-13), they can bring absolute havoc to this country and occupy much of the Northwest and Southwest. This will buy the CCP time to seize Taiwan and ready an adequate invasion force, while saving their ally Joe Biden from legal removal from office, thus immobilizing much of America’s anticipated military response.



Both the audits and the Fauci emails reveal that an invasion of the United States is already underway and there is no shortage of Benedict Arnolds. China and the loyal parts of the US military are in a race to see who can first take the initiative and seize the high ground, so to speak. If you want to save America, you will circulate this article and refer to people to the previously published truths on this topic that have already been published on the CSS.



More to come…




The Maricopa County Audit Has Exposed How the Left Stole the Election! BREAKING NEWS 

America is desperately in need of a rallying cry to bring the people together who will resist this tyranny that will ultimately result in the destruction of the country and in the deaths of tens of millions of Americans. This should be the watershed event that ultimately puts millions of Americans on the street.



Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli



Over a month ago, the CSS maintained that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors were guilty of aiding and abetting voter fraud as they stated “this was the most fair and free election ever! And as Sheriff Richard Mack stated on my radio show, “Why are the Supervisors acting as if they are guilty?”



Enter State Senator, Sonny Borrelli who also is stating that the Maricopa County Supervisors are acting guilty. On a radio broadcast (see below), Borrelli stated voter registration data from Maricopa County was hacked. Coverup artist, the recently elected Maricopa County Recorder authored a letter to the public stating no personal data was breached, only voter registration material. Nobody will ever accuse Richer of being bright. Hacking voter registration data, just before the election allows corrupt election officials and their designees, to create fake ballots and enter them into the system. Is there any reason to believe that this happened? Borrelli says, “Yes!” As Borrelli stated, the  manufactured ballots, resulting from the voter registration hack can allow the entry of fake ballots for nonexistent fake voters living at the corner of walk and don’t walk! I published the same information, obtained from a confidential source several weeks ago.



Borrelli and others have stated that Dominion officials were given an exclusive and private room during the elections. According to Borrelli, the Dominion officials had their laptops. There is no way, under these circumstances that Dominion officials would not have had internet access and could have created/changed ballots. However, nobody wants to investigate. As Borrelli strongly implies that this is an election crime. Here is the Borrelli interview:






Who should investigate an election crime? It would be the Sheriff. Despite not being an election official, Maricopa County Sheriff, Paul Penzone, publicly stated that the audit was somehow invalid. Speaking of the Sheriff. It is both state and federal law that election codes are to be controlled by on site election officials. The codes have been court ordered to be released to the audit team. I reported several weeks ago that based on the information that I received, the Supervisors could not surrender what they never had. So, where were the codes. As the Supervisors were being pressed by audit officials to surrender the codes, the Supervisors invented a tale of the century.  The Supervisors stated that they had given the codes to the Sheriff for safekeeping. This violates state law as previously stated. Further, Penzone is aware of the court ruling to surrender this material and he has failed to comply. Penzone is an officer of the court and as such is duty bound and legally required to surrender the codes to the audit team. He refuses! The Sheriff should be arrested for obstructing an investigation and failing to comply with a court order. Don’t look for help from Sheriff Penzone. Multiple sources say that George Soros funnelled $2 million dollars into the Sheriff’s election. Unfortunately, there is a no law and order in Maricopa County



Attempted Assassination of State Senate President, Karen Fann?



Fann asked supervisors to come before senate to answer questions about the anomalies connected to the election. The Supervisors refused to speak with Fann. Shortly after that a container with unknown and mysterious white powder was sent to Fann.

As I previously reported SEVERAL of my colleagues in the media were sent messages demanding that my colleagues disavow my work. One person was told “If you keep following Hodges, he is going to get you killed.”  All of these unsolicited attack upon me, were all related to the audit and what I was publishing. I am under aerial surveillance with craft that lift cell phone communications and read text messages. Tracking and data implanting are also part of the capabilities. Go to this link https://fr24.com/N140RD/27d8c567


 and eliminate "live flight" and keep going through the progression. I live in a rural area NW of Surprise, AZ, a suburb of Phoenix. The flight lines you will find circle around the area that Iive in. 



The audit is also under the same surveillance. I was sent a map of the aerial surveillance. The map disappeared from computer and is not obtainable. However, I do have this communication that was sent to me.


Monkeywerx found a plane that is spying on the audit! He has two weeks worth of data. During the time that the audit was suspended, this plane did not fly, first day of restarting, bang its back and following the same pattern! Call sign: N620FB it’s a PC 12/47E and is owned by Phoenix Police Department. It has a dirt box and stingray on it. It can not only capture data from up to 20 miles away, but it can communicate the data in real time! It also has the ability to PLANT data. It was up for a couple hours on 5/25 2:30 CT at 8,634 feet.




There are no free elections. Whatabout the participating Republicans? Anyone is for sale and guaranteed victories from corrupt elections is a powerful inducement to allow cheating!  When HR 1 passes, it will solidify the fact that the Bolshevik wing of the Democratic Party will forever steal elections and in effect, we are under a communist dictatorship! Isn't it time the people rose up and did something


   The Experimental Vaccine Is Fast Tracking Your Body For The Mark Of The Beast     5/28/21

Pastor & Bobby


     The Covid 19 vaccine has been authorized for fast track injections. People are lining up to take authorized, yet not properly vetted,   experimental foreign substances. This process is in violation of the first protocol of the Nuremburg Code that came out of the trials of Hiter's henchmen. That first tenant says that you may only experiment on someone that has first given you their informed consent. Yet, these evil and greedy drug companies have teamed up with communists and globalists that want depopulation and a one world government prophesied in the book of Revelation.

     Taking this "vaccine" will cause your own cells to produce "spiked protein" these will attack and change cells in your body. People with no properly done experimental proof are claiming that it will cure cancer and do wonderful things, yet they are not talking about the sterilizations, auto immune diseases, and death that have come upon people that have taken it. 

     Further, Matthew 24:4-8 speaks of these end times pandemics that will be used to control people by fear. Then Satan will use it to get the world in general to be injected with a mark in their hand or forehead. That injection will allow one man and his lieutenant to control the world!(Read Revelation 13).  In this injection now,  there is an ingredient called "Lusifase." It, in my estimation, if taken will change your DNA forever and put you on the fast track to take that mark which is of the Devil, who used to be called Lucifer(like Lusifase). Please be warned!!

     Look at these videos to help protect yourselves and those you love. Click right here.


 Fauci An End Times Middleman Player  5-26-21


 Love in the Park

    In Matthew 24:4-8 our Lord prophesied that "pestilences" that is pandemics or plandemics, would precede the globalist government of the end times. We are now seeing men like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and the Red Chinese communist regime working together to foist these bio weapons upon an unsuspecting world. Let us watch for these signs of the end times to increase and by used by Satan to gain his one world government totalitarian control!

Navarro: ‘Sociopath’ Fauci Will ‘Be Gone Within 90 Days’ Over Wuhan Lab Funding

by Jamie White
"Tony Fauci is the father of the virus. It came from that lab...Fauci greased the skids for gain of function experimentation which weaponized the virus," he says.
Image Credit:
screenshot/War Room Pandemic
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Former Trump official Peter Navarro claimed Dr. Anthony Fauci will be removed from his post at NIAID within three months due to emerging reports of his deep ties to the Wuhan Virology Institute and Chinese Communist Party.

Navarro, former Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy explained on “War Room: Pandemic” Tuesday that Fauci’s involvement in gain of function research at the Wuhan biolab and his ingratiation with the CCP will be his undoing.

“Tony Fauci is the father of the virus. It came from that lab…Tony Fauci greased the skids for gain of function experimentation which weaponized the virus,” Navarro told host and former White House strategist Steve Bannon.


Navarro then explained why Fauci is culpable for the pandemic and lockdowns.

“I wanna put this on the record: Fauci is gonna be gone within 90 days,” Navarro said.

“He knows that that thing likely came from Wuhan Institute of Virology. He knows that. Why does he know that?” Navarro continued. “Because he knows that he gave money to that lab and he knows that he paid for gain of function experimentation. And he knows that that experimentation done by the bat lady was to design a deadly virus because she thanked him publicly for giving them the money to do it.”

“Anthony Fauci knew all of that. But what did he do?…Did he go out and apologize? No, he positioned himself as the hero of the whole movement,” he said, adding that Fauci “is a sociopath.”

Bannon cut in, reminding Navarro that Fauci not only didn’t apologize, he didn’t come clean about any of his activities with Wuhan’s lab whatsoever.


“I don’t care about his apology,” Bannon said. “He never informed people, was never honest with people in the [Trump] administration and the American people. His apology means nothing to me.”

The political tide began to shift against Fauci earlier this month when he admitted to Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) during a congressional hearing that he did in fact fund the Wuhan Virology Institute through third parties — after initially denying it

After flip flopping his story repeatedly, sometimes defending the need for gain of nction earch China and elsewhere, Fauci’s power trip has now hit a wall.



Also, read more about the vaccine propaganda here.

See about the Nuremburg trials and the Wuhan, Fauci Vaccine here.




 The Maricopa County election audit is the first real “official” review of a fraudulent election connected to the 2020 election theft in the United States. This audit has the potential to wake up ignorant Americans who still trust a corrupted election system that has rigged key election races around the country for a long, long time.


Like myself, there are many people who are excited to see the results. Like myself, there are auditors who know that their efforts are being compromised by infiltrators to the process. And like myself, there are auditors, who have made it clear to them, that vicious harassment will accompany any information leaks associated with the process. As reported on the CSS, Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs (D), has been caught ushering in alleged George Soros operatives on to the audit floor, or at the very least, these suspected individuals were clearly part of George Soros organizations. This is like the Dallas Police letting in known strip club owner and mafia strongman, Jack Ruby, into the Dallas Police jail basement while Oswald was being transferred. In both cases, this begs the question, who were they keeping out? Remember, the character and integrity of the Soros’ people hosts as consider that Secretary Hobbs sent a tweet out two days before the election that called Trump a “Nazi”. Please remember that Arizona Governor, Doug Ducey, refused Arizona State Senate’s request to convene before the January certification date of January 6th in Congress. Ducey did not want a recount, or a review of the election. Why? We are going to look into Ducey’s behavior over the next several articles as it related to Trump, the Communist Chinese and major conflicts of interests, although smaller in scope, but just like Fauci’s relationship with the Communist Chinese. As the audit unfolds, I am increasingly shocked by the width and breath of the conspiracy against Trump and the subsequent theft of an election as well as tireless efforts to cover it up. The conspiracy against Trump includes, but is not limited to the following:

  1. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors
  2. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey (R)
  3. The Arizona Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs (D)
  4. The just-elected Maricopa County Recorder, Stephen Richer (R)
  5. Paul Penzone, Maricopa County Sheriff (D)


All five of these officials will get there turn in the barrel. As we proceed through the process of revealing the depth and nature of the criminality that resulted in Joe Biden stealing the election.


Stephen Richer


Let’s put aside the County Recorder immediately as someone who was recruited to be part of the fix. First of all, if I was newly elected, I would not enter this controversy, because he only took office just over 4 months ago and this tenure began over two months after the election. If he was not recruited to be a part of the “fix”, then please explain why he is going on the attack by appearing on national media, calling the audit, “fantasy” on such outlets as MSNBC. How would he know? He was not in office when the steal took place. He has conducted no audit, no investigation, just like the one he opposes now. So, again, how does he know the election was honest and handled with integrity? His only evidence that Richer offers is that he is a Republican that got elected in the same election as Trump and therefore, if Trump really won, he should have been elected along with Richer.


This child-like reasoning by Richer is easy to untangle. Nobody is alleging that the election theft was generally targeting all Republicans it targeted Trump and again, the Senatorial races in Georgia. Is this the best the County Recorder can do? When absentee ballots are missing, an allegedly altered, who’s to say that only the Trump votes were stolen or that Biden was the recipient of fake votes that altered the election. Richer has no way to legitimately answer this question. This is why you have an audit in order to answer these questions. I have concluded he is part of the fix and the real origins of his campaign finances should be analyzed for the conflict of interests that may be there. If Richer was not part of the fix, then he should have said, that I cannot comment on the election and its protocols because I was the elected official in charge at the time. I would have accepted this. However, his mad dog, publicity-seeking behavior strongly suggests that he is part of the coverup. In fact, he is defending the County Supervisors who are in contempt of court for not producing the election machine codes. Although this has not been made an issue, the bulk of the absentee ballots are conveniently missing as well. So far, they have only found the military and disabled absentee ballots. Where are the missing mail-in ballots?

Since Richer seem so dead set on defending the undefendable contempt of court by actions by the Supervisors, he should be made to account for these items as well since he has interjected himself into this debate on a national media level. How obvious could this cover-up be and one has to wonder what inducements have been offered to Richer. Richer, you are welcome to come on my radio show along with you colleagues the harassers (see below how I have been harassed). You can make your points in public. To the harassers, are you so chicken ____, that you can only hide behind your computers and your phones? Show some courage and come on my show…   davehodges@thecommonsenseshow.com



The Harassment of Dave Hodges by Parties With a Vested Interest In Discrediting the Audit


I, too, have also been harassed for my part in establishing in exposing the election fraud. I have developed audit contacts. The only reason that these people would ever reveal information to me was because they could see that the fix was in and they wanted to do their part in revealing the truth before the audit is shut down.


Further, I developed, or previously had relationships with other investigators into the stolen election and they have previously published or broadcasted part of my findings. And how did the election thieves respond? They harassed me through my colleagues and friends. Why would they do this?


One person contacted one of my alt media contacts and in writing said, that your source (ie Dave Hodges) is bogus and a fraud. If my claims I have made were bogus and fraudulent, then why wouldn’t they just ignore me? I don’t have any legal ability to stop the steal. I am just a man with a modest alt media following. Who am I to draw the attention of a character assassination crowd carried with 4 of my media colleagues? I should simply be laughed off as a conspiratorial nut that should be treated for dementia. But to warrant this kind of character assassination on such a broad scale is very telling. One harasser went so far as to tell one of my media contacts that I was putting his life in jeopardy. If my claims were not true, as published in previous articles, why would these attacks be turned on my colleagues who dared to mention me on their shows or websites with regard to this topic? What did Shakespeare say about protesting too loudly? By the way not one of the character assassinations ever attacked my facts that I have printed. Every conversation with a colleague ONLY attacked my character. I take these behaviors as third-party endorsements as to the accuracy of my previous findings. Speaking of findings, I released two pieces of election fraud information that trips up my attackers and their credibility. I made two claims about the election process, the attackers contacted my colleagues to discredit me, and then a couple of days later the mainstream media released my allegations in a word for word account, but of course, the MSM left out some of important details. What were those claims that I left out? Keep reading.

  1. The missing absentee ballots  were not handed over by the Maricopa County Supervisors as ordered by the court order. However, I must defend the Supervisors, they cannot surrender what they do not have. They do not have control of these ballots, because they never had them. The Supervisors would have had to have agreed to divorce themselves from the chain of custody for these votes which is where most people know that a large part of the fraud took place. Why would they do such a thing?  I will cover this in the next part of this series.
  2. Voting law requires that key election officials have the codes for the voting machines. However, now know that the election officials on the night of November 3, 2020, did not have the codes. Who had them? Up until now, it was presumed that the County Supervisors had the codes. Now we know the truth. Just this morning in a live streamed Board of Supervisors emergency meeting, they admitted they had no codes to turn over to the audit team as ordered to do so. The pubic has no idea of the significance of this, so please let me explain. State voting law requires a chain of custody over the votes and the voting process must be supervised by duly assigned officials under the auspices of the previous County Recorder. This did not happen. This means that a third party had control over the voting machines and they could anything they wanted to the machines, including altering the final results, because there was no governmental supervision and control as required by law. Obviously, the County Supervisors do not have effective legal representation because they should have never admitted that they do not have the election codes.


Breaking News


Since I have been writing this article, there are new developments. I alluded to Richer inappropriately going on national media with claims the audit is insane. Also, since I started writing this article, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors admitted they did not have the codes (huge mistake). However, the election thieves are working overtime on their cover stories. They have taken the admission of not having the machine codes and created a cover story. Richer and the Supervisors have released to the media that Sheriff Penzone had the election codes. Are you kidding me? The Sheriff is not part of the hierarchy of command for elections. The Sheriff is the top constitutional authority in a county, but they are not part of the election process. There would be no believable reason that Penzone would have the election codes for “safe-keeping” as we were told. And this doesn’t change the fact that the election officials never had the codes on election night as required by law. Along these lines, I have another revelation.


Three months ago, I was interviewing Chris Kitze the former owner of Before Its News. Despite the fact that neither of us are with this publication we have stayed contact. Chris was on my TV show three month ago and he made a stunning revelation. Chris unveiled a chart that showed how many votes were counted by Dominion inside of China by state. With this latest information, I see why no election official had the codes as prescribed by law. It seems likely that the votes were free to be counted in China, because there was no real election machine oversight. This also brings in the Maricopa County Sheriff as an agent of cover-up. This is the same Sheriff that let BLM and Antifa rampage, unopposed through downtown Phoenix. Yet, on election night when Republicans were protesting the mismarking and disqualifications of their ballots by an imposed use of a sharpie that leaked through, Penzone (D) ordered the crowds to stop their peaceful protesting or go to jail. The fix was in for Penzone then and it is in effect now….


What I believe to be likely is that the codes were kept in China. And now with the missing code controversy, they have been leaked back to Penzone the day before the contempt hearing for the County Supervisors not producing the codes. What amazing timing and what a coincidence!


As we witnessed in Georgia, China played a huge role in compromising the election. We are going to find the same thing here in Arizona. The Chinese began their election theft with the planned release of the Wuhan virus. It came to America in an election year, thus with a lockdown election year, absentee ballots were used in record numbers and that is how the election was stolen. And in Arizona, most of the absentee ballots are missing!!!!! Another coincidence. Does Sheriff Penzone have these ballots along with the codes?


My dad used to say that more you stir excrement, the more it starts to stink. And that is what is happening in Maricopa County.   





   I am wondering how far my harassment will go? As I have said before, if I am on the list, it is best to be on the top of the list and quite obviously I am there.  To those public officials who dare to discredit a legitimate investigation expect to be put under the cross-hairs of my investigation because both named and unnamed people are part of the coverup. To my harassers, before you go to the next level, keep in mind I have your names and they have been disseminated to trusted third parties along with copies of your written communications.


Stay tuned the CSS is just getting started!





         The Counter Coup Is Here!   May 17, 2021


The Fam

     The forensic audit of the Presidential election in Arizona has Donald Trump winning the state by well over one million votes. The November original count gave the state to Biden by 11,000 votes. Now these kinds of audits are being done in other swing states. It is becoming more and more apparent that this is the greatest election fraud case in all of history. The American people must demand that this crime be confronted and that justice be done upon the perpetrators. 
     According to the reporter below, there is now a major counter coup being carried out both in the U.S.A. and with an international coalition. We are in prayer for the mountain to be moved and for the truth to be revealed. We are asking the Lord to avenge His own elect who are crying to Him day and night.                                                                                                       Read more about it here.

   The Tyranny Of Whole Sale Conformity  5/13/21


Love in the Park

     The Bible tells believers in Christ to not be conformed to this present evil world. If we have received the true grace of God, then we are being taught by grace to recognize the agenda and the operations of the god of this world and those philosophies, desires, and plans of the world that oppose the agenda of the God of the Bible and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible tells the believer to present himself as a living sacrifice to the Lord and then to have has mind renewed and transformed by the Spirit of God with the Word of God, the inspired preserved Bible. 
     Such believers will have much needed discernment. I believe that they will see more and more how the world is grooming people through peer pressure, the main stream media, and science falsely so called(fake Fauci science) to embrace mask mandates, forced "vaccinations, and others tool geared to get the populace to comply with the New World Order, globalist agenda. 
     Read the article that points out these truths right here.

 Tic Toc - God's Time Clock Is Ticking Toward The End  5/11/21


      The Bible teaches that prior to the second coming of Christ that Israel would return to the promise land and would be declared a nation again. Then, on May 14, 1948 David Ben Gurion declared Israel a nation among the nations of the earth. The U.S. President recognized it and then many other nations joined him in that recognition. At that moment,  the time clock began to tick until the 70th week of Daniel 9:24-27 begins. Somewhere in the second half of that future 7 year period the Lord Jesus will return and gather His saints unto Him in the air and then send His angels to begin the trumpet judgments of the Day of the Lord wrath. 
     But before that seven year period begins, there had to be the reuniting of Jerusalem and a recapturing of the Temple Mount by the nation  of Israel. On June 7, 1967 the I.D.F. did just that. Then, another prophecy had to be fulfilled before the 70th week. This prophecy has yet to reach its final fulfillment.  The Islamic nations that form a ring touching and surrounding Israel had been relentlessly attacking Israel since they become a nation. They fought with Israel in 1948, 1954, 1967, and 1973 and then in the 1980's and have been unsuccessful to cast Israel out and continue unsuccessful until the present time. Psalm 83 predicts one more final war that will result in Israel winning and expanding its land area so that Jordan will be the center of its presence in the promised land(Ezekiel 38:11). There will also be an attack by a coalition of nations upon Iran that will knock out their nuclear sites and create a regime change. This is prophesied in Jer. 49.  Israel will be in the victors seat after these two things occur.  They will prepare for the beginning of the time clock predicted by Daniel in 9:24-27. 
     Right now the battling in and around the temple mount is preparing for the wars above. They in turn will lead to Israel's rebuilding their temple and renewing its Mosaic sacrificial system. Eventually, this will lead into the coventant between Israel and the revived Roman Empire that will start the clock on the final seven years before Christ's kingdom is set up on earth for a 1,000 years of wonderful grace and peace!
Read about the fighting here.

 Globalist-ChiCom Coup Continues!  May 10, 2021

The Big Kahuna


         It is my studied opinion that Bill Gates and Tony Fauci have been the point men for the globalist agenda to work through the communist Chinese regime to overthrow the U.S. Presidential elections and  turn the U.S. into a puppet regime. This Wuhan lab virsus was developed in North Carolina with the knowledge of Gates and Fauci. Then it was released from Wuhan wittingly. It was used to bring down the humming Trump economy. Then cyber means were used to turn the election to Biden. Now the globalists are implementing their policies in the U.S. through the puppet Presidential administration. 
     The "vaccines" are a further bio attack upon the American people. The same globalists'(Gates and Fauci) that helped launch the Sars two bio weapon through Red China in Wuhan are using the vaccine to further attack and control the American people. This coup needs to be oppossed by all spiritual weapons and all constitutional tools that are available. 
    Listen to the video below for more proof and informantion on this coup.
Click on to video here. Then click on to the video Sat. emergency report toward the bottom of the page. 

Pastor & Bobby   Days Of Deception  May 2021



     We are living in days of deception. Our Lord warned us that just before His return that we should be warned not to be deceived. I have been apalled by the lack of discernment by sprititual leaders when it comes to the theft of the recent U.S. Presidential election and to the globalist- Red Chinese axis against our God-given constitutional republic. 

But we have been crying out to the Lord of hosts to delay the enemies plan to do a global reset and bring in the mark. God's anointed President is down, but he is not out. We are still looking for God's overthrow of this globalist theft of the election  with the help of the Red Chinese computer attack and the Sars 2(Covid 19) bio attack. 

     We should give heaven no rest until the Lord brings down this fake Presidency and reinstates our true and legitimant President Donald J. Trump!

     Please click here to get the facts. 


 This Is Still My Father's World!  April 14, 2021

    When I was in first grade I went to Mayfair Christian school in Grand Rapids, Michigan. My teacher, Miss Finema, taught our class a song. It was called, This Is My Father's World." It is a great song filled with bibical truth. When the God of the Bible created this world it was perfect, sinless, and good. It was my Father-God's world. He made Adam His king to mediate His rule over the earth. He made Eve to be his queen. But an evil, fallen cherub entered their garden home and deceived Eve, the queen to get the king, Adam to sin against the Owner of the world. From that time to this, about 6 thousands years, Adam's kingship was usurped by this fallen cherub now called Satan or the Devil. But God promised a Seed from the woman(Genesis 3:15), another and final Adam, to conquer the wicked cherub and his seed, the Antichrist. This seed was born after about 4 thousand years from the fall of Adam. He, by living a perfect life under God's law, dying on a tree to remove the curse of that law, rising from the dead bodily,  and bringing His redeeming blood to the mercy seat in the third heaven, has provided the basis for the justification of a believing remnant from Adam's race and for the redemption of their cursed earth. 

     However, the evi cherub continues to rule the world unti the last Adam returns and His chosen nation, Israel, receives Him as their Messiah-King, Yeshua. Then the rule of the earth will return to those descendants of Adam. In the mean time, the LORD God of Israel is saving a people from every tongue, kindred, and nation to make up His bride, the queen to rule with the Jewish Messiah in His coming kingdom. We are actively preaching the gospel of grace so that the body of Christ, His bride can be completed. 

     But on earth, a prophecy of James 5:1-8 is playing out. In the U.S.A. in 1914 an oligarchy of evil men brought in the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank. That act was passed and signed into law by Woodrow Wilson during the Christmas season. Next, the federal income tax was put into the U.S. constitution as an amendment with questionable methods. What happened in 1914 has been fermenting and is coming very close to full fruition in 2021. Read the article below to understand this wicked Satanic oligarchy. But do not despair. It is still My Father's world! I rest me in that thought. God shall overthrow the work of these usurpers and the their father, the Devil!!!

Read about it right here.


      Are You Watching or Sleeping On the Job?!

Pastor & Bobby   March 5, 2021


      Jesus Christ warned us to watch for the ;prophesied events of His second coming(Matt. 24 and 25, etc.). The apostle Paul said, "Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober( I Thes. 5:6)." The apostle Peter said, "...Looking for and hasting unto the coming day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat(II Peter 3:12 - Inotherwords, we are to watch for a time of direct Divine intervention called the  Day of the Lord wrath, when God pours out His fiery judgments of the trumpets and vial judments of the Revelation 8-18). 

        If God does not soon intervene to stop the present Globalist-Communist take over in stealing the vote and election of Donald Trump in America, then you may expect the world to soon enter into the prophetic of events of Daniel 9:26 and 27; Matthew 24, and Revelation 6 and following. We are to  watch for these prophesied end time events as they lead up to the second coming of Christ and the rapture of the church. The rapture is not a signless any time event, but requires you to be spirtually awake, alert, sober, and watchful. 

      We are praying for the Lord to interupt the devil's timeline for his global governance of Revelation 13 and 17. But, either He intervenes very soon in the U.S.A. to turn around the election fraud or the Day of the Lord is very near at hand! Either way we who are genuine believers in the Lord Jesus Christ win!! So let us be ready to win souls to faith in Christ while we have time! Let us WATCH, WORK, and BE SOBER  AS WE WAIT FOR HIS INTERVENTION. 

     Read more about the Satanic mystery of iniquity which is still working. Click here. 


     Supreme Court Continues The Cover Up 

Feb. 24, 2021     

   The Supreme Court has proven that all but three of the justices have been corrupted. Their refusal to even hear the evidence of coordinated, Red China led ELECTION FRAUD. in the Nov. 3, 2020 election is outrageous. They have failed to defend our constituion agains all enemies whether foreign or domestic. We have Red China and other foreign actors teaming up with domestic enemies of our republic to overthrow our constitutional government. 
     In times like these we need to listen to men that are valiant for the truth. Such a man is General Tom McInerney. Listen below to an interview with him that speaks volumes as to where we are now in light of the 6 to 3 vote of the chief court to refuse to defend our republic against a mountain of evidence concerning election fraud in the Nov. 3rd and the Georgia Senate election of January 5, 2021.
     Hear the interview right here. 

 The Bill Gates-Red Chinese Vaccine And Virus  2/16/21


Love in the Park

      Bill Gates is the devil's disciple. He is for reducing the population. He is using this pandemic, according to Chinese whistleblowers, "hatched in a lab in Wuhan China, to further some of his pet projects. What are some of these? Well, he wants to depopulate the planet and make it easier for a ruling class of techno elites like himself to run the New Order. He would like to download the information from the brains of these geniuses and store them on the cloud and then put the stored knowledge back into transhuman bodies so that the elites could live forever on earth!  Not only the viruses of "plandemics" are there to do his bidding, but the vaccines as well. They will alter our DNA. They are being rushed out while we are being used as human guinea pigs for depopulation plans. Further, they are a test balloon for the coming mark of the beast, which is a cash less monetary system that will be injected into the human body turning all that take the mark into a human antennae. Every person on earth, in a Bill Gates perfect scenario, would be tracked and controlled by taking the mark of the One World Governance system. 

     Whatever you do now, do not take this "vaccine machine of death" to supposedly stop the spread of the virus. It is to stop the spread of humans made in the image of God. Bill Gates is moving at warp speed to implement Satan's agenda to make this his prison planet. Stand up for the Bill of Rights. Do not submit to the pressure to keep you from flying, working, and shopping unless you take their "vaccine machine." As an American you can take them to court on constitutional grounds. But do not submit yourself to this Bill Gates-Red Chinese virus vaccination!

     Read about it here.

__________________________________________________________________________-          Are A Church Not A Government Corp.! 2/12/21


Love in the Park

     A number of months ago I was constrained to lead our church out of being a non profit corporation. We had a resolution that the church, at a duly constituted business meeting, vote itself our of existence as a corporation. Then we voted ourselves into existence as a new entity called the Scranton Revival Baptist Church, but only a church and not a corporation. We wrote a letter to the state in which we reside informing them of our action. We did this because our basis for not paying taxes as a church is in based in the U.S. A Constitution and not in some legal entity that comes between us as a body of Christ and our sole head,  the Lord Jesus Christ. I will not be led by man's constrictions to take away or add to the biblical message that I am commanded by God Almighty to proclaim. The article below is included to help you as you watch and wait for Christ's return. Let us stay faithful to our Heavenly Bridegroom is these days of comprise! Let us function as part of a church of Christ Jesus, the Lord, not some government corporation. 

Read more here. 


       What Is Happeing At The White House?!

Birthday Girl

Feb. 3, 2021 

     We have been waitng upon the Lord to deliver us from the devil's timeline for his one world Marxist globalist fake millennium. What is going on at the White House?  Why are al the military troops there? Why, has Donald Trump, the object of the focused hatred of the radical left globalisrt and the rhino republicans everywhere, had not much to say? We cannot help, but feel that the Lord is getting ready to do something big. We cannot help but feel that God is not finished using Donald J. Trump to drain the D.C. swamp. What is happening at the White House? We believe that we are all soon to find out more!




There may ndeed be a coup happening in Washington DC. The takedown of Wall Street with GameStop and Silver squeezing may be part of that coup. However, the CHICOMS are poised to make an entry into the United to protect their friends (Biden and Harris).



The Communist Chinese have made tremendous progress in positioning themselves to not only control much of our shipping lanes, but they have also positioned themselves for invasion in combination with virtually all of Latin America. The Chinese are making tremendous military inroads into Central America in places like Mexico with the construction of warm water ports. However, as the readers will soon see, the Chinese maritime expansion incorporates several key waterways around the world, but the most dangerous expansions serve to threaten the national security interests of the United States. The Chinese are expanding their control over the world's waterways to the point where it constitutes a clear and present danger to the United States. Make no mistake about it, all CHICOM troops in Central and North America are here to ensure that the Biden-Harris coup remains in place so the planned and continuing economic takeover of the US remains in play as well. They are ready. However, there may be a coup going on in DC which may hasten the CHICOM entry on behalf of Biden 



General McInernary



There is indeed something big going in the United States and in particular, Washington DC. Based on a tip I received, General McInerney made a post on Telegram in which he said, while the Global MSM condemns the Myanmar Military (referring to the coup in Burma over election fraud),.... The General went on to demonstrate why the voter fraud took place and why the military overthrew the government. The reasons are exactly what I printed on the CSS last week. 



Coup In DC?



Simultaneous to the post-election coup in Burma, there are major events going on in DC. This is not a QANON psyop. There are provable and tangible events which are extremely out of the ordinary. Please consider the following:



1. The military remains in DC against all odds and reason. 



2. There is a large building constructed in the past 2 weeks in front of the White House, why?



3. Is the building an embassy, or a JAG. If it is an embassy, then the stories about the US being a corporation that has been dissolved may actually be true. In this scenario, Trump could be reinstated as the 19th, not the 45th President. I must fully admit, I still have trouble getting my mind wrapped around this possibility, but I must admit that the dots are connecting. If the building, which the military is trying conceal is a JAG, then trials would be expected. This is another QANON type psyop that I have resisted. However, the circumstantial facts make it necessary to at least consider these possibilities. 



4. What we can say for certain is that there has been 10 days of darkness at the White House. If this development functional or symbolic or did Biden forget to pay the electric bill. And you may notice that Biden's Press Secretary knows nothing about anything. And it may not be an act. It does not appear that Biden forces control DC or even the White House grounds. 



Do these facts add up to another Burma style coup over a stolen election? It is possible. However, who is behind the coup. I have a ARSOF source who is certain that neither Biden or Trump forces are in control of DC. And there is a third party calling the shots, a global third party. However, this would mean that our military is under foreign control. There are more questions than answers. However, there is more to this than meets the eye. For example, why are military guards protecting the White House? This makes no sense in a peaceful transition of power. And speaking of a peaceful transition of power, why hasn't the military completed the the transfer of power to Biden? This is unprecedented at this point. Biden is not in control of the military and that is the on certainty that America can be sure about. There are some observations from Jim Willie that has caught my attention and for very obvious reasons. 


From Jim Willie:
"The INSURRECTION ACT trigger switch was the INAUGURATION on JAN. 20, 2021". 
"ARRESTS are now happening of the CENTRAL BANKERS, POLITICIANS, STATE LEADERS, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS etc... and this is the reason for us now seeing them STEPPING DOWN & RESIGNING". 
"MYANMAR was the FIRST of many to follow". 
"This is the reason for a MILITARY HEADQUARTERS BUILT in front of the WHITE HOUSE on a FOREIGN LAND like an EMBASSY in another country. (D.C. CORPORATION of the VATICAN)"
"This is another reason WHY the WHITE HOUSE has been DARK for over 2 weeks now".
"The MILITARY does NOT want anyone to see what is transpiring there".
"MY NATIONAL GUARD contact stated: WE are in D.C. to take back control over an INSURRECTION lead of a COMMUNIST TAKEOVER FRAUDULENT ELECTION". 
Sources for the above statements by Jim Willie:

          Globalist-Marxist-Red Chinese Theft

Jan. 25, 2021Pastor & Kathy

     Donald Trump, with help from Almighty God, surprized the globist, Red Chinese, Marxist Cabal that reponsed with an Obama shadow Presidency and Deep State Media non stop coup. Using the most massive voting fraud in history, to quote Joe Biden himself, these tyrants stole the Nov. 3, 2020 election. They did it with the complicity of many Benedict Arnold repubiicans. Belivers should be praying for the U.S. military to exercise their power under the Constitution and the 1807 insurrection act to save our republic. Various hypocrites on Capital Hill are blaming Patriots who came to Washington to lawfully express a peaceful redress of grievences. They did this as a last ditch effort when neither 60 courts would act, nor stated legislatures, and finally the U.S. Congress to fully air the election fraud charges. Now they are doubling down on their tyranny. 

     The following is an article that was posted to explain the truth of this Marxist/Globalist seizing of power. It must not stand, and by the God of our founders, it shall not stand.

Read more about in here.


   End Times Warning! Dec. 1, 2020

Pastor & Kathy


     As we approach the one world government of the Beast and the Antichrist, the Bill Gates-Red Chinese viris(covid 19) bio weapon of the globalists is playing a huge role. Our bill of rights is under attack as never before. In the article below even a normally great conservative Supreme court justice has failed us in protecting out First Amendment for freedom of worship. "Science falsely so-called" (I Tim. 6:16) contiues to rear its ugly head. Read the article below:

Supreme Court Rejects Petition from Pastor Facing Charges for Holding In-Person Worship Services  - Click here to read the article


 ChristianHeadlines.com Contributor | Monday, November 30, 2020


The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected a petition from a Louisiana pastor who faces criminal charges for holding in-person worship services during a state-mandated order.


According to CBN News, Justice Samuel Alito turned down the petition Friday from Pastor Tony Spell, of Life Tabernacle Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

In May, Spell filed a lawsuit after he was charged with violating state-mandated restrictions placed because of the coronavirus pandemic.

He said the ban on in-person gatherings is not about safety, rather it is "politically motivated" and part of an orchestrated "attack on all Christians across the world.”

"The State has shown a shocking and unprecedented commitment to criminally prosecuting its strongest dissenter in violation of one of the First Amendment's most precious guarantees: the right of a church, which by definition is an assembly, to decide whether to assemble or not," the suit reads.

Spell faces nine criminal charges. Six of the nine charges are misdemeanor counts for “breaking the Governor’s orders.” The pastor also faces an aggravated assault charge for nearly hitting a protestor in April.

Spell has denied the incident took place.

After refusing to stop in-person worship services, he was fitted with a tracking device and placed on house arrest.

In the lawsuit against state and local officials, Spells says that his phone was tapped and a camera was illegally placed at his home. He also said he was followed.

“If Pastor Spell told his congregation to meet at Home Depot, Lowe’s, or Walmart, then he apparently would not have been violating the Governor’s orders, but since he told them to meet at Life Tabernacle Church, he is facing fines and possible imprisonment,” the suit claims.

But police say they hadn’t been targeting Spell’s church

“I have no clue where he’s come up with that his phones were tapped,” Central Police Chief Roger Corcoran told reporters. He also said police did not follow the pastor or videotape the church.


Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Brian PIrwin

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for ChristianHeadlines.com since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and IBelieve.com. She blogs at The Migraine Runner




  Tuesday, November 17, 2020 | Tag Cloud Tags: 

iran nuclear deal

(Worthy News) -Iran warned on Tuesday of a “crushing response” in the wake of reports US President Donald Trump convened top advisers last week to ask if he had options to strike Iranian nuclear sites during his final weeks in office.

“Any action against the Iranian nation would certainly face a crushing response,” said government spokesperson Ali Rabiei in remarks streamed on an official government news site, according to the Reuters news agency.

The New York Times reported Monday that Trump had made inquiries about the possibility of strikes, but was dissuaded by warnings that it could lead to a wider conflict. Source: Times of Israel (Read More...)





     The fact that our President is mulling over this option with his military advisors speaks to a prophecy in Jeremiah 49 verses 35 and following. It speaks of invasion of Elam, which today is western and central Iran where many of its nuclear sites are housed. This starts out as an air invasion and, according to Jer. 49, will lead to a regime change in Iran.  This interest by the President not only bodes positively for the soon invasion to occur, but the temporary delay bodes well for the President to prevail in his war against the globalist cabal and their latest coup against him, the attempt to steal his landslide re election by fraud. Biden is in the pocket of the Red Chinese, the globalists, and has bribed the Iranian's when he was the Vice-President.



   Kanye Speaks Out Against The Mark of the Beast!

July 9, 2020

      Kanye West announced his possible run for the Presidency. In doing this he is striking right at the heart of the Beast one world government. He  is pointing out that Planned Parenthood is founded by racists like Adolf Hitler and the KKK, who also were racists. He points out that Anthony Fauci is in agreement with Bill Gates and the globalists to get a vaccine and to control buying and selling over the planet. These are the people that are using this Wuhan virus to create a vaccine mark that will control buying and selling world wide. West is using his new platform to speak out on these things. Hopefully the President will benefit from Kanye's courageous stand and who could help him to speak out via Kanye. 


Baal Worship In The U.S.A. Today  6-30-20




   Baal worship involved the promise of wealth and asked for child sacrifice from the ancient worshippers of Baal. Behind this god who went by various names, were fallen angels. These angels still are active and are behind a more modern form of Baal worship. The abortion industry with the help of groups such as Planned Parenthood, help to further modern Baal worship. It is also promoting the globalist agenda, which Satan himself wants to come to pass soon. 

     Satan's timeline has been interrupted by the work of such things as Brexit and the election of President Donald Trump in the U.S.A.  who is promoting a biblical idea of nationalism in opposition to globalism. The mystery of iniquity is working to bring in the Baal based global end time government, but the Lord is hindering it. The angelic gardian angel of Israel, namely Michael, is helping to bring the U.S.A. back to its roots and to make it to stand with Israel for now.  

     Watch the video on the link below to see how Baal is back. But know also that the restrainer is still at work to hold these high ranking evil angels behind the Baal system at bay at this time.

For the link to watch the video, click here. 



Kill Or Be Killed!   4/22/19




     When the U.S. declared war on the axis powers in WWII it was either unconditonal surrendder or nothing! When Joshua led Israel to invade the promise land, He commanded him to totally destroy the enemy. If he failed, the Lord warned that the  enemy would corrupt and destroy Israel from within. That is where we are in Aoril of 2019. The Lord God raised up Donald J. Trump to "trump" the systems of evil in the U.S.A. He won on November 8, 2016 and whlle he campaigned and since he won, the evil systems of the shadow government and the deep state have been colluding with the global elites to take him out! Either Trump kills this calbal through lawful and constitutional means or he will be politically or literally killed. 

     For my part, I predict Trump will trump them. He will kill therse systems and jail them for their treasonous, poisonous evil! control and conspiracies.

But it is kill or be killed. God is backing and has raised up this man and the Lord God will protect him and keep him in power as he did Joshua until the work is done.  In the article below you may get more insight into what is occuring as we write this entry.




April 21, 2019

Why Americans Must Remain Vigilant: As The Table Turns, The Deep State's 'Window Of Opportunity' To Pull Off A Monstrous False Flag Closes Like The Nooses Around Their Necks

- But Intelligence Agencies Dominated By Liberals Remain A Threat To The American Republic

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

With the entire Russian collusion hoax now exposed as the huge waste of American taxpayer's dollars that it was after the Mueller Report was released proving, if nothing else, that President Trump, like any wrongly accused human being, will fight back tooth and nail against the lies, we look forward to the next step in this very real political drama with President Trump's re-election campaign threatening to 'turn the tables' upon the Russian-collusion conspirators as heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story. 

But with the future sure to bring us proof that the Democrats and msm have been caught in huge lies with even a recent CNN Op-Ed admitting that the Mueller report looks really bad for Barack Obama, and now President Trump preparing to declassify the Carter Page FISA documents within the coming weeks, we've long been warned that should the corrupted faction of the deep state and the criminals within the DNC feel the nooses tightening around their necks, they'd 1st attempt to pull off a massive 'event' to get themselves out of the mess that they've created for themselves, which even President Trump has mentioned might be treasonous.  

As Mike Adams of Natural News reports in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story, the fact that deep state traitors could be going to prison means "they are in 'sheer desperation mode' to destroy America by invoking a false flag attack, a civil war, a mass shooting, an invasion or some other major attack that would cause mass chaos." Adams holds back no punches in his analysis: "This is why the deep state must be destroyed to save America."

And while none of us advocate violence or vigilante behavior be carried out to hold the corrupted faction of the deep state and those within the Democratic party who've committed crimes against America accountable, it's fantastic to hear Devin Nunes' recent announcement that names have been forwarded to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution. Yet Nunes also mentioned those names may remain secret forever. So as we'll see below, we should have all eyes and ears open for a massive false flag event in the days and weeks ahead that takes the attention off of the corrupted faction of the deep state and the Democrats who sold out America and refocuses national attention upon 'the event', with leftist's heads already exploding over the Mueller report. 

So as we'll explore within this ANP story, just as Susan Duclos had warned only weeks ago was going to be inevitable, the countdown to chaos is now fully underway with payback for POTUS Trump, deplorables and America hopefully ahead and justice absolutely necessary to be served for the future of our Republic to once again become strong and free.  

(If you appreciate stories like this, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this battle for the future of America.)


With the left and the mainstream media now uniting in their calls for Trump's impeachment as this Infowars story reports, moves absolutely reeking of desperation, while President Trump fires back at the dirty cops at the FBI over the fake and discredited Steele Dossier, even taking aim at 'Crooked Hillary' again and the 'total fraud on your President and the American people', we see that the left will continue pushing their lies and propaganda via the mainstream media and Hollywood (which is in total meltdown over Mueller) until the truth finally comes out. Hopefully with the declassification and release of the FISA documents in the coming days or weeks as Susan Duclos reported in this April 20th ANP story

Yet as Mike Adams tells us within his video, with those who've committed treason against America still running free and the deep state still not completely reigned in (US intelligence agencies and the deep state are absolutely dominated by liberals according to this Free Beacon story that the Drudge Report linked to days ago), does anybody really believe the deep state and Democrats will just let Trump lead the country without more trickery, deceit and interference? From the Free Beacon story.:

The CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies have become bastions of political liberals and the pro-Democratic Party views of intelligence personnel have increased under President Donald Trump, according to a journal article by a former CIA analyst. 

John Gentry, who spent 12 years as a CIA analyst, criticized former senior intelligence leaders, including CIA Director John Brenan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and former deputy CIA director Michael Morell, along with former analyst Paul Pillar, for breaking decades-long prohibitions of publicly airing their liberal political views in attacking Trump

Charles "Sam" Faddis, a former CIA operations officer, said countering politicization is a critical question. "A secret service that involves itself in partisan politics is a threat to the republic," Faddis said.

"Do I think CIA officers as a whole are guilty of taking sides or slanting analysis? No. Do I think we have seen senior CIA officers guilty of using their positions to favor the Democratic Party? Beyond a doubt, and I'm not sure they're all former officers," he added.


Yet while President Trump has chopped off the heads of those agencies by making sure that people like Comey, Clapper and Brennan are no longer within them, thanks to the intelligence agencies being dominated by the left, like the mythical hydra, every time one head is chopped off, two more grow back in its' place. As we read in this new story over at Natural News by Mike Adams, "the deep state is the true enemy of human civilization. If we do not destroy the deep state, it will destroy the world". Adams story republishes this must-read piece by Jim Quinn over at the Burning Platform

Quinn's story immediately opens by quoting song lyrics by the band 'Rise Against' from their song 'The Violence', a song which captures the feeling of angst and uncertainty engulfing the world today. His story also alludes to the '4th turning' and the historical cycles that repeat over and over again over hundreds of years. We're now in the '4th turning' and 'America's rendezvous with destiny'

This Fourth Turning is entering its most violent stage, where blood will be spilled in vast quantities as an epic conflict between good and evil plays out across the globe. Eighty years ago, the bloodiest conflict in human history began, as the social mood turned dark and compromise was no longer a viable option.

It wasn’t a coincidence World War II began exactly eighty years after the onset of the American Civil War, which began as compromisers died off and hearts hardened on both sides. We are now eighty years gone since the outset of World War II and a global mood of impending doom overshadows our daily lives. 

The inevitability of conflict, domestically and internationally, eclipses all efforts to bridge the ideological differences of competing interests around the world. The cycles of history will not be denied and this Fourth Turning will play out as those before, with clear victors and clear losers.

Quinn's excellent read continues as he warns of danger ahead. Via deep state false flag? From Quinn's story.: 

Violence is in our nature, but good men and women only resort to it when pushed to their breaking point. That point is rapidly approaching. The hubris of the ruling class has led them to brazenly reveal their true purpose in pillaging the wealth of the nation, while impoverishing the middle class, creating global disorder, promoting civic decay and ensuring global financial chaos through creating trillions of unpayable debt. 

The attempted coup of Trump, the arrest of Assange, rigging of financial markets and the continued provocation of Russia have pushed the country to the brink. The two captured political parties are bereft of courageous patriots, while being infested with corrupt extremist imbeciles. Sworn enemies, domestically and internationally, are standing waist deep in gasoline striking matches. 

Anyone not realizing the direness of our situation is either dependent upon the Deep State for their sustenance, a lackey for the establishment, choosing to be willfully ignorant, or is too dumbed down and distracted by their techno-gadgets to care. The war has begun and the storm gathers, but nobody knows when the conflagration will erupt. The Deep State is already at war with average Americans, but they haven’t acknowledged that fact. When they do, things will get interesting. Get ready.


In this new story over at The Hill, author Elizabeth Harrington argues it's time for Democrats to accept reality. With 10's of millions of them living within a mainstream media induced alternative reality, their story held back no punches and the first 3 paragraphs are well worth repeating here. For many of us here in America, we all know people who are still living within this alternative reality. From The Hill story.:

Democrats have been living in a fantasy world since the clock struck midnight after November 8, 2016. Rather than accept reality and the results of historic victory of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in the last presidential election, Democrats have clutched to conspiracy theories. 

The first fantasy was that the 2016 election was tainted by “fake news.” When that backfired, because after all it was the mainstream media that had to apologize for its biased coverage of the race, the narrative had to change. Democrats then settled on another conspiracy theory, hand woven by the Clinton campaign and deeply entrenched within the Obama administration Justice Department that was led by collusion truthers. 

It could not be that their unlikeable, untrustworthy, and inauthentic candidate, dogged by decades of scandals, who never bothered to campaign in Wisconsin had fairly and resoundingly lost to a man who connected with the forgotten men and women of this country with a clear and strong agenda. Democrats had to find a new scapegoat. They claimed that Vladimir Putin plotted to “subvert an election” and that Russia helped “swing it for” Trump. We have been living in their fantasy world where every single thing revolves around Russia ever since 2016.

As we've previously reported here on ANP, we ourselves were slandered by the Washington Post soon after the 2016 election via a now proven fake news story in which they used the long discredited website 'Prop or Not' which labeled websites such as the Drudge Report, Infowars, Natural News, Zero Hedge, ANP and many others as 'Russian propaganda'. This despite the fact that my family has been here in America for over 400 years and one member of my family fought in the Revolutionary War against tyrants from the UK back in the 1700's. Once again, from this story over at The Hill.

It was not just the 2016 election results Democrats refuse to accept. They undermined the results of no collusion found by the Senate Intelligence Committee investigation. They undermined the results of no collusion, of the House Intelligence Committee investigation. They undermined the results of the inspector general investigation of finding misconduct by top ranking FBI officials who vowed to stop Trump from becoming president. 

Why would they stop? Democrats are now undermining the results of the special counsel investigation and the findings of no collusion in the report by Robert Mueller, who they once elevated to sainthood. The conspiracy wheels will keep turning and the smears will keep coming because it is all Democrats have left to push in their narrative. They cannot win on the issues, they cannot win on the record of accomplishments under this president, and they cannot win on the economy that continues to sizzle. It is time for Democrats to accept reality. It is time for them to connect the dots that the American people voted for Donald Trump because of the promises that he has been keeping. He is our duly elected president.

And while Harrington didn't mention the possibility of a massive false flag event being carried out by the corrupted faction of the deep state as one avenue leading to 'why would they stop?', as Adams mentions within the 2nd and final video below, the deep state's 'window of opportunity' to pull off a massive false flag event to turn the tables back in their direction is growing smaller every day. But anybody who thinks they'll just wither up and blow away doesn't understand the monster that we're up against. A monster that sold out the American people to globalism. A monster that has carried out countless false flag events. A monster that if it had its way, would keep America in endless wars till 'Armageddon'. A monster that has run roughshod over the American people for far too long. 


'window of opportunity' to pull off a 







  Pray For Protection For Our President  4-12-19

Image may contain: 2 people, including Kathy Bloem, people smiling, people standing



     For a number of years, i preached that the U.S.A. would be judged by God for all of the evil of our land. But before the 2016 Presidential elections, I preached a sermon on Isaiah 45 on Cyrus. In that sermon, I alluded to Donald J. Trump being a Cyrus like figure. I saw that Isaiah 45 was the chapter and that the next President would be the 45th in our history. I waxed bold to say that instead of God judging the U.S.A. and bringing it down now that rather he was raising up Donald Trump as He raised up Cyrus to judge Babylon and its leadership. The Lord, I preached, will bring down, through a President Trump, the evil Babylonian-like New Wordl Order, under the Rothchilds, that has been tighting its grip on the U.S.A. since 1913 when our Congress passed a law and Woodrow Wilson signed it to put the U.S.A. under the Federal Reserve evil system. 

     Since then, the fiat currency of this system has been used to control our media, politicians, and corporations. Men that have threatened their control have been poliitcally or literally assasinated. Read the quote below and click onto the link below to watch the video on the plots and the ultimate plot to remove our President. Pray for God's protection and stand with the agenda and the man that God has now raised up to deliver the U.S.A. from the N.W.O.

The Trump Factor

Presently there are five corporations 98% of the entire meia and all of their subsidiary corporations. Subsequently, everything someone sees, reads and hears is propaganda, except for the few that pay attention to the Independent Media. 

Trump's transgressions are worse than RFK's were in 1968 and he WAS assassination. Will Trump be assassinated? Let's review his transgressions against the Deep State:

  1. He has obliterated, or severely limited the impact of free trade agreements and their negative impact on the working American public. The loss of profit to the Multi-national corporations is enormous. 
  2. Trump is a danger to form a alliance with Putin from which to challenge the New World Order (ie the Rothschilds).
  3. Trump has awakened countless Americans to the tyranny of globalism.
  4. Trump's administration has just indicted its first Deep State figure when they filed on Obama's former chief legal counsel. 
  5. Trump is challenging the UN Migration Pact which seeks to deculturerize every Western nation with massive immigration.
  6. Trump is finally on the verge of uniting Americans against globalism. 
  7. Trump just challenged the Federal Reserve with the nomination of Herman Caine.
  8. Trump is on the verge of challenging big tech censorship, just in time to have an impact on the 2020 election, which the globalists cannot afford to lose. 

Trump has done far worse than what JFK or RFK did in the 1960's when they challenged the establishment. Trump must be a marked man. The 1968 threat posed by Bobby Kennedy, is minor by comparison. If you doubt that this assessment is not accurate, take a look at how the self-appointed elite are lining up against Trump.Every network is producing anti-Trump propaganda 24/7/365 in order to deceive the half of the country that is dumber than a box of rocks. 

The elites must silence Trump before any more damage is done to the Rollerball syndrome philosophy that is over-running the planet. Trump is on the verge of dismantling the Deep State and these criminals must feel as if assassination is their last chance to stop American populism in its tracks. The end of the move, Network, from the same time period as Rollerball, shows a boardroom discussion of how to kill the major threat to the establishment in 1975, the killing of the mythical Howard Beale. Substitute the name Donald Trump for Howard Beale as you read the next section of this article. 

The End of the Movie Network

The mythical newsman and reformer, Howard Beale, upset the social order in the predictive-programming movie Network.  If one wants to know the end of the Trump saga and what we are looking at as a national and collective future, spend four minutes of your time and watch this video. In the movie, at the end, the elite meet secretly in a board room and plot to kill Donald Trump. If that happens, how would America respond? Pray for divine intervention 





 Keep Your Eyes On Iran Concerning Israel!  2-19-19




     The Bible prophecies that there will be an invasion of the ancient country called Elam. The present day area of ancient Elam is in the modern country of Iran. It is in western and  central Iran. Iran has a nuclear capabilities there and I.C.B.M. missle launchers. Jeremiah 49:34-39 speaks of a coalition of nations that will invade those nuclear and missle launching sites. It will have catastrophic results. Refugees from Iran(Elam) will be scattered all over the world!(Jer. 49:36) 

     The Bible also predicts the total destruction of Damascus, Syria in Isa.17:1. Since Iran is currently putting its proxies in Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, and Syria. And since 25% of the population of Syria is in Damascus, Jeremiah 49's invasion may well be related to the destruction of Damascus in Isa. 17:1. 

     The Trump administration is warning the world about anti semitism with much of it being fomented from the Iranian regime. Likewise, Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, is warning about iranian anti semitism and  is cooperating with Sunni Arab nations that are common enemies of Iran. In  recent communications Donald Trump's administration has been giving warnings to European nations to break away from the Iranian nuclear deal and to join the U.S.A. in sanctioning the evil regime that is placing its proxies as stated above so that Iran can remove Israel from its promise land in the Middle East.

     Keep watching, working, and waiting for the fulfillment of these Bible prophecies. look for an American-Israeli led coalition to destroy the present Iranian regime and its nuclear capabilities.


    Lord, Stop The Gestopo Tactics Of Mueller!

         1-29-2019        Image result for photos of pastor randy bloem


           The United States has been under bondage to what President Eisenhower warned us, a military industrial complex. I believe that it is funded by a globalist cabal that comes to its fruition as prophesied in James 5:1-8. Eventually, it will control all the buying and selling on planet earth. The good news is that I have read the last page of the Bible and God destroys it. I have read Revelation 17 and18 as well and God destroys this one-world financial system under the central banksters. 

           Since 1913 this system has controlled the money of the U.S.A. After Eisenhower, President John F. Kennedy tried to go outside of this monetary system. I believe that he was killed for it by this military-industrial complex about which Eisenhaurer warned. Since Kennedy, this Shadow government and the deep state that flows from it, have grown stronger under the globalist banksters.  George Soros has been involved in voting machines that have helped to further election fraud in the U.S.A. The Congress and the courts would be much much more red if not for this fraud. Obama would have never had his second term, in my opinion,  were it not for this fraud.

           In 2016 their fraud plans were hindered by men like Larry Nichols, former Hillary Clinton political operative, turned to the other side, who got around the fraud in four key states. Since President Trump was properly elected and shocked the entire Shadow government and Deep State, which includes their propaganda arm, the main stream media, which includes both print and T.V. From that time on, they are perpetrating a major coup to get rid of Donald J. Trump. They are using their key people in the C.I.A., F.B.I., N.S.A., D.N.C., and so forth. The recent raid on Trump associate, Roger Stone, and the persecution of Jerome Corsi, underscores the Gestopo, secret police type, unconstitutional actions, of this cabal. 

           I know that God has raised up this President to dismantle this cabal. But, as I await their judgment, it it hard to watch their tactics, such as that of Andrew Weisman, Mueller's pit bull, henceman, as he does such things as put  Paul Manafort in solitary confinement in order to break him and to remove President Trump by impeachment or by turning the country against this President to discredit him, and then by using election fraud to do the rest. Lord,  deliver us from this evil !   I know that He will, but born Christians need to fast and pray and be patient for the treasonous actors in the Shadow government to face prison and more. 


Read more about it here


 The Shadow Government - Deep State Coup!  1-26-19




      We are about two years into a shadow government - deep state coup to take down our constitutionally elected President, Donald J. Trump. When James Comey was properly fired by the President, he got his friend Robert Mueller, appointed as a special counsel to investigate a speculation that the President won the election by colluding with the Russians to steal the 2016 Presidential election from Hillary. Actually, these deep staters were shocked that the President got elected in spite of their massive voting machine election fraud. Now, with the constant efforts of the Mueller team, key leaders in the F.B.I., and the work of Rob Rosenstein and others working under Shadow government leaders like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama they are still feverishly working to stymie any attempts of the President to govern. They have a kill or be killed mentality in their drive to bring down the President! They are workng to impeach him or to use the main stream media, which they control, to take down his poll numbers so they can, with the help of election fraud, defeat him in the 2020 Presidential elections. 

     But, I believe that this is a spiritual warfare as is taught in Ephesians 6. The recent celebration by the wicked mayor of New York City and the ungodly governor of New York State make it clear. They got a law passed making it legal to kill babies to the point of their birth in their areas of governance. The turned the top of the Freedom Tower(WTC) the color of pink in celebration of the passing of that wicked law. Further, the F.B.I.with their guns drawn and  with a tipped off CNN raided the home of former Trump campaign worker, Roger Stone.  However, they forget that God Almighy got Trump elected as President and He will see to it, through the prayers of His people, that the President, with his godly agenda, succeeds. 

     I challenge you to be lights, be salt, and fight spiritual battles and win a spiritual war through your effectual and fervent prayers. This is our time to take America back from the globalists. Let us not miss the opportunity! Also, please go to audio sermons on this site and click onto my sermon "This Is Your Hour-Don't Miss It!"

     Read more about it here.


 The Evil Conspiracy Against God's President   12-17-18

                 Satan is for the globlist agenda. God has raised up Donald Trump to fight against the NWO plans and evil doings. Therefore, under the color of righteousness and law they have conspired to use Robert Mueller, special counsel to perpetrate their evil soft coup against the Trump sdministration.  

                  Read about their many wicked machinations right here.






        Satan Is Seducing Young People

                                  Dec. 11, 2018   

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       Although the Lord God, I believe, has put a delay on the Devil's timeline for a one world government as taught in the book of Revelation, yet he is moving young people to worship him in preparation for that time. Satan is using pop stars and the pop music industry to seduce our young people into a mind set that will condition them to be ready for the Beast and his Anti Christ in their time. We are seeing the enemy fight back against the forces of God that are lifting up the name and gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

    Let me introduce you to one of a myriad of seducers.  I call her Smiley Virus, that is, Miley Cyrus. She is a dupe of the devil. She was recruited for T.V. and Disney fame and got a following of young girls, our future mothers. Then she went the way of young Disney stars and turned to a raunchy slut. Now she is calling young people to follow her. She claims that her life of "success" is simple. She gives counsel to young ones on how to achieve what she has achieved. Read the link below to see her "secret to success!"

     Read about it right here!  



     When Donald J. Trump was elected as the 45h President of the United States, the Satanic globalist agenda leading to a one world  under the Beast and the Antichrist(See Revelation 13 and 17) was Divinely delayed. We don't know when this "mystery of iniquity," which has been and continues to be at work, will be allowed to prevail at Satan's last hooray. But in the meantime, born again believers and Bible believing and Bible preaching churches must go through the Lord's open doors to bring in a gospel harvest and to hold the ground that God gives us. Below is an article on what we should promote nationally to allow us to live a peaceable life in all godliness and honesty as the Bible teaches.


America Must Immediately Exit These Three Groups In Order to Survive


There are three organizations that America must exit immediately, if the Constitution and our standard of living is to survive. The three groups whose actions demand our quick and immediate withdrawal from are NATO, the United Nations and any form of central banking participation.

NATO. the United Nations, he United Nations and the central banks are working towards the unification pf the planet from a political, economic and culture. There are very specific dangers that globalization holds for America.

The Dangers of Globalization for Americans

Previous regionalization efforts have demonstrated the development of a midpoint. For example, if economic consolidation is needed among several currencies, there needs to be an established level of value for the regional currency and eventually the global currency. For example if Currency A, the highest currency to be regionalized is worth 20 times more than the lowest currency, Currency B, which is worth $10. A midpoint must be established. In this simple example, the people holding Currency A would have to lower their currency to $15. this would represent a 50% drop in value. If we exclude for the 2/3’rds of illegal immigrants who are on welfare and the 35% of Americans that are on welfare, Americans have the highest standard of living. However, that would be given away through a regionalization/globalization of the currency.

If you are an American citizen, you have the only system of government, a Constitutional Republic, in which civil liberties are enumerated and guaranteed regardless of who is in power. At best, there are other nations that say their people have sNuch liberties as freedom of speech, however, they exist in a Communitarian system of government in which rights are only guaranteed until it is no longer in the greater good.  And who decides what is in the “greater good” or the “common interest”?

The Need to Withdraw From NATO

Macron does not need to raise an European army to oppose Russia, China and the US as he stated last week. NATO has become the defacto army of the EU. On behalf of their central banker benefactors,  NATO is doing its best to provoke WW III with Russia. They are rallying along the Russia border in a clear attempt provoke a Russian response.

NATO is helping the Ukraine militarily challenge Russia, violate territorial waters and provoke Russian ships on the high seas.  It is obvious that NATO is looking for a trigger event that will set off WW III.

There is not one action that NATO is taking in terms of supporting the needs of the American people or its government. Yet, American financial support forms the backbone of the organization. The time to exit has come and there is  an immediate need to withdraw. If we do not, millions of Americans will die in the war NATO is trying to provoke.

The Need to Withdraw From the UN

The United Nations can be characterized as a collection of tin horn dictatorships fully that do not respect the rule of law and fully embrace socialism which has miserably failed everywhere it has been employed.

I recently did a broadcast which fully explored the claim that the UN recently made when they said there were going to be the global authority by the year 2030. Further, I covered how the UN is demanding that member nations fine and jail anyone who express criticism of UN migration policy. These facts alone fully expose the fully loss of sovereignty of the United States.

The UN fully embraces forced vaccinations, abortion and assisted suicides. They hold Christianity in disdain and frequently legislate against the religion. Their peacekeepers are anything but peacekeepers. They are frequently present where genocide is ongoing and the best example was Rwanda.

The clear goal of the UN is the erasure of complete sovereignty for each member state. If the people of this country ever become a member of any global governance overseen by the UN, we could expect to see the complete loss of our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.

Under the UN our border security will be erased thus opening the door to terrorists entering who have bad intentions. You will experience the loss of self-expression, the right bear arms in self-defense and there will likely be no real due process.

The time to exit the is now and the need is immediate.

The Federal Reserve Must Be Nationalized

Presently, the Federal Reserve is raising interest rates in the midst of a low inflationary environment. This is devastating to an economy and is contributing to ups and downs of the stock market. The Federal Reserve would rather win the day for globalism than to protect the dollar. In fact the FED has announced they are staring their own bitcoin in 2019. I believe this is their escape hatch.

Why does the Federal Reserve oppose Trump and is willing to deliberately hurt the economy? Because they oppose his brand of nationalism. They are dedicated to the formation of a globalist new world order.

I would be remiss if did not mention the following (Henslin, Introduction to Sociology, 2015, page 412):

  1. From 1800-1913, the value of the dollar remained unchanged
  2. After the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the value of the dollar had dropped to three cents by 2015.

The time to leave the Federal Reserve is now. The debt, owed almost exclusively to the bankers, needs to be repudiated.

I recently interviewed ex-CIA Robert Steele, and he clearly stated the Federal Reserve must be nationalized.


We are being assimilated into the collective. Your economic future, your sovereignty and freedoms are at risk. The only solution is for President Trump to use his power to withdraw from all three groups. Putin and China are in the same boat. America and Russia should form the new alliance with Russia after firing Mueller and indicting every Democratic Congress person who is aligned with foreign elements and have declared these allegiances (eg Feinstein, Schumer, Pelosi, et al).

Russia and America are the new NATO. Debt repudiation is the new economic policy. National sovereignty trumps international law and treaties. This is all about nationalism vs globalism.  It is 30 seconds to midnight.



    The Red Tsunami Of Hope!       11/14/18

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     Rob Rosenstein and his formerly cleaner wife, Lisa Barsoomian, have been flipped to avoid jail time for their work for the Shadow government, the Deep State, the globalists, and the Clinton Foundation. The acting A.G. now, Matthew W., is a nationalist. He is against the globalists and is working to do what Jeff Sessions could not, and that is carrying out, or preparing for the next A.G. to carry out,  multiple arrests upon high government officials who are secretly under indictments. 

     When it comes to God's sovereign actions on behalf of His people, God's people need HOPE. I would like to give hope, based upon what my soures are telling me. I choose to believe them and not the propaganda of the main stream media. My sources say, as Donald Trump has already tweeted, that all eyes are on, what the President believes, is obvious law breaking and corruption to steal the elections in Florida. I believe that the 17 intelligence agencies are secretly observing these illegal cheaters in  Broward and Palm Beach counties. They will be indicted and arrested. Also, other cheaters in the mid terms are being observed and law breakers and colluders will be arrested. This will result in vacancies from the recent mid terms. New SPECIAL ELECTIONS will be held. When it is all said and done, I believe, that we will see a red Tsunami from these extended mid term SPECIAL ELECTIONS!!! 

     A tsunami results from an earth quake. In this case the earth quake came when Jeff Sessions stepped down and Whitiker took his place as acting A.G. This is an event that kick starts the final gathering of evidence and the rounding up of the election fraud law breakers as well as other high government official crooks, including, Hilllary Rodam Clinton. Watch the results of this recent "earth quake." Watch for the rolling out of this Red Tsunami of Hope!!


     Watch more about this Tsunami of Hope right here!


 Are You Working, Watching, and Waiting For Christ Soon Return?!! 11-4-18


  We are to be watching, working, and waiting for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and the setting up of His worldwide millennial reign.  The time piece of all end time prophecy is the nation of Israel. The placement of it on May 14, 1948 as a nation among the nations of the world is the super sign that we are living in the days just prior to Messiah ben David's second coming.  Also, Israel's capture of the old city of Jerusalem and the temple mount in June of 1967 is another key end time event.

         With that in mind, I thought it would be good to update you on three happenings in Israel that point to the soon return of our Lord and Saviour. I will post a link below so that you can see these things. May it spur you on to work, watch, and eagerly wait for His return. The first thing He will do at His coming is rapture His bride out of Great Tribulation to meet Him in the air.

          See these three happenings right here.


Divine Justice Coming Down On The N.W.O.'s Plans

10-3-18     Image result for photos of pastor randy bloem


   Many of you heard my sermon  on our web site: scrantonrevivalbaptist.org. Once you get there just click onto the audio sermons tab. Then click onto the sermon from Sunday p.m. dated Sept. 30 on Prayer and Fasting To Cast Out The Evil Over America. In that sermon I pointed out the fact that we are right at the beginning of God executing judgment upon the systems of evil that have been increasing their strangle hold upon America since 1914 right up through November 6, 2016. I said that the Bible speaks of these Federal Reserve International Money Masters such as the Rothchild family, George Soros, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, Jeff Bezos, and others. The Bible says,  “The love of money is the root of all evil…” (I Tim. 6:10). Of course, that doesn't mean that money or the aquisition of it is evil, but rather, I said that this debt-based financial system under a central bank has been keeping the U.S.A. in bondage to the ones that are part of this evil, money controlling cabal. They in turn bribe high ranking people and control the U.S. government through a shadow government run through corrupt officials in the  D.O.J., C.I.A., F.B.I., N.S.A., I.R.S. with the collision of every U.S. President from Jimmy Carter, but not including Ronald Reagan, but then from George H.W. Bush through Barack Obama. It’s propaganda arm is the main stream media which is funded by these evil people that are prophetically referred to in James 5:1-8 and Revelation 17 and 18. It has bought off people in all political parties in the House and Senate. It further carries out its day to day agenda through unelected beaurocrats in the swamp in D.C. The shadow government, working through the Deep State, corrupts judges and gets Federal judges appointed who will legislate from the bench rather than impartially umpire their decisions based upon the U.S. constitution that they are sworn to uphold. I said, Sunday night, that a group of people who are patriots within the N.S.A. arose and looked for a man that could be elected President to run against this evil system that has run the U.S.A. for a little over 100 years. They asked Donald J. Trump to run as a David against this Goliath of evil in order to slay it and free America to be a great and sovereign nation once again!

     So, Sunday night I concluded my sermon by calling for a day of prayer and fasting on Wednesday, October 3, 2018 by God’s army here in Scranton to help our President and his administration and those patriots in Congress, the courts, and in the government to cast out the devilish system of evil that has been keeping us in bondage. Jesus said, and so I preached, “…this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” (Matthew 17:21) 

 To view more of the schemes of these New World Order Elites are doing click here



What God Almighty Is Doing To Drain The D.C. Swamp!


 Artist Jon McNaughton released his new 'Crossing the Swamp' painting on Tuesday. Pictured are (left to right): Nikki Haley, James Mattis, Ben Carson, President Trump, Jeff Sessions, Mike Pence, Melania Trump, Mike Pompeo, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Ivanka Trump, John Bolton, Kellyanne Conway and John Kelly


     There is spiritual warfare going on for the heart and soul of America. It is a war between good and evil, Satan and the Lord God of the Bible. Really, since the days of Woodrow Wilson, as Wilson himself testified, America, through its elected representatives,  gave up its sovereignty to non-America international bankers who, through their central bank "create money" out of nothing and charge us interest to use their Federal Reserve Notes.  Then the national income tax was first levied after Wilson helped sell out our sovereignty by this enslaving financial system. The purpose of that tax was and is to pay off the interest that these crooks charge us to use their Federal Reserve notes! This unconstitutional and evil system has led to the enslavement of the American people who, as Tennessee Ernie Ford sang, just keep getting "a little older and deeper in debt!

      But, since in more recent times one President stood up to these gangster-banksters, they showed their evil control by what they did to him. He was not a sexually moral man, but he was an anti-globalist and pro nationalist. He was against these international ganster-banksters and the Shadow governmentthat is over th DeepState.  The whole system is  paid off by the  bribes that are paid by means of the bankster-gangsters of the Federal Reserve evil system. Our elected government really took their marching orders from this shadow government and its deep state operatives. This President went against this shadow government and was assasinated by means of the C.I.A.(part of the Shadow government).  His name was John F. Kennedy.  Another nationalist-conservative President, Ronald Reagan, was also aware of this shadow governement which had continued to grow out of the evil Federal Reserve system. Reagan tried to go against their counsel and he was nearly killed. He was shadowed by key people around him. Since Reagan, all the Presidents, whether Republican or Democrat,  have been under the control of the Shadow government-Deep State complex, who in turn are funded by the Federal Reserve bankers.  From Carter to Obama every President has been a puppet not a true President. 

         However, a group of Patriots in the N.S.A. asked Donald J. Trump to run for President back in 2015 to help take back our country from these evil people. The Democrats have totally given themselves over to this evil crew, but some Republicans still wanted deliverance, so Trump ran as a Republican and won!! Now the war is going forward to recapture American sovereignty and take our country back. The month of October, just before the midterms, could well be a time to expose and drain the D.C. swamp described above.  God's people must be praying for the deliverance of our country. We need days of prayer and fasting to cast out the terrible devils behind these evil systems dominating our country for a long time. Please click onto the link below to see a video that further explains what I have just been telling you.




    An Imminent Judgment On The Evil Systems Keeping America In Bondage?!         Sept. 28th, 2018

(Also please click on the breaking news for Sat., Sept. 29th below my blog)


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     The eyes of the nation have been riveted on the last minute attempt by a leftist Democrat cabal to use a poor lady to derail a Trump appointee, Brett Kavanaugh, from serving on the U.S. Supreme Court. His placement on the court will, they know, spell the end of the high court's attempt to legislate anti-Constitutional decisions by means of a slim liberal minority. Judge Kavanaugh gave a tear-jerking, impassioned, and reasoned answer to the unsubstantiated, uncorroborated allogations against him. It is possible that his sincere answer to this hit against him will allow him to be confirmed by a vote of the full Senate.

     But while all eyes are focused on the fight for the court, there is another battle going on behind the scenes. It may be ready to break out into the open. If it does, it will spell the doom of the Democrats in the midterms and the imprisonment of many high, corrupt, shadow government and deep state people in our government. Permit me to prepare you to watch and pray concerning what may soon appear.

     First, let us go back to November of 2017 when  Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed Mr. Huber to work to clean up D.O.J. corruption. Back in last November, I reported to our church that I had heard that normally there were 125 to 350 sealed indictments at any one time to deal with corruption in our government. But since last November, behind the scenes, the Trump administration's justice proceedings had been increasing the sealed indictiments until we now have about 50,000 of them! 

     Then on December 21, 2017 there was an executive order from President Trump giving authority to the federal government to confiscate the property of persons involved in serious Human rights abuse or corruption. Then, I believe on March 2018, the President declared, "I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat."

    Further, in that declaration on March 1, 2018, the President says that these illegal acts or corruption are to be tried with UCMJ(military tribunals). Therefore, the President has put the structure in place to arrest via military police these 50,000 corrupt government people and take them to Gitmo, Diego Garcia, and the Atol prison islands for trial by Military Tribunals!

This executive order gives the lawful officials the power to prosecute sex trafficking and corruption. 

     I am now getting word from a source called Q Anon( a helpful anonymous source near POTUS) of a high probability that there will be a national emergency declared soon. It was to be done on September 20, but was likely moved to October 3rd, 2018 because of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. Q is saying that Jeff Sessions may have received permission behind the scenes from the justices on the Supreme Court to unrecuse himself from the Russia investigation. This prepares him to take the active helm of the Department of Justice if Rob Rosenstein is removed. 

     Therefore, it is possible that on October 3, 2018, that a national emergency will be announced. Then military police will arrest people, like possibly Loretta Lynch, the Clintons, and fifty thousand corrupt people as defined by the previous executive orders on it. This may be planned to be done within 48 hours of launching it. Then, I am told, that under the Uniform Code Of Military Justice, all these trials could be done in ninety days. 

     Such an occurence would move Christians and Republicans on November 6, 2018 to their voting booths to carry a big red wave to sweep Republicans into the House and Senate and drive the corrupt Democrats from power. After this horrible evil perpetrated by the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, this would be a display of Divine justice. We should be praying for Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation, but also to pray for the carrying out of the above executive order. We should be praying for the cleansing of the main stream news media. We should also pray for the mind numbed people that have been duped by the Soros - international banker-cabal controlled media. Pray that any rioting and civil unrest may be kept to a minimum. It could be that martial law may be required to deal with the civil unrest, so pray for peace.

     Finally, let us be on the front lines to live a separated life and to proclaim the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. 


Here is breaking news on the conspiracy to get Kavanaugh and how the President is dealing with Rosenstein's part in it all... Sat. Sept. 29th update...Click right here!




  Watch Iran For The Fulfillment Of End Time Bible Prophecy  9-21-18


     There is a prophecy tucked away in Jeremiah 49 that deals with an ancient nation called Elam. The location of ancient Elam is part of the later empire of Persia. Today it is situated in central Iran. The Elamites were great archers. They launched their artillery(arrows) from their bows. This prophecy, to my knowledge, has never been fulfilled and looks to a time in the future from this moment. It involves an attack by a coalition of nations against what is today central Iran. What is located there today? For one thing, one of the oldest nuclear sites for the developement of nuclear weapons is situated there today. Further, ICBM missle launchers are located in this region. 

     In Jeremiah 49:34-39, the prophet speaks of a day, I believe, in the not to distant future when central Iran will be attacked by air from a coalition of nations that very well may include Israel and the U.S.A. The words of this prophecy detail, I believe, a nuclear crisis that will cause Iranian refugees to be scattered world-wide. 

     Today Iran is on the move. It is expanding its influence into Iraq. But both the Trump and Netanyahu administration is not comfortable with it. It would be wise for you to read and reread Jeremiah 49:34-39 and to keep watching the news for pointers toward the fulfillment of this prophecy. Also, look for opportunity to help Iranian refugees when this prophecy is fulfilled.


     Read about news related to this prophecy in Jeremiah right here.


Another Key Sign Of The End Of Days?!   9-8-18

     Under the statutes and ordinances of the Biblical law of Moses, the Jewish priesthood requires an unblemished female heifer in order to ritually cleanse the rebuilt Jewish temple on the temple mount in Jerusalem. Since the last temple was destroyed by the Romans nearly 2,000 years ago no such animal has passed muster for the task. But now it looks like one may have been born. We will wait and see!

     This is important because without a red heifer, no rebuilt temple, and without a rebuilt temple there is no end time AntiChrist to defile it followed by Jesus Christ's second coming! With a looming war with Iran as prophesied in Jeremiah 49:34-39, with the President moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, and other key end time events, many Jewish leaders in Israel are expecting the soon appearing of their Messiah in Israel.

     Read the article below on the Red Heifer and be watching, working, and waiting for the signs of Christ's return!


Read it by clicking right here.


 The Shadow Government and Deep State Are Being Stripped Naked By God Almighty!!!   8-14-18  

          God has raised up and empowered President Donald J. Trump to bring down judgment on the Shadow government and the deep state that have oppressed His people in the great country called America. We have been saying that Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are key players of the Shadow government under the global cabal that seeks the agenda of Satan, a one world government and economy controlled by the Beast and his lieutenant, the Jewish Anti-Messiah. God has raised up Mr. Trump to post pone and interruppt the enemy's plan. 

     Kevin Shipp has intimate knowledge of the Shadow government and the Deep State. I am putting in a link below to listen to his insights in an interview with Greg Hunter of U.S.A. Watchdog. com. This information should be helpful to Christians to watch and pray against the "wiles of the devil."


Watch the Kevin Shipp interview right here,



                               The Timing Of The Rapture    7-13-18




          In determining the timing of the rapture, for many years I believed in a Pre-Tribulation view. I believed it, not because I saw it in Scripture, but because it was the best of the three views taught be Premillennialists.  I saw problems with the Pre-Trib view, but more with the Mid-Trib., and I saw problems with the Post Trib. However, as I studied in seminary. I saw dispensational post-trib arguments that caused me to favor it. I was pastoring, and my wife counseled me not to preach my doubts about Pre-Tribulationalism unless I was thoroughly convinced. After reading the book the Pre-Wrath Rapture by Marvin Rosenthal, I was convinced by someone that was a dispensationalist(he saw Israel as a nation to be saved in before the Millennium and saw that nation as distinct from the church. The church would reign with Christ in glorified bodies while Israel would be the head of the nations in unglorified bodies during His millennial reign).

     A key scripture for all dispensational Pre-millennialists is the seventy weeks of years in Daniel 9. It is widely accepted that the remaining chastening of Israel would begin with the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the wall and extend for 483 years until the rejection of their Messiah-Jesus on Palm Sunday. Then that their would be a gap of an undetermined time until a covenant of death would begin the time clock for the last seven years. Thus, the 70th week of years of Daniel is still future. One thing that helped free me from an improper view of the 70th week was to see that the whole seven years is not the “Tribulation.” Further, I saw that neither is the 7 years the duration of the Day of the Lord Wrath.  Rather, it is the 70th week of Daniel.

     Then I saw that the Tribulation described by our Lord in His Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24:9-28 wasn’t the whole 7 years but would begin in the middle of those years. According to Matthew 24:4-8, this tribulation would be preceded by the beginning of sorrows(birth pains, that is , contractions). Further, I saw that this tribulation would be suddenly cut short for the sake of elect lest all who didn’t take the mark would be killed unless God cut it short. The Lord makes this clear in Matt. 24:22. Matthew 24:29 shows that it is cosmic darkening that cuts the tribulation short. The last 3 and ½ years of the 70th week is not shortened, but the tribulation is cut short.

     What comes after the shortened tribulation during the remaining part of the  second three and one-half years? When we turn to Revelation 6 we see a scroll(book), which cannot be unrolled and read until the seven seals are broken. The scroll details the Day of the Lord Wrath that will be poured out before Messiah can bring in the Millennial new heaven and earth.  According to Revelation 6:12-17, the Day of the Lord Wrath does not begin until right after the Cosmic disturbing signs. I Thessalonians 5:9 states that members of the body of Christ are not appointed to wrath, but to obtain salvation(by rapture).

     Thus, the rapture is between the sixth and seventh seal of the Revelation. This is affirmed by the Lord’s teaching in Matthew 24:29-31 where the rapture is described at the beginning of our Lord’s second coming right after the cosmic darkening. 



 Prayer For The Sunlight To Shine On The Corruption!

6-26-18    Image result for photos of pastor randy bloem

     Keep praying for the release of the critical information that the George Soros and international cabal's funded shadow governent and deep state want to continue to hide. We are intended by our founders to be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. These wicked puppet masters( see James 5:1-8) want it to continue as a government of the bribers, by the bribers, and for the bribers. 

     But God is sovereign. He is interupting the Plans of the New World Order cabal (see James 4:13-17). He is behind the election of a man that knows their tricks, a man that used to let them have their way and worked in their system, but now wants to go back to the foundations that made America great. This is of God. He is letting these wicked people know that He is in control of the times and seasons. He has heard the prayers of His people in America. 

     However, keep praying. Pray for all their wicked plots to come to light. Pray against the spinning by the Fake news media so that civil unrest is kept down as the truth about the shadow government and deep state comes to light. 

     Read the article below to help you to focus your prayers for these things to come to light and for full justice to be done!





DOJ Won't Release Top Secret Loretta Lynch Intercepts Suggesting Secret Deal To Rig Clinton Probe

Profile picture for user Tyler Durden

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is refusing to release intercepted material alleging that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch conspired with the Clinton campaign in a deal to rig the Clinton email investigation, reports Paul Sperry of RealClear Investigations

The information remains so secret that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz had to censor it from his recently released 500-plus-page report on the FBI’s investigation of Clinton, and even withhold it from Congress.

Not even members of Congress with top secret security clearance have been allowed to see the unverified accounts intercepted from presumed Russian sources in which the head of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, allegedly implicates the Clinton campaign and Lynch in the scheme.

“It is remarkable how this Justice Department is protecting the corruption of the Obama Justice Department,” notes Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, which is suing the DOJ for the material.

Wasserman Schultz, Lynch and Clinton have denied the allegations and characterized them as Russian disinformation. 

True or false, the material is consequential because it appears to have influenced former FBI Director James B. Comey’s decision to break with bureau protocols because he didn’t trust Lynch. In his recent book, Comey said he took the reins in the Clinton email probe, announcing Clinton should not be indicted, because of a “development still unknown to the American public” that “cast serious doubt” on Lynch’s credibility – clearly the intercepted material.

If the material documents an authentic exchange between Lynch and a Clinton aide, it would appear to be strong evidence that the Obama administration put partisan political considerations ahead of its duty to enforce the law. -RealClear Investigations

Then again, if the intercepts are fabricated, it would constitute Russia's most tangible success in influencing the 2016 U.S. election - since Comey may not have gone around Lynch cleared Clinton during his July 2016 press conference - nor would he have likely publicly announced the reopening of the investigation right before the election - an act Clinton and her allies blame for her stunning loss to Donald Trump. 

The secret intelligence document purports to show that Lynch told the Clinton campaign she would keep the FBI email investigation on a short leash - a suggestion included in the Inspector General's original draft, but relegated to a classified appendix in the official report and entirely blanked out

What is known, based on press leaks and a letter Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley sent Lynch, is that in March 2016, the FBI received a batch of hacked documents from U.S. intelligence agencies that had access to stolen emails stored on Russian networks. One of the intercepted documents revealed an alleged email from then-DNC Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz to an operative working for billionaire Democratic fundraiser George SorosIt claimed Lynch had assured the Clinton campaign that investigators and prosecutors would go easy on the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee regarding her use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state. Lynch allegedly made the promise directly to Clinton political director Amanda Renteria. -RealClear Investigations

“The information was classified at such a high level by the intelligence community that it limited even the members [of Congress] who can see it, as well as the staffs,” Horowitz explained last week during congressional testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which has oversight authority over Justice and the FBI.

Congressional sources told RealClearInvestigations the material is classified "TS/SCI," which stands for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information. -RealClear Investigations

Horowitz said that he has asked Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray to work with the CIA and Office of the Director of National Intelligence to figure out if the intercepted material can be rewritten to allow congress to see it. Once appropriately redacted to protect "sources and methods," said Horowitz, he hopes that members of congress can then go to the secure reading room in the basement of the Capitol Building, called the "tank," and view the materials. 

“We very much want the committee to see this information,” Horowitz said.

For some strange reason, CNN, WaPo and the New York Times have uncritically taken Lynch, Clinton and Wasserman Schultz's denials at face value, dismissing the compromising information as possibly fake and unreliable. Horowitz even quotes non-FBI "witnesses" in his report describing the secret information as "objectively false." 

FBI Sandbagging

While the FBI apparently took the intercept seriously, it never interviewed anyone named in it until Clinton's email case was closed by Comey in July 2016. In August, the FBI informally quizzed Lynch about the allegations - while Comey also reportedly confronted the former AG and was told to leave her office.


Comey said he had doubts about Lynch’s independence as early as September 2015 when she called him into her office and asked him to minimize the probe by calling it “a matter” instead of an “investigation,” which aligned with Clinton campaign talking points. Then, just days before FBI agents interviewed Clinton in July 2016, Lynch privately met with former President Bill Clinton on her government plane while it was parked on an airport tarmac in Phoenix. In a text message that has since been brought to light, the lead investigators on the case, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, made clear at the time their understanding that Lynch knew that “no charges will be brought” against Clinton.

Renteria, the Clinton campaign official, who ran for governor of California but failed to secure a top-two spot in the primary, insists the intelligence citing her was disinformation created by Russian officials to dupe Americans and create discord and turmoil during the election.  -RealClear Investigations

While Lynch has never been directly asked under oath by Congress about the allegation - she swore in a July 2016 session in front of the House Judiciary Committee "I have not spoken to anyone on either the [Clinton] campaign or transition or any staff members affiliated with them." 

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) says he'll issue a subpoena for Lynch, but the panel's top Democrat Dianne Feinstein (CA) has to agree to it per committee rules. Grassley also said he would be open to exploring immunity for Comey's former #2, Andrew McCabe.

Feinstein may be hesitant to sign on, as she says she thinks Comey acted in good faith - which means she thinks Congress shouldn't have a crack at questioning a key figure in the largest political scandal in modern history.

"While I disagree with his actions, I have seen no evidence that Mr. Comey acted in bad faith or that he lied about any of his actions," said Feinstein during a Monday Judiciary panel hearing. Former Feinstein staffer and FBI investigator Dan Jones, meanwhile, continues to work with Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS on a $50 million investigation privately funded by George Soros and other "wealthy donors" to continue the investigation into Donald Trump.

Of interest, Amanda Renteria is also former Feinstein staffer. Also recall that Feinstein leaked Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson's Congressional testimony in January.

Lynch was dinged in the IG report over an "ambiguous" incomplete recusal from the Clinton email "matter" despite a clandestine 30-minute "tarmac" meeting with Bill Clinton one week before the FBI exonerated Hillary Clinton.

Interesting how a "dossier" full of falsehoods about Trump not only released to the public, but was used by the FBI as part of an espionage operation on the Trump campaign - while an intercepted communication from Russia is suddenly classified as so top-secret that even members of Congressional intelligence oversight committees can't see it.


 God Is Moving In U.S. - Israeli Relations!   Image result for photos of pastor randy bloem

     Read the article below on the significance of  our President deciding to delay no longer the fulfillment of the plan of the U.S.A. to moved its embassy to Jerusalem.  Rather he has decided to  underscore the U.S..A.'s recognition that it is the captital of the Jewish state by moving our embassy there.   This move happened in January 2018 and came on the 70th year of the modern state of Israel!










































































































































































































































































































































From the first announcement that the U.S. Embassy would move to Jerusalem, I have commended Donald Trump for doing what past presidents promised but never delivered: recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.


Moving our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is just a natural outgrowth of that recognition. In fact, many Americans initially expressed confusion at this news; they couldn’t imagine why anyone would think Jerusalem was not the capital of Israel.

And why should anyone think otherwise? The national Legislature, the Knesset, meets there. A resolution passed by the U.S. Congress last year recognizes Jerusalem as the Israeli capital. And would it surprise you to know that the platforms of both major U.S. political parties – Democrat and Republican – state that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel?

So President Trump’s decision to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is the right thing to do and really shouldn’t be controversial at all. We made a decision as a country to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to move our embassy there way back in 1995.

So why wasn’t the embassy already in Jerusalem? Because each President has signed a delay order every six months stopping the move.

Expect A Blessing

So truly, it wasn’t President Trump who decided to move the embassy. That decision was made more than two decades ago. The difference is really what Trump didn’t do: He decided not to authorize the delay any longer. So the embassy move is happening, first to a temporary location, which occurred in May, and soon, to a permanent one. And I believe it will result in unprecedented blessing for our nation.

Why would this action bless the United States? Because, in the Bible, God said “I will bless those that bless Israel” (Genesis 12:3). History has demonstrated that this decree is just as true today as it was when first promised some 4,000 years ago. The Amelekites, Jebusites, Canaanites – all the “ites” of history who persecuted Israel – have vanished. Only the Israelites remain. America has experienced the unprecedented blessings of God during our nearly quarter-millennia history, in part because of our treatment of the Jewish people. The Lord warns that anyone who touches her will be punished (see Zechariah 2:8-9).

As Believers, we must look at Israel through God’s eyes and understand that He gave the Land of Israel to the Jewish people as an “eternal possession.” It is not the U.N. but Scripture that determines who the Land belongs to. God in His sovereignty gave this Land to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Who are we to question His decision? While we don’t condone all that Israel does, we must understand that this is an unconditional promise in God’s Word.

Moving our embassy is a concrete and irrefutable statement that we support Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This, by extension, reiterates Israel’s right to exist – something her Middle East neighbors will not yet acknowledge – and states loudly that the U.S. stands with Israel. And standing with Israel and the Jewish people is a central part of our mission at Jewish Voice.

In this sixth edition in the Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures series: El Shaddai, God Almighty, you’ll meditate on inspiring verses describing our sustaining Almighty God. This encouraging volume contains Old and New Covenant verses written in English, Hebrew and the transliteration from Hebrew..

Surprising Opposition

The Jewish State of Israel is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year.

But those seven decades have been a long struggle from day one. Surrounded by enemies dedicated to its destruction, Israel has miraculously survived against all odds. Most recently, the opposition to Israel has come from a place we have sadly grown to expect: the United Nations (U.N.).

While supposedly dedicated to equal treatment of all countries, the U.N. has shown shocking bias against Israel. Time and again, the U.N. has demonstrated outright anti-Semitism, going to ridiculous lengths to pass resolutions that criticize, isolate and punish Israel. In just the past few years, the U.N. has declared Israel to be tantamount to an apartheid state, asserting that it is:

  • The world’s only violator of women’s rights and mental, physical and environmental health
  • The cause of Palestinian acts of terror, which, on the other hand, were declared to be a natural response to Israel’s presence, and
  • The reason Palestinian men beat their wives

Perhaps most ludicrous of all, the U.N. adopted a resolution denying that Israel has any historic claim to Jerusalem’s Temple Mount or any other Jewish holy sites in the region. The UNESCO resolution instead defined all sites in the Holy Land strictly in Islamic terms and with only Arabic names, effectively declaring that neither Jews nor Christians have any connection to these holy sites.

And now, in its latest anti-Israel and anti-Semitic move, the U.N. passed a draft resolution just this past December that declares it illegal for Israel to declare Jerusalem as its capital city.

It was President Trump’s declaration that the U.S. will move its embassy to Jerusalem that prompted this resolution, which in turn, was vetoed in the Security Council by a single vote – that of the United States – but such a veto by any member is all it takes to kill a resolution.

Resolutions aside, the reality is extremely well documented by both the Bible and secular historians:

  • Jerusalem was established as the capital of Israel by King David 3,000 years ago, which is clearly affirmed in Scripture
  • Modern Israel formally declared Jerusalem its capital in 1980. No other country in the world faces opposition to the location of its own capital city
  • Although under Islamic control until 1967, the holy sites in Israel were not accessible to non-Muslims. Under Jewish control during the subsequent 50 years, all sites have been open to all people. The only exception is the Temple Mount, the holiest of all sites to Jewish people. That site is still restricted to Muslims

Filled with interesting stories and background information, Dr. Michael Brown’s comprehensive guide answers the 60 most common questions Christians ask about Jewish people and culture. As a Messianic Believer, Dr. Brown provides articulate answers to questions about modern and historical Jewish practices and beliefs.

The Backstory

So, if a law was passed to move our embassy to the true capital of Israel back at the close of the 20th century, why haven’t subsequent presidents taken action before this? Here’s the background:

The United States Congress in 1995 overwhelmingly passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act, which recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and called for the U.S. to move its embassy there by May 31, 1999. But presidents from that time until now – Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama – have delayed acting on this law, setting it aside every six months “for security reasons.”

Then in June 2017, the U.S. Senate commemorated the 50th anniversary of the reuniting of Jerusalem by unanimously affirming the Jerusalem Embassy Act and calling on the president to move the embassy.

The bottom line is, we have good reason – and every right as a sovereign nation – to move the American embassy to Jerusalem. Failure to establish the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem would be to surrender to anti-Semitic, anti-Israel pressure from the U.N. and Israel’s many enemies.

Even more important, that failure would go against God’s historic and prophetic plans for Israel, for Jerusalem, and for the ultimate return of His Son, Yeshua (Jesus).

But, despite that strong evidence and with all that has happened to move the scenario forward, this matter is not settled. After stating his intention to make the move, President Trump, like his recent predecessors, initially signed a six-month waiver of the Jerusalem Embassy Act to allow time to plan the move. This set in motion a delay until 2019.

As of this writing, the Trump administration has since altered that timeline and moved the embassy into temporary quarters in Jerusalem while construction begins on a structure in the planned permanent location. Guatemala became the first nation to follow suit, with a move of their own to Jerusalem two days later.

This Isn’t Over

But, in the interim, expect to see great pressure applied to thwart this permanent move.

The New York Times recently asserted that the temporary diplomatic compound – in the former Diplomat Hotel – “is in Jerusalem but may not be in Israel.” Their assertion is based on the building lying partly in a contested zone known as No Man’s Land.

No Man’s Land encompasses the area between the armistice lines drawn at the end of the 1948-49 war and was claimed by Jordan and Israel. Israel won full control of it in the 1967 war. While the U.N. and many of Israel’s enemies consider it occupied territory, the U.S. State Department is comfortable with the location because Israel and Jordan agreed to divide the contested area, and the hotel was in Israel’s allotted area.

Beyond the war of words waged by some of the media, stronger opposition will come through the United Nations and, undoubtedly, from some of Israel’s enemies choosing less peaceable methods.










































































































































































































































































































































  The End Is But A Beginning!!!        6-15-18

Image result for photos of pastor randy bloem

When I graduated from high school at Godwin Heights High School in Wyoming, Michigan near Grand Rapids, I remember the school chose the theme of that graduation. It was, “The End is but a beginning.” Now after 18 months of waiting for the report of the Inspector General of the Justice Department, his over 500-page report has arrived and is being combed over by Congress, the media, and by the American people. Many people believed that this report would deliver an immediate knock out punch to Obama’s justice department’s corrupt leaders. They believed that the way, for example, that the Obama F.B.I. handled the Hillary Clinton email server investigation and the Trump-Russia collusion investigation would expose such illegal and corrupt activity that the inspector general himself would condemn it. They believed that his legal enforcement arm through Mr. Huber would announce immediate criminal indictments. But the inspector general himself did not announce such things and his legal arm did not announce such a knock out punch for Obama and Comey’s F.B.I. However, permit me to say, I believe that “the end(with respect to the I.G. report) is but a beginning.”     

  Actually, it is not the beginning nor the end but part of an on-going process to bring this wicked cabal in Obama’s justice department to justice themselves! The Lord Jesus told us that the TRUTH shall make you free. During the past 18 months the House Committee chaired by Devin Nunes has been trying to get documents to uncover the truth about the corruption in the Obama justice department. There has been much obstruction of their efforts, but gradually more and more information about the TRUTH of what actually happened is coming out. FAKE news and the group think of the main stream media is fighting to cover it up, but a tidal wave of truth is building in the Congress, the alternative media, best selling books, and the bully pulpit of a President elected by the PEOPLE rather than another in a series of  cabal anointed candidates! So this I.G. report, I believe, will be another, very helpful part, in a series of revelations about Obama corruption, that will result in a populous driven tidal wave of justice rolling down upon many corrupt leaders in the Obama administration.


Read More About It Here ______________________________________________________________


    Free At Last! Free At Last! Thank God Almighty, The U.S.A. Is Free At Last!                                6-12-18

Image result for A photo of Donald Trump in a Patriotic American Flag Presidential Pose                          Image result for A Picture of George Washington with American flag



     Our Lord spoke of continuing in the Word of God shows that we are indeed His disciples. Those that are vitally connected to their living Lord will continue in the truth of the Word of God. Also, the Bible says that the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him. I believe that, politically speaking, we need to see the truth behind the curtain. The Main Stream media is like in the movie The Wizard Of Oz. They protect a Satanic cabal who gives marching orders to their chosen politicians in America, including the previous five Presidents before Donald J. Trump, and these puppets do what their puppet masters want. But like in the movie, they, the puppet masters are working behind the curtain to delude the American people, who are watching the screen rather than the little schemers behind the curtain. But the Lord opens the eyes of His people to give them discernment so that we may be wise as serpents, but harmless as doves. Our strength comes from knowing the truth, praying in the truth, and sharing with others so that we may use our representative government to get free from this Satanic globalist cabal that have kept America in bondage for many decades. We are in the midst of a move of God upon America to free us from tyranny that is like unto the American Revolution. We are in a second American revolution!!!

      So what I am saying, according to one of my sources, we are now going through the equivalent of a second American revolution!  My source informs me that Kim Jong Un was being played by the globalist cabal, but that  President Donald Trump went away from their play book when he worked out a deal with Un to protect him from the cabal and help him get rid of his nukes and allow free enterprize to bring prosperity to his country. Further, my source says that Un and Trump had already worked this deal out to denuclearize the Korean pennisula before the Singapore meeting. Also, my source says that Seth Rich was a patriot that was killed when he sought to blow the whistle on Hilary and the DNC for rigging the primary for Hilary against Bernie. Rich was giving this information to Julian Assange at that time. Also, my source says that Jeff Sessions is working with Donald Trump by allowing the I.G. and Mr. Huber to gather the evidence to expose the shadow government and deep state in their attempt to cover up evidence about Clinton's illegal server, her pay- to -play Clinton foundation activities, the plan of Bill and Loretta to obtstruct justice in the Hilary investigation in exchange, Lynch would get a seat on the Supreme Court when Hilary was elected President. My source says that Rob Rosenstein is not cooperating with the President as he promised but is now in Montreal, Canada meeting with cabal shadow government players to redact and obstruct the I.G. report. Of course they are doomed to fail. Linda Rothchild is there with pathetic cabal puppet Rosenstein who will go down with James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Hilary Clinton, Barak Obama and company! 

     I write these things to praise God for answering the prayers of His people and raising up a President that He has ordained to drain the swamp, expose the alligators, and make American FREE again!!!! Watch Rosenstein intially redact and cover up, but continue to watch us win this revolution with the TRUTH coming out about the COVER UP. TRUTH that will make us FREE AT LAST!!


Watch more from my source right here.




  Winning And Winning And Winning Some More! 6-12-18

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    I remembered when Donald J. Trump eliminated one after another of the Repulblican candidates that ran against him in the primaries. At that time he promised that we were going to keep winning and winning and winning, so much that we would get sick of winning. This has proven to be a prophetically accurate hyberbolic statement!! Since he became President, a frantic deep state has wished him dead, planned to impeach him, and done an unpresidented main stream media blitz against his agenda. George Soros has spent countless billions of dollars on the candidates that ran against him and also has hatched various evil schemes to defeat him, using such things as Antifa uprisings, etc. and yet Trump keeps winning and winning. Even Soros himself has recently admitted that all he has done to defeat this winner has failed to stop his winning ways. 

     Has has won in getting us out of the fake climate change accord. He has won in getting rid of countless overregulations that have previously stopped us from drilling for precious resources such as oil and gas!  He has won in getting conservative, constitutional federal court judges appointed. He has won in getting unemployment down to record levels. He has won in getting his tax cuts through that have unleashed the economy, which has been running circles around the sluggish no growth 8 years of Obama. He has won in getting the stock market to grow at a record pace. He has won in standing down those countries that have been robbing us with unfair trade practices. He has won it cutting funding for abortions by executive order. He has won in curtailing the Johnson Amendment hindering the free speech of  Pastor in the pulpits of America! He has won in getting the U.S.A. embassy to move to Jerusalem. He has won in revearsing the terrible Iran nuclear deal. He has won in standing down Kim Jung Un and has won an agreement with him to have a nuclear free Korean penninsula!! I could go on, but you get the idea!

     Why are we winning and winning under Donald J.Trump?  That is because God Almighty has heard the cries of His remnant in America!! He has heard our prayers to help us be the hub of getting the gospel out to the world and to be a friend to His end time chosen nation of Israel!  He is moving to end the wicked Planned Parent hood, the abortion industry, and to judge the Shadow government and deep state that have oppressed His remnant and the American people. He is judging the systems of evil over us that have perpetrated voter fraud and have stolen from America to feather their own nests. God has raised up His own wrecking ball, Donald J. Trump. We will keep winning and winning and winning under this God annointed President!


Look at more about winning against the Deep State right here.



  Deep State Panic And Bring Back The Gold!   6/6/18


Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sky, ocean, boat, outdoor and water


In about 951 B.C. the southern king of Judah was under God's judgment. The king had followed the unwise counsel of his young peers instead of the good counsel of his father's older and wiser counsellors. God had given the land up to fornication and Sodomites were practicing their perverse lifesyle with acceptance( I Kings 1424). In the Bible, Egypt is a type of the evil world system that is the enemy of God's people. The ruler of Egypt is a type of Satan. Well at this time in Judah's history the king of Egypt, Shishak, invaded Judah and captured the golden shields that Solomon had made and took them away to Egypt ( I Kings 14:26). Reheboam replaced them with brasen shields. Brass is a symbol of God's judgment. Brass was used on the altar standing before the temple in Jerusalem. On it animals were killed to show God's judgment for the sins of the people. The replacing of the shields of gold with brazen shields was symbolic of God's judgment upon Judah for their rejection of Him and replacing Him with their idols. Further, they had replaced His laws with the immoral culture of their day.

     I believe that the Lord God has been, since Donald Trump announced his candidacy, judging various systems of evil that have held this country captive. Since 1913 a cabal of international bankers has been loaning the U.S.A. its worthless Federal Reserve Notes as long as we the people pay them exorbitant interest on the unconstitutional "money" supply that we get from them. It is immoral and unconstitutional. Only the Congress can legally coin our money. But I believe that God almighty has raised up a standard bearer against the corrupt systems of evil that have been controlling our once great nation. As these systems and the corrupt puppet masters are removed one by one, we will see wealth return to we the people. I believe that God is doing this so that America will fund the sperading of the gospel and will be a friend to end times Israel.

     So pray, proclaim the gospel, invest in lives in the N.T. local church. Take advantage of the open doors and the opportunity to make much progress agaisnt the enemy and for the truth of God!! The Shadow government and the Deep State has stollen our gold, but God has raised up his man to help us get it bac!!

Read and Watch more right HERE.



 Paul's Prophetic Swan Song Is Our Mandate Today!

June 1, 2018                  Image result for photos of pastor randy bloem



         The second letter of the apostle Paul to Timothy is the swan song of the great apostle to the Gentiles. The apostle is in a Roman dungeon, awaiting his execution because of  his wonderful ministry of spreading the gospel and establishing churches all over the vast Roman Empire. The wild and crazy Emperor Nero is about to behead him. As a Roman citizen, he had the right to chose his form of execution. His choices: be thrown to wild, hungary lions or be beheaded. He wisely chose the later. 

           But now that  he is going to heaven, what will become of his life's work? Demas, one of his young "preacher men," had forsaken his separated, soul winning leader. Phygellus and Hermogenes, who once learned the Bible at his feet and proclaimed his gospel, had now turned away from Paul (II Tim. 1:15). Others were teaching, but many were teaching false doctrines concerning his gospel. Physically, only his believing physician, Luke, was with him. But Paul had others like Titus who acted as an apostolic legate, organizing and expanding the churches in Crete. Timothy, his son in the faith from Iconium, was an apostolic legate, acting as the senior Pastor of the church in Ephesus. He writes to Timothy as a key younger man to carry forward this great commission ministry of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

           As an older pastor I want to challenge younger men to carry on the kind of ministry that I have received of the Lord. I want to pass on the things that the Lord has given me through those that He has used to be my mentors. This Sunday evening we are graduating two men from our Sons Of The Prophets Baptist College here at Scranton Revival Bapitst Church.  One of these men is Bobby Bejeski, a gifted Bible teacher and preacher.  Another these men, Eric Zukowski, is being ordained by this local church to be its youth Pastor. My prayer is that these graduates will committ what they have learned to other faithful leaders so that these in turn will pass the baton of the faith on to others!


 Wise President, Historical Repeat   5-17-18

     The Bible spells out the wisest foreign policy of any Gentile nation. In Genesis 12, the Lord God of Israel, spells out the wisest course that a national leader may take with respect to the Jewish state. The Israeli nation has descended from the physical seed (offspring) of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob. Therefore, the Lord God says in Genesis 12:2, "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing..." Biblically, God chose the nation of Israel to bless the non Jewish world. First, by raising up a nation that prophetically will be used, according to the book of Revelation, to mediate the golden age of the kingdom of God that will come to earth. But second, Israel would bless the world, by giving us the Messiah of Israel, who, upon Israel's intitial rejection of Him, has been and still is, the Saviour of the world! He saved me in 1967.

     But, although Israel rejected Him at His first coming, they will accept Him at His second coming! Their acceptance will bring Yeshua(Jesus) to be enthroned upon an elevated Mount Zion in Jerusalem, to rule and reign over a restored earth. 

     Now, here is the wisdom of the current U.S. President. God says in Genesis 12:3, "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all the nations of the earth be blessed." In Isaiah 44 and 45 there is a prophecy of the Persian ruler, Cyrus, which was given well over 150 years before he was born. He legally recognized the right of return of Israel to re inhabit their land and help fund the rebuilding of  their temple. 

     I am so thankful for the God given wisdom of a President, unlike Obama, who snubbed the Israeli leader and aided and abettted the sworn enemies of Israel, this President, like Cyrus, is truly befriending the Jewish state.

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Israeli organization reveals Trump coin in expression of 'gratitude' over embassy move

An Israeli nonprofit announced Wednesday that it would be releasing a celebratory coin in honor of the 70th anniversary of Israel’s independence, and it will feature the face of President Donald Trump as an expression of “gratitude” for his decision to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem.

The “Temple Coin” depicts King Cyrus, who allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem 2,500 years ago, alongside Trump, KOBI reported.

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The seal of the United States government are also pictured, with biblical verses written in in Hebrew on the face of the coin. On the back is a dove, holding an olive branch in its beak, above a temple.


“The coin expresses our joy and gratitude that the American Embassy will be transferred to Jerusalem in honor of Israel’s Independence Day,” the Mikdash Educational Center said on its website. “It is the fulfillment of the Trump declaration recognizing the centrality of Jerusalem as the capital of the state of Israel.”


Trump formally recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December 2017 by directing the State Department to begin the move of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Plans to open the embassy in May were made to coincide with Israel’s independence anniversary.

















  You Are "Sitting On Go!"   5/11/18

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     When my wife was ready to give birth to our first daughter, she was having strong contractions.  The obstetrician called them "Braxton Hicks" contractions. At any rate, when we found out that her labor was not enough to admit her for delivery, the doctor said to my wife, "you are sitting on go." When it comes to two prophecies, one in Isa. 17:1, and the other in Jeremiah 49:34-38, I feel like you, me, the Iranians, Israelis, the Middle East, and the people of the world are "sitting on go."

     Iran has proxies in Syria, Lebanon , Yemen and they are poised to cause trouble that will bring back their Shiite Imam, the one that is their idea of the Messiah, that will help them to impose Sharia law throughout the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East, and around the globe. These proxies, such as,  Hezbollah and the Quds forces in Syria and Lebanon have about 150, 000 missiles ready launched against Israel, which have more fire power than that nation's iron dome missile defense system can handle! Plus, they may target Israel's Dimona nuclear facility! 

     All this menace is building and Israel and Iran have been involved in direct clashes with the latter launching attacks on Israel using drones from the T-4 air base in Syria. Israel's counter attack killed Iranian troops there. More missles and counter attacks are following. I believe we are seeing wars and rumors of wars like Braxton Hicks contractions and  the fulfillment of Isa. 17:1 and Jeremiah 49:34 may be very soon to follow. Keep in mind, that if Assad continues to allow Iran to launch attacks against Israel, the Israelis' may soon move to take him out and the entire capital of his country with him, which is what Isaiah 17:1 may indicate. Certainly, that prophecy is about the destruction of Damascus in a moment of time.

     Keep in mind, also,  that May 14th is the celebration of Israel's 70th anniversary! Donald Trump is wisely leading the U.S. to befriend Israel and come under the promised blessing of the Abrahamic covenant of Genesis 12:1-3! He is moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, notwithstanding the chagrin of Hezbollah, Hamas, the Palestinians, Iran, and the U.N. Israel is honoring Trump and is minting a coin that refers to him as a modern day Cyrus, who was an ancient Gentile world leader and friend of Israel and Jerusalem! By the way, "The Trumpeter" is the 45th the President of the U.S.A. and the prophecy of Cyrus is centered in Isaiah 45!

     Finally, in Jeremiah 49, the ancient prophecy of Elam is pointing to the modern day nation of Persia, now called Iran. It speaks of the chief of their strength being attacked by a large coalition. Could it be  Israel, Sunni allies who dislike Shiite Iran , allies in Europe, and led by the U.S. and its President, will soon attack the nuclear sites in Iran? The Israeli parlament has just voted extra powers to its Prime Minister to launch this type of attack, and for that matter, a unilateral attack on Iran and its proxies nearby!

     Keep watching and please watch a relevant video on these prophecies right here! 


 Sunshine Will Show Up Dark Plots!                 5/8/18

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     As time passes, a plot, hatched by the shadow government and furthered along by the deep state, congressional, media, and the  military-industrial complex is coming to light. Simply put, the Obama administration plotted to get Hillary Clinton's crimes concerning classified documents and the Clinton Foundation's treasonous "pay to play" activities covered up by bleach bitting, smashing servers, refusing supenas, and subverting justice through a corrupt F.B.I. investigation. 

     Donald Trump was right when he said that the Obama administration was "bugging" his Trump Tower. The bugging was done as a second stage of a dark plot hatched by the shadow government. The first stage was to get Hillary elected and so to exonerate her of her real crimes in order to do that. When that failed, they hatched a second stage which was to frame Donald Trump for a non existent crime of collusion with Russia to influence the election against Hillary and in favor of Trump. This second stage was set in motion by Obama, Lorretta Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and others like Bill Priestap, the counter intelligence leader of the F.B.I, and his lackeys. Thanks to Admiral Mike Rodgers, N.S.A. director, that plot was uncovered. He turned the information over to, at the time, President-elect Trump. That was in November of 2016. From there it was turned over to the House Intelligence Committee director, Devin Nunes. 

     Since the soft coup, mentioned above, by the shadow government and deep state against the President-elect and now President of the U.S., those involved in the coup have tried to cover up their crimes by refusing to supply in a timely manner unredacted documents to the intell. committee. However, slowly and little by little Congressman Nunes is getting the evidence that he needs to make it possible to deal with these corrupt, unelected people in our government. 

     Click onto the video below to see what former special counsel, Joe DiGenova has to say about the dark plot that is now by exposed by the sunshine. Click on it right Here.


 The Lord Rules Over All-Including The Deep State  4/23/18

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Former DOJ Official 'Deep State' Is 'Real Phenomenon' And So Is The Attempted Coup Against President Trump


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Remember when Independent Media would refer to the "Deep State" and the mainstream media would screech "Conspiracy theory!"? 

Well, those days are gone as now the MSM not only admits to the 
existence of a group or a cabal of un-elected officials determined to steer the political direction of the nation,  to determine who should and shouldn't be "selected" (read "elected") and to basically control the populace,  but now the mainstream liberal media, while admitting to its existence, attempts to convince Americans the cabal's actions are justified or unsuccessfully attempting to redefine what the Deep State is.

While more independent news sources, 
such as Wall Street Journal,  understand the complexity and dangers of the "Deep State," the fact is the existence itself is no longer hidden behind the term "conspiracy," but is acknowledged openly since the election of president Trump, as their antics, their probable crimes are now a matter of public record and criminal investigations have been recommended by DOJ Office of Inspector General, an Obama appointee no less, and have begun with the criminal referral of Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and the investigation into the former FBI Director James Comey's actions. There are also investigations into former CIA Director John Brennan for perjury, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper's leaking of information to CNN, to name just a few of the "deep state" members now under investigation.


Just days ago 
Stefan Stanford highlighted how former FBI Director James Comey admitted to the existence of the Deep State, describing them as "a collection of people, CIA, NSA, FBI in the United States military services who care passionately about 'getting it right'", but with Comey now engulfed in his own scandal, his attempt to justify a group of people acting in a lawless manner by claiming they are "working toward what they see as the interests of the United States,"  is about as self-serving as it gets considering he was one of those members he is attempting to excuse.

Which brings us to another former high ranking intelligence community member, not only admitting the deep state is a "real phenomenon," but doing so in a ultra liberal paper, 
The Guardian, and is a known Trump critic, yet he delves into how dangerous this cabal of un-elected officials truly is.

His name is Jack Goldsmith and 
his credentials are impressive.He was with the Bush administration as legal adviser to the General Counsel of the Department of Defense. In 2003 Goldsmith was appointed as a U.S. Assistant Attorney General, as he led the Office of Legal Counsel in the DOJ. He worked under both AG John Ashcroft and Deputy Attorney General James Comey. He is currently a Henry L Shattuck professor of law at Harvard University and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.

His most recent article at the liberal site 
The Guardian, is titled "The 'deep state' is real. But are its leaks against Trump justified?" In relation to the Deep State, he begins by saying "Even the most severe critics of the US president should worry about this subtle form of anti-democratic abuse."

The deep state has been blamed for many things since Donald Trump became president, including by the president himself. Trump defenders have used the term promiscuously to include not just intelligence bureaucrats but a broader array of connected players in other administrative bureaucracies, in private industry, and in the media.

But even if we focus narrowly on the intelligence bureaucracies that conduct and use information collected secretly in the homeland, including the FBI, National Security Agency (NSA), and National Security Council, there is significant evidence that the deep state has used secretly collected information opportunistically and illegally to sabotage the president and his senior officials – either as part of a concerted movement or via individuals acting more or less independently.

After detailing what he terms as "unusually sensitive leaks of intelligence information designed to discredit him and his senior leadership," that has "poured forth from current and former intelligence officials in the deep state," he goes on to provide some of the egregious examples of those leaks.


Then Mr. Goldsmith highlights what right-wing media, Independent Media and Trump supporters have been saying  just to be called "Russian propagandists, or "fake news," when he describes the dangerous actions of the Deep State, and what they have been plotting:

These leaks probably mark the first time ever that the content of foreign intelligence intercepts aimed at foreign agents that swept up US-person information was leaked. They clearly aimed to damage US persons – ones who happen to also be senior US government officials.

They were unlawful and, beyond that, they violated two until-now strict taboos about leaks – first on revealing the content of foreign intelligence information collected through electronic surveillance, and second on revealing the content of incidentally collected information about American citizens.

Many people, including many who are not in the Trump camp, have interpreted these leaks to violate a third taboo by marking a return to the Hoover-era FBI’s use of secretly collected information to sabotage elected officials with adverse political interests.

The comparison is plausible in light of the extensive efforts soon after the election to encourage the bureaucracy, including the intelligence bureaucracy, to resist the Trump administration, and the evidence that there was in some agencies such resistance.

But while Hoover did many awful things in quiet, neither during his reign nor at any other time in American history have we seen such a profusion of sensitive leaks from the deep state with such an overtly political aim to bring down senior leadership.

Think about that for a minute. He is admitting, from the perspective of a former high level DOJ official, that the Deep State has been attempting to "bring down," a duly elected President, in an outright coup attempt.

He touches on whether those attempts are "justified," but doesn't even bother to argue that they were, as he just throws it out there as a possibility, because his focus is in pointing out that the Deep State's actions have "done great damage to both the presidency and the national security bureaucracy."

He finally concludes with the following:

As deep state officials get a taste for the power that inheres in the selective revelation of such information, and if the leaks are not responded to with severe punishments, it is easy to imagine the tools that brought down Flynn being used in other contexts by national security bureaucrats with different commitments and interests. 

Even the most severe critics of Trump should worry about this subtle form of anti-democratic abuse. The big loser in all this will probably be the national security bureaucracy itself and, to the extent it is weakened, the security of the American people.

So outraged that using questionable and perhaps illegal methods to exonerate Hillary Clinton for her use of the private server in which she communicated classified information insecurely, did not result in the outcomes they wanted, the Deep State then arranged for an "insurance policy (the Russia probe)," to "bring down" an incoming president. These intelligence community members, some terminated, others reassigned, under investigation, and demoted, were willing to endanger Americans' lives in order to overthrow President Trump.


The intelligence community was so positive that by now they would be successful they even shared their plans with Democratic politicians, such as Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer, who blatantly went on the Rachel Maddow show in January 2017 and stated outright that the intelligence community had "six ways to Sunday" to pay Donald Trump back for calling them on their attempts to discredit his presidency.


The deep state is real. The liberal mainstream media has admitted it. The former FBI Director has admitted it. Now a high level former DOJ official has admitted it. Yet there are still brainwashed liberals out that have been programmed for so long by the MSM, that the mention of the term "Deep State" in their presence has them howling "Conspiracy!"

Their house of cards is crumbling as congressional Republicans are exposing them, sending over criminal referrals and as the Inspector General, in conjunction with a team of federal prosecutors, are actively investigating their conspiracy and plot to overthrow a sitting president. 

Make no mistake, their house may be crumbling but they will not go down without a fight. What that fight will entail is unknown.

Sean Hannity discusses the recent pushback against the Deep State in his segment below.

NOTE TO READERSWith digital media revenue spiraling downward, especially hitting those in Independent Media, where attacks from every direction continue to come unabated, it has become apparent that traditional advertising simply isn't going to fully cover the costs and expenses for many smaller independent websites. 

Any extra readers may be able to spare for donations is greatly appreciated.

  The First Step Is Likely Action Upon Iran(Ancient Elam) As Is Prophesied In Jer. 49:34-39.    April 18, 2018, Wednesday

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                  Watch For The Show down With Iran Jer. 49:34-39 and Isa. 17:1

A.  The Bible, in Jer. 49:34-39 speaks of an airstrike against the Iranian regime that will have a major impact on the prophetic timeline in the Middle East


1.  Read Jer. 49:34-37. Realize that Elam is the part of Iran today that has the Busheir nuclear plant.





2.  Remember that Donald J. Trump is upset that he has a problem created by former President Obama making a nuclear deal with Iran. On May 20th President Trump must decide whether to stay with a nuclear deal with Iran that he hates or change it.

3.  Iran has been developing nuclear weapons to deal with the two “Satans,” (namely Israel, the little one, and the U.S.A., the great one). They, Iran,  have also been pursuing a caliphate stretching from the Persian Gulf to Syria and Israel in the west all the way to the Mediterranean Sea.


4.  Recent developments based upon an article by Thomas Friedman on April 15, 2018 in the New York Times Newspaper:


a.  Ever since the Iranian Revolution in 1979, Israel and Iran have been fighting each other through proxies and in the shadows.

b.  But they have not met on the field of battle with rival armies in direct confrontation.

c.   Friedman says that that may be about to change and if it does it will have vast implications for Syria, Lebanon, and the whole Middle East.

d.  Although Iran is having financial problems at home, its Quds Force seems to be determined to turn Syria into a base from which to pressure Israel.

e.  In fact, in the past few weeks Israel and Iran have been directly trading blows and not through proxies in Syria.

f.    They have gone through two rounds and round three seems imminent.

1.)         Round one: On Feb. 10, 2018 an Iranian drone launched by a Quds Force unit in Syria from its T4 air base, was shot down with a missile from an Israeli Apache helicopter when it penetrated Israel’s northern air space. The drone may have been carrying “explosives.”

     This was the first time that Iran directly tried to attack Israel and not by proxies.

2.)         Round two: On April 9th, 2018, Israeli jets launched a missile strike on T4 in Syria. That was a strike at the Iranians home base for drones.  Seven Quds Force members were killed including the drone commander Col. Mehdi Dehghan, who led the drone unit.

     Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman said this past Monday that the Zionist entity will sooner or later receive the necessary response to what was done by them.

3.)         Round three: ? Israel let it be known that if Iran strikes again that Israel may mount a massive counter strike on Iran’s entire military infrastructure in Syria.

     Right now, Iran is trying to build up airbases in Syria to more accurately strike Israel. Plus, they want to provide more missiles to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Remember that in 2006 Hezbollah launched 3400 missiles into Israel that kept Israel in shelters for a month.

     On Tuesday, the Israeli government distributed maps to Israeli news agencies that showed the five Iranian controlled bases in Syria that Israel could strike.

     Problems for Iran: One is financial collapse of its currency back home. Two, is the Israeli strike on T4. And three, is the U.S., French, British strike on Syria that makes Russia look weaker for now.

     Everyone is waiting for wait the Quds Force commander will do. But the status quo is unlikely.

B. Also, watch for Isaiah 17:1 which is an Israeli strike on Damascus with great devastation.

C.   Further, look for the playing out of Jer. 49:34-39. 




 Are The Events Prophesied In Psalm 83 and Jeremiah 49 Concerning Iran Soon To Occur In The Middle East?          4-6-18Image result for More photos of Pastor Randy Bloem

Isaiah 62:6-7  "I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day or night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence, And give him no rest till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth." KJB

We've just returned to Israel and the region seems to be nothing but a boiling cauldron ready to erupt. In just a few weeks, we will celebrate the Feast of Weeks, or Shavuot, in Hebrew. Most Christians recognize this holiday as the Feast of Pentecost -- the time when the Holy Spirit descended and empowered His saints to accomplish the mission of global witness to Yeshua (Jesus). Here in the Land, there has been a call to prayer and fasting in anticipation of Shavuot and its prophetic significance for believers in Israel, as we long for a fresh outpouring of God's Spirit.

At the same moment in time there is another call; this one, for an uprising or "intifada" to begin on May 14-15th termed, "Nabka Day" intended to coincide with the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948. Nabka literally means the "day of catastrope" and is held each year remembering the time Israel became a nation. The "coincidence" of these two "calls", one to prayer, the other to war, seems significant.

We believers in Yeshua (Jesus) are called to stand as watchmen. Interestingly, one of the ancient Hebrew words for 'watchmen' is the word 'notzrim' -- which coincidentally, is the modern Hebrew word for 'Christians'. Watchmen are called to vigilance and attentive awareness of the situation. Our present situation is a boiling pot threatening to overflow. Please keep watch with us; "keep not silence, and give him no resttill he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth." This can not happen if Jerusalem is divided and overrun with those who hate the very existence of Israel. The Lord will use this pressure for His own purposes, to test nations and hearts, and to draw Israel back to Himself. Our heart cry is for another outpouring of His Holy Spirit on all flesh. Whatever peace we can hope for in this age will come from Him, and this Divine outpouring...then, finally, Yeshua will return to establish His Kingdom -- and the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God.

Your family in the Lord with much agape love,

George, Baht Rivka, Elianna & Obadiah
Arad, Israel


The above is taken from George's web site: Worthy News for April 6, 2018. KJB quotes inserted by me, Pastor Randy Bloem.


World Goverment Is On The Move!  2-21-18Image result for photos of pastor randy bloem


     With the rise of Brexit in Europe and "Make America Great Again" in the U.S., one would think that globalism is dead. Think again! Satan's plan for a Nimrod-like one world government, economy, and religion is creeplly on the move.

     Firstly, we must rememer that, eventually, a city -state called Babylon will arise again on the shores of  the Persian Gulf. A model for this future city is already in the making. It involves three Middle Eastern countries: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan. It is to be located on the shores of the northern Red Sea. The name of it is NEOM and, I believe, it has prophetic harbingers that portend the city-state in Revelation 17 and 18. 

     Secondly, top globalists who are communists, Islamists, and big government hacks are gathering in the Arabian Peninsula

     for the World Government Conference. The usual Satanic suspects are being pushed on the delegates. Things like big govermment, transhumanism , and globalism were presented as the answer to all of our problems, while global warming, and the America First movement were in their crosshairs.

     Read more about it right 



 Military Tribunals Are Soon To Come In Our Civil War!       2-19-18   

     I have been considering the December 21st,  2017 executive order done by President Trump. Behind the scenes, this is preparing the way to process a massive number of arrests that are coming from thousands of sealed indictments that are presently awaiting Federal Court action. There seems to be a Trump administration (the duly elected President of we the people)  behind the scenes civil war against rogue elements in the C.I.A. - F.B.I. (shadow government) and their lackeys in the deep state(military, congressional, industrial complex). 

     To the best of my judgment, I believe that those that are with the President of "we the people" will soon be making arrests of powerful fiqures in the cabal alluded to above. Already many CEO's and members of Congress( men like Jeff Flake and others) have announced their resignations ahead of what is coming. To handle the trials that will follow these arrests, I believe that there will be military type tribunals to handle the case load arising from these arrests. 

     Please educate yourself to what is really taking place. The "main stream media" will lead you away from the truth and will "brain wash" you to be a "mind numbed robot" of the shadow government!

Click onto the following to learn how you may research these things for yourself. Click for it HERE.



 The American People Shall Soon Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Make Us Free! 2-17-18

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     The truth about Jesus Christ and His gospel makes us free from sin and death when we see it with the eyes of faith. Likewise, when we shall see the truth of the shadow government, the Clinton Foundation, and various treasonous and corrupt activities will make us free politically from the slave masters, the evil systems that have ruled over America, using the corrupt main stream media as their willing allies. 

     We have alternative media sources that can give you the back story. This back story will one day soon become head line news. There will be indictments, arrests, and military type tribunals to mete out justice. It will be the greatest cleansing in the history of the U.S.A.!


     Click to hear the back story and be prepared to take notes. The story will start HERE.



  Israel and Our 45th President Have Prophetic Significance

Feb. 15th 

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sanhedrin Mints Silver Half Shekel With Images of Trump and Cyrus


“Am the same who says of Cyrus,

“He is My shepherd; He shall fulfill all My purposes!

He shall say of Yerushalayim, ‘She shall be rebuilt,’

And to the Temple: ‘You shall be founded again.’” 

Isaiah 44:28 (The Israel Bible™)

In gratitude to US President Donald Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Jerusalem, the nascent Sanhedrin and the Mikdash (Temple) Educational Center are minting a replica of the silver half-shekel Biblically mandated to be donated by every Jewish male to the Temple.

The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less, than the half shekel, when they give the offering of Hashem, to make atonement for your souls.” Exodus 30:15

Rabbi Hillel Weiss, Chairman of the Mikdash & Tsion Association that initiates the Temple reenactments and represents all the Temple movements, explained that the initial motivation for the putting the image of the US president on the coin was in gratitude for his support of Israel.

“Gratitude is an important and holy trait,” Rabbi Weiss, who is also spokesman of the nascent Sanhedrin, told Breaking Israel News. “He did a great and historical deed that the Jewish People are grateful for.”

An image of President Trump will be engraved alongside an image of the ancient Persian King Cyrus, who facilitated the building of the Second Temple that ended the Babylonian Exile in 538 BCE.

(The image below is a proposed design. The actual coin may be slightly different.)



image: https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/WhatsApp-Image-2018-02-14-at-22.20.13-1024x1024.jpeg


Trump-Cyrus Silver half-shekel (Image courtesy Mordechai Persoff)


An inscription commemorating Lord Arthur Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary who issued what was dubbed the “Balfour Declaration”  that called for establishing a Jewish homeland in what was then the British Mandate of Palestine, will also appear on the face of the coin. The reverse side of the coin will be engraved with an image of the Temple.



image: https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/WhatsApp-Image-2018-02-14-at-22.29.52-1024x1024.jpeg


rebuilding the Jewish Temple.


“Cyrus and Balfour, non-Jews who played an enormously important role in Jewish history fell short and their political success suffered as a result,” Rabbi Weiss said.

“Trump’s political agenda can only succeed if it is focused on building the Third Temple on the place that God chose: the Temple Mount. He must not advance any two-state solution or this will lead to his downfall.”



Rabbi Weiss noted that Cyrus eventually gave attention to factions in his empire that opposed the Jewish people, and his dynasty suffered. Likewise, Rabbi Weiss also pointed out that Lord Balfour’s political career, one of the longest in British history, ended in failure with him resigning from the government. Balfour had partially reneged on the Balfour Declaration at the San Remo conference in 1920 when the area in the Palestine mandate that was east of the Jordan river was taken away from land to be designated for a Jewish national home.  


“President Trump cannot allow the Arabs to believe that half of Jerusalem, let alone the Temple Mount, will fall to them,’ Rabbi Weiss said. “This coin should serve as a sign of our gratitude as well as a reminder of what still needs to be done. Anyone who owns this coin is showing that he agrees with both of these aspects: the gratitude for what Trump has done and the cautionary reminder that Jerusalem is the place of the Jewish Temple.”

Mordechai Persoff who established the Mikdash Educational Center which educates Jews about the Temple through formal and experiential education, said that the Trump’s image is appropriate in light of his powerful example as a non-Jew who has assumed a role in the geula (redemption) and the building of the Temple.

“God gave us the land as part of the covenant but non-Jews have always played an important role in waking us up to return to Israel,” Persoff told Breaking Israel News.

“This can come in two manners,” he continued. “It can be a harsh reminder, as happened in Egypt with Pharaoh or in the Holocaust when the non-Jews reminded us that we needed to return to our homeland as a refuge. It can also come in a positive and  loving manner, as it did with King Cyrus and Lord Balfour.”

“This coin shows that President Trump is a positive part of the Temple process, reminding us of what the Jews need to do.”

The coin will contain at least 9.5 grams of pure silver as mandated by Jewish law, but Rabbi Weiss emphasized that the coin itself is not intended to fulfill the Biblical commandment. As a result, it is not officially sanctified and designated for use in the Temple.

“The mitzvah (Biblical commandment) is for Jewish men of specific ages to sanctify the coin to the Temple. Until the Temple is built, it is not possible to sanctify anything to the Temple,” Rabbi Weiss explained.

“This coin is intended to help in preparations for the Temple and anyone can take part in that at any time.”

Proceeds from the sale of the coin will be used in reenactments of Temple services as well as in other educational and practical endeavors that help prepare for the Third Temple. Should the need arise, the proceeds will be used for the actual building of the Temple.

The coin can be pre-ordered at the Mikdash Educational Center website.



  Military Type Tribunals For Shadow Government, Clinton Foundation Corruption!                         2-13-18

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       Slowly,  but steadily we are seeing collusion,  not between President Trump and the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton, but rather collusion between Hillary and the Obama administration, the DOJ, the FBI, FUSION GPS, a foreign agent named Christopher Steele and even  the main stream media. Hillary's bleach bitting her illegal servers, and getting the FBI director to write her exoneration two months before her FBI hearing.is part of the evil mix.   This is not to mention her illegal email activity, and what about  the collusion between the Clinton Foundation and their being involved in pay - to - play activities. It appears that what has slowly come out so far is just the tip of a growing ice berg of circumstantial evidence that shows an amazing level of corruption at the highest levels of our government and its secret investigative agencies. Couple these developements with the passing of the  Patriot Act and other post 9-11 laws that empower the government and the President to deal with treasonousness threats to our republic.  Further, we note that  some recent Presidential Executive Orders both by Obama and Trump are in place so that if more evidence comes out leading to indictments of governmental leaders, it could trigger the President ordering Military tribunals to try these cases and purge out corruption in the leedership of these agencies. 

     This corruption in agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and in the DOJ and elsewhere has allegedly been going on for a long time. Accusations of a shadow government and a deep state that is operating unconstitutionally and with corrupt bias is coming to light. We believe that step-by-step more and more of this corruption will be coming out into the light of day. The President eventually will, I believe, be forced to set up a special justice system such as military type tribunals to deal with the corruption in the U.S. shadow government. 

     Hear more about it here.



 The Clinton Foundation  Will Soon Be Judged!  2/13/18

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     The Clinton Foundation was a global charity fraud. I believe that the Obama DOJ, CIA, FBI, and even IRS knew about it. Very soon, under the leadership of this new administration, the traitorous and fraudulent activity of the Clinton Foundation and their enriching themselves with bribes from Russia for our uranium will come to the light of day. Christians, keep praying for the proper judicial proceedings to mete out real justice for the evil leaders that have been part of the illegal, unconstitutional shadow government and deep state that have been usurping and imbezzeling from our country. 


Click for more information of what has been happening right here.




   Remember This Name - BILL PRIESTAP!   2/12/18

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   Here is who I believe is the one person that will blow wide open the investigation into the corrupt FBI practices to try to bring down candidate Trump, President elect Trump, and the President Trump. This person may very well be giving the smoking gun to those that are investigating. He may be the current "Deep Throat" of this FBI - DOJ plot to bring down Donald Trump. He may well expose the criminality of FBI director Comey, DOJ head Lorretta Lynch, Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama. This man's name is Bill Priestap. 

     If I am right he may be cooperating with the investigators to protect his own freedom and finances. If so, he will bring down their whole house of cards! 



 So learn about it right here.





  Man Of The Year For Globalist Most Wanted List  2-8-18

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    George Soros is a key player in a global cabal of elitist wealthy people that want a one-world government and economy. He is a man that has interfered in  the elections in the U.S.A. He is lawless and a corrupt globalist who is bent on corrupting and undermining demorcratic governments where ever he can. He, along with other globists, are using radical islamists as their allies to terrorize and destablize democratic nations. His goal is to bring them into his kind of New World Order that will embody his socialist-fascist values. like the whore system in Revelation 13 he uses money to  buy government officials  to do  the bidding of an evil cabal of one world elites.

     Christians must be aware of this man's lawlessness and pray that he will soon be brought to justice for his crimes against humanity and the God of the Bible. The book of Revelation unfolds the coming war against these NWO elites and their coming governing and monetary system. God's anointed Son will shake them down and reign from Mount Zion in Jerusalem, Israel as Kings of kings and Lord of lords!


http://Telegraph Politics George Soros, the man who 'broke the Bank of England', backing secret plot to thwart Brexit 2164 George Soros, Founder and Chairman of the Open Society Foundation, before the start of a meeting at EU headquarters in Brussels last year George Soros, Founder and Chairman of the Open Society Foundation, before the start of a meeting at EU headquarters in Brussels last year CREDIT: OLIVIER HOSLET, POOL PHOTO, FILE, VIA AP Don't Miss Out on the Next Lithium Boom Renewable energy is one of the farthest reaching, most visible, and pressing issues facing the planet. Out of the viable contenders for t... Read more › Ad By Wallstreet News Nick Timothy Kate McCann Claire Newell Luke Heighton 8 FEBRUARY 2018 • 7:21AM George Soros, the billionaire known as the man who “broke the Bank of England”, is backing a campaign to overturn Brexit, the Telegraph can disclose. The investor is one of three senior figures linked to the Remain-supporting campaign group Best for Britain who plan to launch a nationwide advertising campaign this month, which they hope will lead to a second referendum to keep Britain in the EU. The campaign is trying to recruit major Tory donors in an attempt to undermine Theresa May. It also plans to target MPs and convince them to vote against the final Brexit deal to trigger another referendum or general election, according to a strategy document leaked from a meeting of the group. Martin Sorrell, chief executive officer of WPP Plc, poses for a photograph following a Bloomberg Television interview on the closing day of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on Friday, Jan. 26, 2018 Martin Sorrell, chief executive officer of WPP Plc, poses for a photograph following a Bloomberg Television interview on the closing day of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on Friday, Jan. 26, 2018 CREDIT: BLOOMBERG The document says the campaign, which will begin by the end of this month, must “wake the country up and assert that Brexit is not a done deal. That it’s not too late to stop Brexit”. It adds that a series of... To continue reading this article


 Onward Christian Soldiers-A Victory For God's Army!


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   I remember that politics invaded the battle field in the Viet Nam War. The U.S. military, under General Wesmorland, would take a hill or a piece of land and the politicians in Washington  D.C. would force them to give it back. This discouraged the soldier who suffered, bled, and died to win that war. 

     We,  the army of God,  have been getting encouragement in the spiritual warfare in the U.S. The Obama years saw discouraging decisions in our government. The decision by the Obama court to legalize homo sexual marriage in all 50 states was dispiriting. The Obama White House celebrating that abomination was discouraging! But with the election of Donald J. Trump new energy has been given to God's armies in local churches throughout the land. We need to march on the gates of hell, take ground from the enemy, and hold it!!

     Now a decision has been made in a key cultural and constitutional court battle in California. 


Read about it here.




                                                                                                  Christ Will Conquer All Of The Evil Conspiracies 

            Image result for photos of pastor randy bloem                                                                                                                      2-6-18


     Satan is a conspirator. He conspired to bring about the fall of the kingdom of God on earth through God's chosen mediator Adam. He was able to seize power by getting Adam to violate his covenant of works with God. Satan used Eve in his plot and it worked! Good bye garden of Eden! Good bye to our perfect planet! But God has a plan to beat Satan. He brought into the world by means of a miraculous virgin birth, a Champion, one anointed to defeat Satan. He brought in a Dragon-slayer appointed to defeat that the old serpent, the devil, that tireless conspirator. Remember,  that when Moses threw down God's rod in Egypt it became a snake. But then the magicians of Pharoah through occult powers did the same thing! However, Moses' snake ate up their snakes!    Jesus Christ is called the last Adam in the Bible. He came to live a perfect life and keep God's law-covenant perfectly. Then He would offer His perfect blood to die under the curse of the law by being nailed to a tree to free every genuine believer from the curse of God's legal covenant which we have all violated. But, remember that Satan conspired against God's anointed one. The Pharisees, the scribes, the Sadducees, and  many others conspired to defeat Him. But He is the undefeated champion of love. His kingdom will come in God's time!

     Now is God's time to judge the corrupt, Satantic, main stream media, the U.S. shadow government, and the deep state. He has chosen his anointed President to do it. The corrupt people in the global elite like George Soros and his rich global elite buddies are funding the down fall of Mr. Trump. Obama and Hillary are doing the bidding of their puppet masters as well. I believe that the recent stock market dip may well be another vain attempt by evil, anti Trump globalists to defeat President Trump and his God-given agenda for America.  Call me crazy, but I am a fool for Christ. He, the Lord Jesus Christ, will win over all the conspiracies of Satan. You had better receive Him as your personal Saviour by faith. His blood is the only thing that will keep any us of from burning with Satan and his fellow conspirators forever! (Rev. 20:14

Read more on this conspiracy theory right








Radio host Michael Savage thinks the plunge in the stock market is a deep state plot to destroy President Trump.

On Monday, the Dow Jones industrial average dropped 1,175.21 points, a small recovery from a decline that at one stage reached 1500 points.

Dow futures are indicating a 620 drop at the open of today’s session after markets worldwide plunged overnight.

While most economists say the drop is a result of a correction brought on by trepidation about rising interest rates and high inflation, radio host Michael Savage sees darker forces at work.

He said the Federal Reserve was deliberately running up interest rates as part of a scheme to sabotage Trump.

“The establishment, meaning the ‘Deep State,’ call it whatever you want, went into overdrive to destroy Trump, or try to destroy him, where he is strongest, because they couldn’t get him where they thought he was weakest.”

“So they are taking the market down. They are trying to hurt you. They are the enemies of the average American. Make no mistake about it, they are going for you! These people are so evil and so power-drunk that they’d burn the nation to the ground rather than let Donald Trump live another day in office.”

Back in May last year, Savage’s fellow radio host Alex Jones also suggested that a stock market crash would be blamed on Trump and used to derail his America-first agenda.

While Savage’s theory is highly conspiratorial, many on the right have pointed out the rampant hypocrisy amongst leftists who for an entire year claimed that good economic numbers and a soaring stock market were thanks to Obama’s policies, only to turn around and blame Trump at the first sign of trouble.







 Colluders and Corrupters Continue To Spin Even As God's Judgment Begins To Fall!                    2/5/18

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    I had heard from a former F.B.I. agent , just after the election, that there was a "soft coup" in progress involving key leaders in the F.B.I., D.O.J., the Obama administration and others in the shadow government and deep state.  Now, with the release of the Nunes Memo, his words are made even more clear. No matter how the shadow government and deep state colluders try to spin it, yet there was a "soft coup" to bring down the duly elected President of the United States. The poison fruit of the Steele Dossier and the Clinton-DNC paid for deceptive information given to the FISA judge is still growing in the Mueller investigation. That investigation was prompted by Jame's Comey's illegal leaks to his law professor friend and was launched by Rob Rosenstein right after his proposal to have Robert Mueller hired as Trump's F.B.I. director was refused. These elitists believed that they knew better than the American people who should be President. They, in the words of the "lover" of Lisa Page, Peter Strzok,  needed an insurance policy in the unllikely event that Trump was elected. The main stream media colluders continue to ignore the real story and just keep propagandizing the American people about Trump being anti F.B.I. No, he is anti Obama-Hillary corrupt collusion!!!

     But there is a God in heaven and the time of his judgment on the corrupters and colluders has COME!!! Read the following to be more educated on what is happening.

American Coup


By Daniel Greenfield

The Democrats and the media spent a week lying to the American people about the “memo.” 

The memo was full of "classified information" and releasing” it would expose “our spying methods." By “our,” they didn’t mean American spying methods. They meant Obama’s spying methods.

A former White House Ethics Lawyer claimed that the Nunes memo would undermine "national security." On MSNBC, Senator Chris Van Hollen threatened that if the memo is released, the FBI and DOJ “will refuse to share information with the House and Senate Intelligence Committees."

Senator Cory Booker howled that releasing the memo was "treasonous" and might be "revealing sources and methods" and even "endangering fellow Americans in the intelligence community."

The memo isn’t treasonous. It reveals a treasonous effort by the Democrats to use our intelligence agencies to rig an election and overturn the will of the voters.

The only two “sources” that the Nunes memo reveals are Christopher Steele, who was funded by the Clinton campaign, and a Yahoo News article, that were used to obtain a FISA warrant against a Trump associate. That Yahoo story came from Michael Isikoff, the reporter who knew about Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky but suppressed it. It was based on more leaks from Steele which the FBI and DOJ chose to ignore. Steele’s identity was already well known. The only new source revealed is Yahoo News.

No vital intelligence sources were compromised at Yahoo News. And no Yahoo News agents were killed.

The media spent a week lying to Americans about the dangers of the memo because it didn’t want them to find out what was inside. Today, the media and Dems switched from claiming that the memo was full of “classified information” that might get CIA agents killed to insisting that it was a dud and didn’t matter. Oh what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive.

On Thursday, the narrative was that the memo would devastate our national security and no one should ever be allowed to read it. By Friday, the new narrative was that the memo tells us nothing important and we shouldn’t even bother reading it. The lies change, but suppressing the memo remains the goal.

Rep. Nadler, infamous for securing pardons for Weather Underground bombers, got caught between narratives when he insisted that the memo was “overhyped,” but suggested that it “endangers national security.” "I don't think anybody will be terribly shocked by what's in the memo," he told CNN. 

And requested an emergency meeting of the House Judiciary Committee – a body he will head if Democrats win the mid-term elections. 

Calling emergency meetings is not the response to an “overhyped” and non-shocking memo.

There is no legitimately classified information in the Nunes memo. But it does endanger a number of “Americans” in the “intelligence community” who colluded with the Clinton campaign against America. 

It endangers former FBI Director Comey, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and the current FBI General Counsel Dana Boente who had previously served as the Acting Attorney General. These men and women had allegedly signed FISA applications that were at best misleading and at worst badly tainted.

The Clinton campaign had enlisted figures in the FBI and the DOJ to manipulate an election. The coup against America operated as a “state within a state” inside the United States government. 

“The political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior DOJ and FBI officials,” the memo informs us. But they did not reveal on the FISA application that their core evidence came from the Clinton campaign. Sources were certainly being protected. But they were Clinton sources.

The memo reveals that without the Steele dossier there would have been no eavesdropping on Carter Page, the Trump associate targeted in this particular case. “Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.” But the FISA application neglected to mention that its primary source had been paid by the Clinton campaign, was unverified and would continue to be unverified.

FBI Director Comey testified that he had told President Trump that the dossier was "unverified." Yet the "unverified" piece of opposition research was used as the basis for a FISA application.

As Rep. Jim Jordan noted, “FBI takes ‘salacious and unverified’ dossier to secret court to get secret warrant to spy on a fellow American, and FBI doesn't tell the court that the DNC/Clinton campaign paid for that dossier. And they did that FOUR times.”

"There's been no evidence of a corrupt evidence to obtain warrants against people in the Trump campaign," Rep. Adam Schiff insisted. That’s why he tried to block the release of the evidence.

The evidence was unverified opposition research. Its source had been paid by the Clinton campaign. Not only had Steele been indirectly working for the Clinton campaign (when he wasn’t being paid by the FBI), but he made no secret of his own political agenda to stop Trump.

"In September 2016, Steele admitted to Ohr his feelings against then-candidate Trump when Steele said he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president,” the memo informs us.

That’s former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr whose wife was being paid by an organization hired by the Clinton campaign to investigate Trump. Ohr then passed along his wife's opposition research to the FBI. The evidence couldn’t be any more corrupt than that.

Steele was passionate about Trump “not being president.” So were his handlers who ignored his leaks to the media until he “was suspended and then terminated as an FBI source for what the FBI defines as the most serious of violations—an unauthorized disclosure to the media of his relationship with the FBI.” His previous meetings, including the one that allegedly generated the Yahoo News article, were ignored.

Tainted investigations are nothing new. Law enforcement is as fallible as any other profession. But the memo reveals a snapshot of just how many top figures colluded in this corrupted and tainted effort.

What drove them to violate professional ethical norms and legal requirements in the FISA applications?

Top DOJ and FBI officials shared Steele’s “passion,” and that of his ultimate employer, Hillary Clinton, to stop Donald Trump at all costs. And they’re still trying to use the Mueller investigation to overturn the election results in a government coup that makes Watergate look like a children’s tea party,

Former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is already under investigation. He’s suspected of trying to sit on the Wiener emails until the election was over. This alleged failed cover-up triggered the Comey letter which hurt Hillary worse than a timely revelation would have. McCabe’s wife had financial links to the Clintons.  

Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates was an Obama holdover who had foolishly tried to use the DOJ to go to war with President Trump. Both Yates and Dana Boente were Obama and Holder choices. During the groundless prosecution of the former Republican governor of Virginia, Boente had declared, “No one is above the law.” We’ll see if that’s true with everyone who signed the FISA applications.

If Boente signed false or misleading FISA applications, he should be removed as FBI General Counsel.

The memo is only the first crack in the wall. But it’s grounds for an investigation that will expose the abuses that led to eavesdropping on Trump officials. And the motives of those who perpetuated them. 

Washington Post piece suggested that just releasing the memo alone would allow Mueller to charge President Trump with "obstruction of justice." That’s how badly they want to get Trump.

A clear and simple fact emerges from the memo. 

Top figures in the DOJ and the FBI, some loyal to Obama and Hillary, abused the FISA process in the hopes of influencing or reversing the results of an election by targeting their political opponents. The tool that they used for the job came from the Clinton campaign. Using America’s intelligence services to destroy and defeat a political opponent running for president is the worst possible abuse of power and an unprecedented threat to a democratic system of free open elections. 

We have been treated to frequent lectures about the independence of the DOJ and the FBI. But our country isn’t based around government institutions that are independent of oversight by elected officials. When unelected officials have more power than elected officials, that’s tyranny.  

A Justice Department that acts as the Praetorian Guard for a political campaign is committing a coup and engaging in treason. The complex ways that the Steele dossier was laundered from the Clinton campaign to a FISA application is evidence of a conspiracy by both the DOJ and the Clinton campaign. 

It’s time for us to learn about all the FISA abuses, the list of NSA unmasking requests of Trump officials by Obama officials and the eavesdropping on members of Congress. We deserve to know the truth.

The memo has been released. Now it’s time to release everything.


 Actual House Memo At This Post-See Below - More To Come!            Feb. 2, 2018

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     I am writing tonight to say that what is unfolding on Feb. 2, 2018 is the beginning of something as significant as our American Revolution under General George Washington and the Continental Congress. Read the statement about the prophetic significance of the train coming down the tracts with Republican Congressman on it and a garbage truck standing in its path. The garbage in the truck is exposed! Wow! What is God almighty saying to us through that picture?!


     Please read all that speaks to these developements in the information below!


 FISA Memo Released, Is 'A Great Awakening' Ahead For Our Country? President Trump Hints At 'Traumatic Event' Ahead As Globalists Plan Massive False Flag Attacks To Stop Rebirth Of America - Full Memo Embedded Here! 


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

While Democrats have done a face plant over the forthcoming release of the FISA memo, Monica Crowley recently joined Fox News as heard in the first video below and told us "This is the first of several memos. As bad as this memo might be, my understanding is that there is worse coming down the pike." That's right Democratswhatever we learn today from this memo, there's WORSE to come.

With twitterites getting #MemoDay trending on twitter along with #GreatAwakening, we got a great hint of where this memo is leadingfrom President Trump who tweeted this morning, slamming the top leadership and investigators of the FBI and the Justice Department, warning Americans that they have politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of Democrats and against Republicans. Also claiming that what he was witnessing was something which would have been unthinkable just a short time ago, he also reminded us that most FBI agents are great people.  

Yet we all remember, a fish rots from the head down. 


And with Nancy Pelosi recently saying that 'the memo' is just a cover-up to protect 'President Bush', (that being at least the 6th time she's called President Trump 'President Bush'), it's easy to see that 'the head' is already rotten. 

And now from the Washington Examiner we get the first peak at the contents of 'the memo' which confirms much of what independent media has been saying all along, our justice system was weaponized against President Trump in the deep states bid to get Hillary Clinton elected. The full memo is embedded at the bottom of this ANP story. From the Washington Examiner story:

The House Intelligence Committee has released its controversial memo outlining alleged abuses of secret surveillance by the FBI and Justice Department in the Trump-Russia investigation. Here are some key points

* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the initial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page. 

* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information. 

* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications. 

* DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president. 

The FBI and Justice Department mounted a monthslong effort to keep the information outlined in the memo out of the House Intelligence Committee's hands. Only the threat of contempt charges and other forms of pressure forced the FBI and Justice to give up the material.


In some amazing overlooked comments that President Trump made the day before the State of the Union we also get a look at what might be the inner workings of 'false flag events' as reported in this January 30th PBS News Hour story. Let's look at President Trump's comments in light of 9/11, Pearl Harbor and numerous other 'huge events' that have briefly unified America. Is President Trump hinting at a huge war or event ahead? He makes clear he wants to avoid it.  

Hours before his first State of the Union, President Donald Trump said Tuesday that he wants to unite the country amid “tremendous divisiveness” andhopes he can do so without a traumatic event affecting Americans

Trump spoke about creating a more united country during a lunch with a number of television news anchors. Trump said the United States has long been divided, including during the impeachment of former president Bill Clinton. Trump also said that Americans usually come together during times of suffering.

“I would love to be able to bring back our country into a great form of unity,” Trump said. “Without a major event where people pull together, that’s hard to do. But I would like to do it without that major event because usually that major event is not a good thing.” 

The president also said the country’s divisions date back to both Republican and Democratic administrations, citing the scandals that led to Clinton’s impeachment by the House in 1998. 

“I want to see our country united. I want to bring our country back from a tremendous divisiveness, which has taken place not just over one year, over many years, including the Bush years, not just Obama.” he said.


According to this new story from Mike Adams over at Natural Newswhen the FISA memo is released, watch for massive, coordinated censorship and “glitches” across Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

As we reported on Thursday on ANP after Wednesday's train crash of Republican leaders heading to a retreat in West Virginia, in this potentially dangerous time period, all eyes and ears should be open and Americans ready for anything. 

With President Trump's approval rating across the US popping up to 49% according to this new Rasmussen poll following the best State of the Union speech we'd ever heard in our lives, we get an absolutely fabulous analogy of the train crash recently shared with ANP by Steve Quayle from Pastor David Lankford.: 

  The  truck represents obstruction by sitting on the tracks to stop the Trump train. The strewn trash is the hidden secrets and dark treasures that will be revealed. The train represents the Republican Party leaving Washington to give the government back to its people. The time has come to expose the trash and the time has come to dispose of it publicly. Thus Time Disposal. That was the name of the garbage truck company that the Amtrak train struck.


We also get another hint of danger ahead from globalist warmonger Henry Kissinger who recently testified before a Senate Armed Services Committee that the temptation to carry out a preemptive attack upon North Korea is strong with the hermit kingdom nearing or already in the position of being able to deal a lethal blow to America with their nuclear program.

As residents of Hawaii found out just weeks ago, should a nuclear attack be launched, one has very little time to prepare and as Preppers Gab reports in this January 31st story titled "The Hardest Part Is Not Fleeing But Thinking, Planning, And Acting- The Golden Hour: What to Do in the First 60 Minutes of SHTF", we should all be ready for a potential 'game changer' from the globalists if indeed what we've been hearing about corruption at the highest levels ready to come crashing down is true. As Gerald Celente has long warned, "when all else fails, they bring us to war." What else might they do? 


As the Conservative Treehouse reported this morning, with the release of the memo being just the "tip of the iceberg" and just the beginning of this look into corruption at the highest levels, certainly not the end, the fact that Barack Obama quite literally weaponized the DOJ and FBI against Republicans mimics what we saw come out of his administration and their demonizing of Christians, Conservative, Patriots and Preppers among others. 

Putting millions of Americans on 'watch lists' and completely abusing the system in what many believed to be their goals of bringing America into a totalitarian, Islamic-global state as we've witnessed in Europe.  

From the IRS scandal to Bundy Ranch to Barack Obama switching sides in the war on terror and arming those who want to slaughter Christians, we've seen what happens when government agencies tend towards tyranny and while it appears that with President Trump in office, we'll get a respite from that for at least now, with the 'deep state' seemingly hell-bent upon revenge and stopping the release of horribly damaging information, we urge all be prepared for whatever is coming.  

As we hear in the 2nd video below from Lionel Nation, the #Trump #GreatAwakening is here and with future memo releases promising to bring us even more truth and the deep state more headaches, as we hear in the final video below from Infowars titled "Globalists Plan Massive False Flag Attacks To Stop Rebirth Of America", between the upcoming Super Bowl and the Olympic games in South Korea, the globalists may pull out all stops in the days and weeks ahead to complete their long-worked towards agenda. 



  Shadow Government and Deep State Quake!   2/1/18




By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

In yet another attempt to block a public release of a document which purports to show how the FBI and DOJ abused their powers and politically weaponized their agencies during the 2016 election cycle, the deep state threw a Hail Mary pass, a last ditch effort by  claiming their were "material omissions,"  in the much-talked about four-page report, not expecting that Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee David Nunes would call their bluff by publicly daring them to "make public, to the greatest extent possible, all the information they have on these abuses."

On Wednesday, the FBI issued a short statement:


The FBI takes seriously its obligations to the FISA Court and its compliance with procedures overseen by career professionals in the Department of Justice and the FBI. We are committed to working with the appropriate oversight entities to ensure the continuing integrity of the FISA process. 

With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it. As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.

The memo, which reportedly names former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who recently stepped down amidst the controversy, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and former FBI Director James Comey, is four pages of findings garnered from classified information, which would be the "material omissions." 

Nunes, instantly fired back practically daring the FBI to then provide that "material" themselves in a manner consistent with protecting sources and methods with his statement posted to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence website, titled "Nunes Statement on FBI, DOJ Objections to Release of HPSCI Memo."

“Having stonewalled Congress’ demands for information for nearly a year, it’s no surprise to see the FBI and DOJ issue spurious objections to allowing the American people to see information related to surveillance abuses at these agencies. The FBI is intimately familiar with ‘material omissions’ with respect to their presentations to both Congress and the courts, and they are welcome to make public, to the greatest extent possible, all the information they have on these abuses. Regardless, it’s clear that top officials used unverified information in a court document to fuel a counter-intelligence investigation during an American political campaign. Once the truth gets out, we can begin taking steps to ensure our intelligence agencies and courts are never misused like this again.”



It is noteworthy to offer the reminder that the FBI director and Deputy AG, attempted to prevent this memo from even being released to the full House of Representatives, when they made an unscheduled visit to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to ask him to step in and prevent the release, to which he declined to do. Ryan is now on record in support of the release of the memo, saying "Let it all out, get it all out there. Cleanse the organization."

Democrats, in an effort to protect the previous administration from the FISA abuses allegedly detailed in the memo, using America's top intelligence agencies against an opposing party's political candidate, first all voted against allowing their fellow lawmakers from seeing the memo, then all voted against releasing it to the public, and now are claiming that Nunes "altered" the doument and insisting on another House Intelligence Committee vote to release it to the public.

Nunes countered their attempt to delay the inevitable release, with a statement from his spokesperson:

"In its increasingly strange attempt to thwart publication of the memo, the Committee Minority is now complaining about minor edits to the memo, including grammatical fixes and two edits requested by the FBI and by the Minority themselves," Langer said. "The vote to release the memo was absolutely procedurally sound, and in accordance with House and Committee rules. To suggest otherwise is a bizarre distraction from the abuses detailed in the memo, which the public will hopefully soon be able to read for themselves."

Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee, knowing the release of the memo was coming, then drafted their own memo, proposed a vote on releasing it to the full House, which was passed, but at the same time tried to get them to vote on releasing theirs to the public, before it had gone through the same procedure as the original memo went through, which Republicans, who have the majority on commitee, voted against.

The White House is being quoted as saying the memo will be "released quickly," with reports indicating it could be public by Thursday or Friday, while the MSM is already pushing out Democrat talking points, with Rep. Adam Schiff, who has been the most vocal in trying to prevent the release, claiming "It ... increases the risk of a constitutional crisis by setting the stage for subsequent actions by the White House to fire (Special Counsel Robert) Mueller or, as now seems more likely, Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein," as written in an op-ed at The Washington Post. (Source - Reuters)

This gives more credence to something Rep. Trey Gowdy stated on television on Tuesday morning, when he said "My Democratic colleagues didn’t want us to find this information. They did everything they could to keep us from finding this information. I think it will be embarrassing to Adam Schiff once people realize the extent to which he went to keep them from learning any of this. That would be the embarrassment..."

Gowdy then went on to inform the public of how far Schiff actually has gone to prevent not only the public from obtaining information, but what actions he took to prevent the House Intelligence Committee from obtaining the information themselves to provide oversight, stating "I mean, going to court to help Fusion GPS so we can’t find out they paid for the dossier, and that they were working for the DNC. That’s a pretty big step to go to court to try to keep the American people from learning something. So, if it were up to Adam Schiff, you wouldn’t know about Hillary Clinton’s email. You wouldn’t know about the server. You wouldn’t know about the dossier. I do find it ironic that he has his own memo right now because if it were up to him, we wouldn’t know any of it." (H/T ZH)


More information is now coming out about Andrew McCabe, the former Deputy FBI Director, who was forced out a month before his planned retirement, just one day after FBI Director Christopher Wray viewed the FISA abuse memo, and former FBI Director James Comey, who reportedly withheld information from Congress about the Clinton emails that were found on Huma Abedin's husband, Anthony Weiner's laptop.

Text messages between two FBI officials reveal that former FBI Director Andrew McCabe waited at least a month before informing Congress or then-FBI Director James Comey about newly found emails in the Hillary Clinton email investigation during the fall of 2016 

The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that it had obtained text messages between FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page that showed McCabe knew of thousands of new emails pertaining to Clinton's private email server used at the State Department on or before September 28, 2016 — a month before Comey informed Congress about the emails on Oct. 28. 

McCabe's apparent inaction on the emails, which were found on the laptop of disgraced New York Rep. Anthony Weiner (D) during his sex crimes investigation, is the subject of an FBI inspector general investigation, which seeks to discover whether McCabe withheld the information from the public for political reasons.


RelatedSaying good-bye to Andrew McCabe

If the leak to the liberal website the Daily Beast is correct as to McCabe, Comey, and Rosenstein being implicated in FISA abuses, by obtaining a warrant to surveil Trump campaign members by using the Kremlin sourced, Steele dossier which was funded by the Clinton campaign and the DNC, that makes Rosenstein the last man standing out of those three.

As such, he would be in the crosshairs, which creates a huge mess for the DOJ, specifically in regards to the Mueller's investigation, which to date, has not produced any indictments directly related to Russia collusion with any Trump campaign team member to meddle in the 2016 presidential election, which was Mueller's main mandate. Four indictments have come through, all process crimes. Two for lying to the FBI and two for charges unrelated to the 2016 election in any way, dealing with issues that began before Donald Trump even began his presidential campaign.

This puts the DOJ in a bind. Rosenstein is directly in charge of oversight on the Mueller investigation, since AG Jeff Sessions recused himself, on the advice of the Ethics division, from Russia/election related investigations.

If Rosenstein is forced out, steps down or is terminated, someone else will have to be appointed as Mueller's watch dog.

If Rosenstein did use the Steele dossier to extend surveillance on a Trump campaign team member, that also brings into question whether the evidence that Mueller has compiled was all legally tainted under Fruit of the Poisonous Tree doctrine.

That is the best case scenario for the deep state... the worst, is that the memo provides the basis to show that the "evidence" obtained in the entire Russia investigation was manufactured as an "insurance policy" by deep state members in order to discredit an incoming president, in an attempt to overthrow a duly elected President.

Is it any wonder why the Democrats are freaking out? They spent the whole of last year screaming RUSSIA/TRUMP collusion.


Frankly when all the hoopla about the memo became public, we thought it would simply be confirmation of bias and abuses under Obama, which is what many have been asserting since the whole "Russia collusion" narrative started being pushed by members of the Obama administration, Democrats, and the media after the election. Now the level of desperation being shown on the part of the FBI, and Democrats, in their constant attempts to prevent the public from seeing the memo, indicates the information contained within, not only confirms our initial suspicions, which the MSM called "conspiracy," but could force a complete purge of deep state members, while implicating high level former Obama officials in criminal actions.

RelatedJudge Andrew Napolitano: If the GOP memo is as advertised we’ll see the deep state at its most frightening 















This Is A Call To Pray For The U.S.A.!   1-31-18

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    As a pastor in the pulpit, I have preached on Isaiah 45 and made a prophetic application of that prophecy concerning Cyrus in ancient Persia to our 45th President. I preached that I believe that he would be President before he was elected. The name, “Donald” means world leader and “The Donald” designates him as the world leader for our times. Of Cyrus, it says, “…whose right hand I have holden…” The right hand is the place of one’s power or strength. God is the strength behind Donald Trump and he has been, as was Cyrus, anointed by God to do what he is doing (Isa. 45:1).   The Lord, says, in the Bible, that He opens doors and no man can shut them. Well, the Lord opened the two-leaved gate for Cyrus and no one could stop him from carrying out God’s agenda (45:1) Many were surprised and laughed at the possibility of Donald Trump being elected our 45th President, but when the Lord opens doors or gates, no man can shut them.

     Now we come to the place in this prophecy of Cyrus (applied to Donald Trump) that I believe speaks to what is soon to occur domestically in the U.S.A.  God says, “I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight. I will break in pieces the gates of brass… (45:2)” Donald Trump ran against one of the most crooked politicians in U.S. history. Brass, in the Bible, speaks of judgment. The brazen altar was the place upon which the animal that had been judged for others was to be burned. The breaking of the gates of brass signifies carrying out God’s judgments against the systems of evil that have been controlling America and have manifested themselves worldwide.  Donald Trump, as Cyrus of old, will be used to carry out His judgments. These actions will result in making the crooked places straight. I truly believe that God has raised up Donald Trump to judge and destroy the evil, globalist control over the media in America, the legislative branch, the executive, the judiciary, the military, the CIA., FBI., the NFL, and others.

     I have heard Kevin Shipp, a C.I.A. whistle blower, giving information on what the shadow government and the deep state have been doing. He said that the creation of the CIA in 1948 by Harry Truman was the beginning of the shadow government and the military – congressional- industrial complex about which Eisenhauer warned. They, along with 17 secret agencies, have been operating unconstitutionally and have done what they want in an ever-growing mushroom of corruption.   

     I believe that President Trump has been raised up by God to bring God’s judgment upon these evil entities and their globalist overseers. On October 20th, 2017, President Trump signed an executive order to recall retired military people to active duty. Keep in mind that, in the case of military tribunals against enemies of our constitutional republic, military officers are needed to sit in judgment of such trials. I have reason to believe, based on the testimony of Kevin Shipp, a former protector of the C.I.A. director, that, under Donald Trump, there has been a raid on the C.I.A. to seize evidence of serious crimes by elected and unelected government personnel. This raid took place on November 18, 2017 at the C.I.A. Headquarters in Langley, Virginia.  I heard that Kevin Shipp called this raid the largest law enforcement action in the history of America. The evidence found will involve foreign and domestic enforcement. I was given to understand that the President called this a national emergency. He has the power to invoke the clause in the constitution where he is sworn to protect the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.

     The President had ordered the raid which was carried out by a Marine expeditionary force unit using tilt rotor aircraft. This is the same President that wanted to bring into the sunlight the classified information about the Kennedy assassination. Remember that America’s shadow government has, through agencies such as the C.I.A., been involved in assassinations of government leaders. Former FBI Hal Turner reported, “Trump is seizing and arresting the rogue elements of the CIA that plan to kill him.” After this raid, a record number of sealed indictments have appeared on U.S. District Court Dockets. The existence of so many sealed indictments may mean that LARGE groups of federal officials – perhaps including elected officials- are facing mass arrests over many corruption related activities such as “pay to play,” by the Clinton Foundation, the Uranium One Scandal, and pedophile rings connected to high government officials, and other crimes. We believe that these arrests could bring civil unrest by a public that has been propagandized by a main stream media that has been controlled by the shadow government and the deep state. Further, the President signed an Executive Order on December 21, 2017 blocking the property of persons involved in serious human rights abuse or corruption. Don't expect the main stream media to cover these stories or the true story of the memo voted out of the House judiciary that will, likely, point to FISA warrant abuses by high ranking FBI officials as well as the DOJ. Kevin Shipp says that the main stream media is given their talking points from the shadow government(CIA) from the source of the global elites that have the financial control of them. The people that are wise should not listen to them. One great alternative is to follow Sean Hannity at 9 p.m. Eastern as he is uncovering corruption in the shadow government and the deep state. The President’s tweets are also valuable and are hated by the shadow government and their globalist leaders.

     I am calling on God’s people to be wise and to pray for the minimization of the civil unrest, as the Lord uses his elected President, to purge out the shadow government and deep state enemies to our U.S.A. and its constitution. The five living previous Presidents have united together to criticize the current President. I am speaking of Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barak Obama.  I believe the reason for their united criticism is because they, unlike Donald Trump, are puppets of the shadow government and the globalist cabal. These men show that they have been deeply involved in the corruption and deception of the shadow government. I believe that God will protect and give help to President Trump to bring to justice many corrupt individuals that have been destroying the greatness of America.  But you and I must intercede in Jesus name for the continued postponement of Satan’s planned one world government!


        Tick Tock Goes God's Judgment Clock!   1-30-18

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      In reading the news below, let me say that I see what is happening as part of God's plan for our anointed President. I believe that Donald J. Trump has been raised up by God to judge the systems of evil that have controlled America with the collusion of  Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush, Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton. Through the raid on the CIA at Langley on November 18th, evidence was gathered by the Trump administration to make 10,000 arrests of many high ranking people. This will result in the need for military type tribunals on an international basis. We need to pray as the Trump administration moves to arrest these evil doers and the propagandized U.S. welfare dependant population freaks out. The Lord will bring us through to an incredible time of freedom and prosperity. We will be able to take the gospel world wide! Keep praying and you will come through. Stay with our God, raised up President!!

Benjamin Fulford Full Report: 10,000 Sealed Indictments to Take Down Khazarian Mob

eol newsU.S. President Donald Trump spent the weekend at Camp David with his top generals to map out the exact strategy for decapitating the Khazarian mafia worldwide, say Pentagon sources. “The Atlanta airport was shut down while the Department of Defense refused to disclose the locations of 44,000 U.S. troops who may be involved in terminating the cabal worldwide,” a senior Pentagon source said. There are now close to 10,000 sealed indictments as more and more of the Khazarian criminals give up evidence on their colleagues, the sources say.

There are also many extra-judicial killings going on. “The liberal sanctuary city mayor of San Francisco, Edwin Lee, dropped dead after an illegal alien was found not guilty in the murder of Kate Steinle even after his confession,” one source notes. “Lee’s death is a message to the Democrats and sanctuary city mayors like Rahm Emmanuel of Chicago and Bill De Blasio of New York City,” the source warns.

The Khazarian mob is also killing off lots of people. In Japan, two former executives of Toshiba, Atsutoshi Nishida and Taizo Nishimura, suddenly died in the past two months because they were about to provide evidence about the March 11, 2011 Fukushima tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan, according to sources close to the royal family.

This attack was carried out by henchmen of the Rockefeller family, whose members include Hillary and Bill Clinton, the sources say. The Rockellers, in turn, were taking orders from the fascist P2 Freemason lodge, they say. The Rockefeller family, by the way, has elected Mel Rockefeller, the son of Nelson Rockefeller, as the new family head, these sources added.

In Canada, Barry Sherman, owner of the Canadian pharmaceutical giant Apotex, was found hanging dead alongside his wife Honey by the family’s indoor pool. According to CIA sources, Sherman was … killed to cover up an evidence trail leading to the Clinton Foundation and their crimes in Haiti. “We have a classified document involving the Clinton Foundation and a pharmaceutical company from Canada that was to supply generic drugs for the people of Haiti. The point is that they were going to supply inferior-quality generic medicine and pocket the difference in price,” the CIA source says.

In any case, no matter how many potential witnesses are bumped off, the situation has reached a point where the Khazarians will not be able to murder their way out.

The December 12th Senatorial election in Alabama, for example, was a sting operation against the Khazarians, Pentagon sources say. “Senator Roy Moore was allowed to have his election stolen in Alabama so Trump could collect voting data to take down the Soros organization, the Democrats, and the cabal for vote fraud,” the sources say. “Three poll workers have been arrested already,” they note.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is next to join a growing list of politicians who are resigning in the ongoing purge of the House and Senate, the sources add. Senator John “Daesh” McCain is also apparently wanting to leave this world before his many crimes are made public.

John McCain described as increasingly frail, Senate sources say

Even the brainwashed propaganda media is beginning to realize that something is going on when they see Hillary Clinton’s “surgical boot” (hiding a GPS ankle bracelet) staying on long after it should have been removed if the official excuse of a broken toe were true. No doubt some lame excuse will be given and the still-brainwashed segment of the population will accept it.


The people who still believe the cabal’s story line are like the people in the joke about a man who was told his wife was cheating on him. In the joke, he hires a detective to confirm his wife’s innocence. The detective comes back and says, “She met with another man in the street and they entered a hotel together.” The husband asks, “Did you see them enter a room together?” The detective says, “Yes.” “Did you see what went on inside the room?” the husband asks. “Yes, I peeked through the keyhole and saw them on the bed together,” the detective answers. “Were they covered with a blanket?” the husband asks. The detective says, “Yes” to the man. He asks, “Did you see under the blanket?” and the detective says, “No.” “In that case you cannot prove she was cheating,” the husband says.

The husband does not want to face reality because it would upset his entire worldview, and in the same way, the brainwashed people will cling to the lamest excuses to avoid reality. Similarly, if the Clinton people explain the cast is still on because of “complications,” people in denial will go with this story rather than accept that she has been arrested.

Nonetheless, we are reaching the point where even these people will be forced to face reality. The entire FBI and Justice Department network that tried to protect Hillary Clinton from prosecution is also being systematically exposed and dismantled. The link here provides a good visual summary:


Now even the corporate media is being forced to accept that the so-called “Islamic State” was a CIA creation. This is coming out now because the November 18th U.S. military raid on the CIA has shut down Operation Mockingbird and the corporate media is being forced to report the truth.


A clear sign of how unusual the times we are living in have become is that former U.S. Corporation President Barack Obama is seeking and apparently getting political asylum in England.


What this shows, together with the fact that Donald Trump is not welcome in the UK, is that the Anglo-Saxon world is split between bloodline-controlled England and the anti-bloodline Gnostic Illuminati-ruled Republic of the United States of America.

This situation is likely to come to a head of sorts in January as an informal Anglo-Chinese alliance tries to bankrupt the U.S. internationally, based on its cumulative trade deficit and its inability to pay for the goods it imports with real money.

The U.S. will respond with threats of war. This will appear in the news in the form of U.S. sabre-rattling against North Korea, as it yet again wields the all-out nuclear war card in an attempt to extort more money. The Chinese are preparing to call the U.S. bluff this time, as can be seen by its government warning its people to prepare for nuclear war as it conducts military drills near Taiwan and North Korea.




The Chinese and British want the creation of a world government in order to ensure a peaceful and law-based planet, Asian secret society sources say. In the absence of some sort of compromise with the U.S. military government, there will be financial chaos even if war is avoided.

The current financial system is dysfunctional and only serves as a way to funnel privately owned central bank funny money to the super-rich via the stock market. This means of distributing money has pushed financial markets away from reality, and reality always will prevail, no matter how hard you try to avoid it. The Boston Consulting Group surveyed 250 top institutional investors who together manage over $500 billion in funds and found them to be the most pessimistic they have been since the Lehman shock of 2008.


Hopefully, a new transparently and meritocratically run financial system will be launched, but we may need to go through the chaotic collapse of the old system before this is possible. We will find out in the new year.

On a final and personal note, Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center will be speaking at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan on December 20th. Cooper had one of my books banned for being “anti-Semitic.” When I asked him what in my book was “anti-Semitic,” he said that I wrote that U.S. President George Bush Jr. was responsible for the deaths of many civilians in Iraq. Bush is supposed to be an evangelical Christian, and the information on the deaths of civilians in Iraq came from the medical journal Lancet. So here we have a supposed Jew banning a book written by a person with Jewish ancestry that is denouncing genocide by a non-Jew because it is “anti-Semitic.” How hypocritical can you get? Poor Mr. Weisenthal must be spinning in his grave.

According to officials at Tokuma Shoten Publishing, the Weisenthal Center paid bribes to editors to place misleading newspaper ads for my book. This then led to a complete ban of all advertising for all of my books in newspapers and other ad venues, no matter what their content. This is typical of what they do to writers worldwide and is a part of their control grid in Japan and elsewhere. In the U.S., the Department of Homeland Security froze the bank accounts of entire publishing companies to prevent them from publishing my books in English.

Cooper and his Jewish mafia buddies also pay rent-a-mob right-wingers to do things like attack ethnic Korean shopping districts in order to keep South Korea and Japan fighting each other, according to members of these groups.

The man is a criminal and belongs in jail. If Cooper is arrested, he will sing like a canary about the entire Khazarian mafia control grid in Japan and elsewhere. He will also explain exactly how the Khazarian mafia runs North Korea. I would be very happy if some MP’s showed up at the event and arrested him. Take him to Guantanamo and make him sing.
















Tick Tock - Judgment Upon The Corrupt DNC, Clinton Foundation, Deep State, and Dirty FBI Cops Is To Explode Into Public View!!!   1/11/18       


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January 10, 2018

Schumer's 'Six Ways To Sunday' Threat Against President Trump Backfires As Deep State Members Continue To Fall One By One

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Everything we have witnessed over the last year, from the leaks to the press by the intelligence community, to the revelations that members of the FBI and DOJ were actively setting up an "insurance policy" before the presidential election in the event that Donald Trump won, was predicted by Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, when he told Rachel Maddow "Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you," in reference to Trump, when he was President-elect, criticizing the intelligence community.

Brief Recap: That was a direct threat geared toward warning the president-elect that the deep state would come after him, and we see from recently revealed text messages uncovered by the Office of Inspector General, between FBI agent Peter Strzok, and his supposed mistress FBI lawyer Lisa Page, that Strzok, Page and their "team" had been actively working to help Hillary Clinton get elected, while taking out an "insurance policy" in the event that Donald Trump won the election. It has even been admitted that "insurance policy" was the whole Russia investigation.

Strzok was also Chief of the Counterespionage Section during the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email server, worked under former FBI director James Comey, and took part in the revisions of the wording for Comey's statement recommending that Clinton not be prosecuted, with now publicly known edits showing the term "grossly negligent" was changed to "extremely careless," in order to rig the outcome of the FBI investigation, in an apparent attempt to help get Clinton elected.

Strzok and Page's text messages made it clear they had an extreme anti-Trump bias, and were pro-Clinton, and that they held at least one meeting in the office of Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe to discuss a "path" to prevent Trump from being elected.



Now that we are caught up, some recent reports show that Strzok and Page weren't just attempting to plot a Clinton win and Trump loss, while taking out insurance in case Trump won, by actively pre-planning the Russia probe, with the help of Comey, who admitted in front of Congress he deliberately arranged to have information leaked to the press in order to kick-start a special counsel investigation, in which he was successful at accomplishing.

That was the insurance policy and we now also know that a significant number of people that were chosen to be on special counsel Robert Mueller's team, have been reassigned, demoted, terminated or have announced plans to retire.

Recent reports indicate that Strzok and Page were also actively leaking information to the press, as more texts have been revealed by  John Solomon over at The Hill:

In one exchange, FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and bureau lawyer Lisa Page engaged in a series of texts shortly before Election Day 2016 suggesting they knew in advance about an article in The Wall Street Journal and would need to feign stumbling onto the story so it could be shared with colleagues.

“Article is out, but hidden behind paywall so can’t read it,” Page texted Strzok on Oct. 24, 2016.

“Wsj? Boy that was fast,” Strzok texted back, using the initials of the famed financial newspaper. “Should I ‘find’ it and tell the team?”

The text messages, which were reviewed by The Hill, show the two FBI agents discussed how they might make it appear they innocently discovered the article, such as through Google News alerts.

“I can get it like I do every other article that hits any Google News alerts, seriously,” Strzok wrote, adding he didn’t want his team hearing about the article “from someone else.”

Another example where the language makes it clear that the agents were actively talking to the press.

“Sorry, Rybicki called. Time line article in the post (sic) is super specific and not good. Doesn’t make sense because I didn’t have specific information to give.”

A few days earlier Strzok texted Page about another new article, suggesting it was anti-FBI. “Yep, the whole tone is anti-Bu. Just a tiny bit from us,” he wrote.

Page texted she had seen the article. “Makes me feel WAY less bad about throwing him under the bus to the forthcoming CF article,” she texted. Congressional investigators are still trying to determine what the “CF article” reference means and who the agents thought they were trying to throw “under the bus.”

RelatedLisa Page and Peter Strzok – Media Manipulation/Leaks at McCabe’s Direction?

It is important to remember that the DOJ has 27 ongoing criminal leak investigations going, and that the Office of Inspector General, who has been investigating the behavior of the FBI and DOJ in advance of the 2016 elections, since January 2017,  is expected to release over a million documents to Congress by mid-January 2018. In fact, it was the Inspector General's investigation that has revealed the anti-Trump bias, the text messages between Strzok and Page, the fact that Andrew Weissmann, a DOJ employee that is now Mueller's deputy also has an extreme anti-Trump bias, and that associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr had not disclosed the fact that he had meetings with Fusion GPS, the company that produced the unverified and largely discredited Kremlin sourced Trump dossier. Ohr's wife Nellie, also was being paid by Fusion GPS.

Ohr was demoted from his position as associate deputy attorney general, and as of reports from Tuesday January 9th, 2018, he is no longer leading the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force either.

At the time of his demotion, DOJ officials told Fox News that Bruce Ohr had been "wearing two hats," and would fall back to his other title and portfolio – as head of OCDETF. 

Now, Ohr has been stripped of that role as well; former deputy director Thomas Padden is now acting director. It is unclear where Ohr has landed, only that he is still an employee with the Department of Justice.

All this from the OIG investigation, one that hasn't even concluded, and before the 1.2 million documents have been released to Co 




  Watch For The Number Fifty And Seventy To Factor In Israel  12/29/17


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     In December of 1917 the British General, Allenby, marched into and liberated Jerusalem from the Ottoman Turks. Fifty years later in 1967 the Israeli Defense Forces liberated Jerusalem from their Islamic, Arab enemies during the six day war. Now in December 2017, one hundred years after Allenby's liberation of Jerusalem and fifty years after the I.D.F. liberated it, President Trump has just declared that the city of Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and that we will move our embassy to that city.  The number fifty is significant, because that is the number of the years in the Israeli Jubilee year. During the Jubilee, God declared that there is the right of return, that is, there is to be a returning of such things as lands and houses back to their original owners. 

     Keeping the above in mind, Israel became a nation in the spring of 1948 after thousands of years of being occupied by foreign powers. Israel becoming a nation again among the nations of the world in 1948 is an awesome work of God and is a super sign that the end of this world's system is near. 2018 will be seventy years since Israel became a nation again.  The nation was in captivity for seventy years until Cyrus degreed their return. Also, from the time of the teaiing down of the temple in 586 BC. until its rebuilding in 516 B.C. was also 70 years. We should be watching for a full return of the promise land, not just the land alloted by the U.N. in 1947 and declared as their borders by Israel in 1948, but the land promised by God to Abraham in Genesis. 

     There are two prophesied wars that could accomplish the above scenerio. One is an attack on the Iranian nuclear sites spoken of by the prophet in Jeremiah 46. For this attack, keep in mind that the Trump administration has spoken out strongly against the Iranian nuclear deal made under the Obama administration.  The other one is a Mid East war that involves the Arab nations that surround Israel today and are hostile against Israel. That war is spoken of in Psalm 83. We should be watching for these two big events and for Isael's promised land, possessed under David and Solomon to be accomplished in the near future.



  Trump Makes History With His Jerusalem Declaration! 12-11-17

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     1917, 1967, 2017 are fifty years apart and the years between each of these dates  are the number of years that must elapse for a new year of Jubilee to occur. We are in the last month of 2017 and the declaration of Donald Trump is another big event. Could you see something even bigger before January 1st? We continue to watch, work, and wait for the coming kingdom of our Lord and Saviour. We are aware of the stage setting that is taking place prior to the curtain of Daniel's 70th week being lifted up. 

     Read the article below to see the declaration that Donald Trump just made.


President Donald Trump addressing the United Nations Sept. 19, 2017 

WASHINGTON – While Muslims jeer, Israelis cheer President Trump’s Jerusalem declaration, prompting Jewish religious activists to suggest building the Third Temple is closer to reality than ever before.

“What he did … was an enormous step in bringing the Temple,” said Asaf Fried, official spokesman for the United Temple Movement, an association of organizations working towards making the Third Temple a reality.

He added, “This necessarily had to come from a non-Jew in order to bring them into the process, so they will be able to take their part in the Temple.”

Fried sees Trump’s role similar to the one played by Cyrus, the Persian king who ended the Babylonian exile and helped build the Second Jewish Temple.

“There have been amazing advances towards bringing the Temple this year. It was clear that Trump was part of that process, guided by Hashem (God),” Fried declared.

Thank President Trump for declaring Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel and all his accomplishments during his first year


Quoting from the opening words of the book of Lamentations, in a reference to Jerusalem, Glick noted that once Jeremiah had wept, crying “How deserted lies the city, once so full of people! How like a widow is she, who once was great among the nations!”

 But the rise of the state of Israel, coupled with Trump’s declaration, have now changed all that, Glick suggests: “So, Mister Jeremiah, I’m sending you a WhatsApp: ‘Jerusalem is no longer alone like a widow. Jerusalem is recognized as the capital of the Jewish People.'”

Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman for the nascent Sanhedrin, was cautiously optimistic.

“One year ago, the Sanhedrin called on Trump to build the Temple as Cyrus did 2,000 years ago,” Weiss said. “He has clearly moved in this direction but there is still a long way to go and many pitfalls that could prevent that from happening. Trump is facing enormous political pressures. The borders of Jerusalem are still open to negotiation. The Temple Mount is still not a settled issue and the United Nations is working hard at trying to convince the world the Jews have no place there. If Trump is to succeed, the Jews have to come together in unity in order for him to remain strong.”

Why are evangelicals so thrilled about Trump’s Jerusalem declaration? Find out in Joseph Farah’s “The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians and the End of the Age.”

Yakov Hayman, the United Temple Movement chairman, also saw Trump’s statement as part of a major shift in modern history for Israel and the Jewish people.

He said, “1917 was the Balfour Declaration establishing Israel for the nations, 2017 was Trump’s declaration.”

“When Jews and non-Jews go up en masse, the Temple is inevitable,” Hayman added. “The people of Israel are returning to their roots while simultaneously the non-Jews of the world are realizing the authenticity of our claim to the Temple Mount and our right to build a Jewish Temple as a House of Prayer for All Nations. These processes are codependent. It depends on the Jews, our actions, but the non-Jews are an essential part of the process. Our task is to act as priests to make the whole world holy,” Hayman said, citing verse 19:6 in the Book of Exodus: “And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.”

He added: “That will only happen in a Temple in Jerusalem,” he emphasized. “The next step, the most important step, must be taken by the Jews. We need to begin going up to the Temple Mount is massive numbers. Once we do that, the Temple is the next inevitable step.”

Glick sad: “Just as I’ve said that the State of Israel is a miracle, one of the greatest of miracles, it seems to me that the fact that hundreds of millions of people, Christians, recognize Israel, is another stage in the miracle.”

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“There is something very special and holy in Trump,” added Hayman. “Sometimes, he appears coarse and not connected to religion, but every time he addresses the nation he speaks about God. Last night, he said his motivation for recognizing was Jerusalem was because it was the right thing to do. That is precisely how a leader guided by God should speak.”


Jubilee For The Land and Nation Of Israel! Dec. 6th, 2017

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 The following message is taken from brother George who ministers in Israel and is quoted word for word from his Worthy Briefs website:



Ps. 121:4 "Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep."

As U.S. President Donald Trump prepares to announce Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, it comes at a historical time as it will be 100 years (2 Jubilee cycles) nearly to the day when Jerusalem was liberated from the Ottoman Empire by the British in 1917. And in 1917, when the British entered into Jerusalem, it was 400 years (8 Jubilee cycles) to the day of when the Turks initially entered Jerusalem in 1517. So this month will mark 500 years (10 Jubilee Cycles) since the Ottomans first captured the holy city. Historically, it will also mark 50 years (1 Jubilee Cycle) since Jerusalem was liberated in the Six Days War in 1967. 

We're living in a unique time in history, as once again Israel finds herself surrounded by enemies with few friends willing to stand with her. So often we are asked, and we wonder, how things will turn out ... we've found it's usually foolish to try and predict; but one thing is absolutely certain; the God of Israel is watching over this tiny nation!

I want to share a brief history lesson about the liberation of Jerusalem. Early in 1917, John Hilton, a mechanic in the British Royal Flying Corps, attended church one Sunday morning. Noticing Hilton's uniform, a clergyman approached and told him, having read Isaiah 31, he believed that airplanes would be used by the English air force to deliver Jerusalem into British hands. He was right...but only partly...

Months later, General Allenby was seeking advice from London as he prepared to liberate Jerusalem from 400 years of Turkish rule. He received a wire from London. The wire quoted Isaiah 31:4-5, "For thus hath the LORD spoken unto me, Like as the lion and the young lion roaring on his prey, when a multitude of shepherds is called against him, he will not be afraid of their voice, nor abase himself for the noise of them: so shall the LORD of hosts come down to fight for mount Zion, and for the hill thereof. As birds flying, so will the LORD of hosts defend Jerusalem, defending also he will deliver it; and passing over he will preserve it."

After receiving the wire, Allenby called for planes to fly low over Jerusalem, dropping leaflets warning the Turks of his coming. When the Turks picked up the leaflets and read the name Allenby, they heard, "Allah en Nebi", which, in Arabic, means “Prophet of Allah”, so they surrendered Jerusalem without firing a shot! A tenth century Islamic poet with which they were familiar, had written, “The man who will conquer Jerusalem and redeem it from the infidel for all time to come will enter the Holy City humbly on foot, and his name is God's prophet.” In respect for the city of his savior's death and resurrection, Allenby dismounted his horse and walked into Jerusalem on foot. The liberation of Jerusalem took place the first day of Chanukah, the feast of dedication, in 1917.